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燕赵都市报记者马利 文/图 Yanzhao metropolis daily reporter marley text/diagram  1月16日下午,南方科技大学校长朱清时浓雾中造访石家庄。由于最近一直忙于招生宣传,这位略显瘦削的67岁老人成了“空中飞人”,以至于在与部分学生家长及媒体见面时,深邃的眼神都透着疲惫。“大家要认真了解南科大,你就会发现在南科大度过4年时光,一定会成为你一生中引以为骄傲的岁月。”朱清时让记者代为转达给考生的话,显示出他对于南方科技大学的自信,而记者也得以体味这位大学校长对当今教育的一些思考。 In the afternoon on January 16,,The President of the university of science and technology in the fog zhu qingshi to shijiazhuang.Due to the recent recruitment of students propaganda has been busy,The slightly angular 67 - year - old became"Flying trapeze",In that part of students and parents and media when they meet,Deep eyes through all tired."We should get down to the south university,You will find in the south through the university four years time,In your life will be proud of proud of years."Zhu qingshi let reporters to convey to the word,Show him to the south university of science and technology of confidence,And the reporter also is able to appreciate the President of the university education in some of the thinking.

  创新能力是一种天赋 Innovation ability is a kind of talent


Has been a lot of people believe in"Diligence redeems stupidity",In the recruitment problems,Zhu qingshi but think more of talent,Because he need imagination/Critical thinking ability/insight/A lot of attention is innate.


ask:South university to recruit what kind of student?


a:South university need talent,More specifically,High school master comprehensive knowledge,Have the ability of critical thinking/Rich imagination/insight/attention/memory.


ask:High school students how to improve the innovation ability?


a:Innovation ability is a kind of talent,And although the day after tomorrow also have relations,But need a long time of training to just go,So not preparing for the college entrance exam time assault can do it.


Last question,7 minutes,Students write on the paper from 1 to 300 the 300 number.This topic specific goals,Measuring the attention of students.Because the time is controlled wrote was very tired,If attention bad people,At this time to head the things and the attention is not the same,Will the lack of concentration.But this is not to want to learn just learned,This thing and physical quality related,Talent is long-term ten twenty years training results.so,This gift test,Don't need assault middle school stage of any knowledge.

  低水平教育才关心就业 Low level education just care about employment


In the college students' employment difficult background,Employment is more concerned about the parents of the actual problem.


ask:Have students employment have plan?


a:this(Refers to the students after graduation the employment problem)In fact is the low level of education to concern,A high level of education is the cultivation of innovative talents,It does not exist the employment problem,Innovative talents themselves can create employment opportunities.Such as Bill Gates,University just one year dropped out,Don't need to think about this question,He created a new industry.So I am of the opinion:Students' employment difficult,Education itself is actually a problem,Not cultivate students' innovation ability,Also did not give the students well.

  大学去行政化道路漫长 University to the administrative road is long


University to the administrative,In recent years has been filed,Had but little.this,Zhu qingshi think,This will need at least a generation more efforts to complete.


ask:Higher education is the most short???????


a:The first is the spirit of striving for excellence.University is an academic institution,Everyone should make concerted effort to the pursuit of excellence,The academic to get better and better.Higher education is now the disease is the spirit of striving for excellence has been pushed the secondary position,And the center position is the pursuit of power.The big officer who,The great power of who,Who's the boss,The administrative is from this and come.The atmosphere of the security administration in the middle,The school may not do good.


It is difficult to go to the security administration,Because the idea is many people's ideas,Want to change this kind of idea,Need to do more than a generation.China has been fully into the administrative organs,According to the mode of administrative units,Who's the boss who big officer.In colleges and universities is supposed to be a academic institutions,By the pursuit of excellence to promote school running,But now to promote school running is power.Go to the administrative is like"fixing"Just start,Few people realize the importance of this matter.If another 30 years,I am sure I will be accepted for the new generation,The idea is also very easy to change.

  大学校长坚持己见不容易 The President of the university is not easy to insist on your opinion


For a university college spirit,Shape to a university and how to choose the road,Largely decide in a university President and representative personalities.this,Zhu qingshi think,The President of the university is not easy to insist on your opinion.


ask:As a university President,Do you think,How in the numerous environment to find a correct way of running education and stick to it?


a:In fact many university President know where the right way,But they did not insist on it,Because it takes a lot of courage,Also need a lot of concentration.I often give an example,Many university President is like a group of people to take the train,Suddenly found that the train the wrong direction.This time,But few people dare to get off.Because you get off,Everyone will think that you are just a loner.Don't get off?,Because everyone is so,Don't mistake on you.But you get off,All the responsibility must be you to bear,And out of the car is not going in the right direction.so,There are few university President to do odd things.For instance in the university enrollment and a new campus park,Many university President all understand,Teachers in the absence of rising,The scale of the enrollment will make teaching level down.
