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晶报记者 李果/文、图
Crystal news reporter LiGuo/text/diagram
It claims to the parents of the students complain the principal business degree profit by millions,Originally promised to accept the interview ZhangChengSen pearl primary school principals"Break an appointment",But on phone admitted that took the parents donation fee,5% of the parents procedure is not complete.Nanshan district education bureau announced the results of the survey said the donation fee is charged by,Will further investigation,And according to the results of the survey to the principal and the relevant person in charge of disciplinary action.In the face of the results of the survey,There are still some parents questioned.
学校收的是捐赠费, The school will be the donation fee,
采取家长自愿原则 Take parents voluntary principle
yesterday,Crystal report will claim to pearl elementary school students parents' net friend online trading post say school grade one degree/Many school leadership from the profit on the report,Citizens in the cause of hot debate,As the competent units of nanshan district education bureau is also the first time investigating.Yesterday morning,The reporter comes to nanshan district education bureau to understand the results of the survey.
The bureau spokesman/Deputy director ZhouXinSen when accepting a reporter to interview said,Station in 3 days afternoon to see out on the network[Shenzhen nanshan district pearl primary school principals sell degree to earn a little extra cash]After a penny saved is a very seriously,Immediately sent by the bureau discipline inspection commission secretary/ShenJiKe departments of a combination of the special investigation group to pearl primary school were investigated.After the preliminary investigation,That pearl elementary school do have offering for the donation fee.
How many parents made"Donation fee"?School collect donation fee is reasonable?In the net in the post,Parents question pearl primary plan recruit students 184 people,The enrollment of more than 260 people,Many out of this part of the student is because parents made"Donation fee"Just to change degree?
ZhouXinSen explanation says,First of all to distinguish a little,The school will be the donation fee,Not be degree fee.Donation fee is to take the parents on the principle of voluntary participation,But also to fill in a voluntary donation documents,The money will turn over to the finance to the area,District education bureau is approved.Through the investigation to verify,Pearl primary school the charge in 47 a parents' donation fee,A total of 348000 yuan for the endowment money,Most parents donated 15000 yuan,At least also donated 5000 yuan.The money has entered the nanshan district finance part,In some school finance department.He also explain,Donation fee by parent voluntary donations,And there are no force,And each name parents must deal with formalities of donation,A donation receipt acknowledgement of receipt.
周末学校财务放假 The weekend off school finance
才没有单据 Did not document
Does each voluntary donation of parents have documents?In the net post of parents said,In the school to say to want to spend money to buy degree,He also consulting a lot of other parents,Get the answer is money is make financial,But financial does not open any receipt and proof of money.Some parents directly into the principal assistant wang and the dean of admissions DingZhiBo there,The same does not open any receipt and proof of money.
ZhouXinSen said,Parents do exist individual donation procedures incomplete problem,This is because weekend school financial don't go to work/The teacher did not collecting documents.After investigation and verification,Preliminary results for only two or three parents procedures not perfect.District education bureau of investigation team did not find the headmaster exist pocketed phenomenon,Also found no related working personnel bootleg degree problem.
ZhouXinSen said,According to the preliminary education enrollment plan,Pearl elementary school recruits only have four classes/More than 180 students,But then see qualified applicants more students,And the school also reflect can't satisfy the demand of school-age children learn,So bureau approval to increase the two classes."Originally comes out more qualified students will adjust to the nearby school,But parents want to put the child in the school,This is the high quality degree nervous and parents hope children came near to the entrance of the situation.Part of the parents want to adjust to the school,But increase the recruit students must by education bureau approval approval,The principal shall not be entitled to decide.So donation fee by parent voluntary donations,And no one forced,Don't and degree hook."ZhouXinSen told reporters.
捐赠费用于 Donation fee in
专项拨款和奖励教学 Earmarks and reward teaching
Parents make after donation,The donation fee what will use in where?The question for parents,ZhouXinSen said,The school received the donation fee will hand over to the financial department,Then the financial department in the money to the school teaching situation of earmarks and reward.
校长:电话承认收捐赠费 The principal:Telephone admitted that the donation fee
3,,Reporter when ZhangChengSen contact pearl primary school principals,The other party made it clear that 4 work time welcome media to understand the situation,But yesterday the reporter comes to pearl elementary school,But security on the guard house,ZhangChengSen break an appointment will not meet with reporters.When the journalist again dial the phone,ZhangChengSen admitted that schools have collect donation fee behavior,Made a donation fee of 95% of parents for a donor procedures,But there are 5% of parents procedure is not complete.In a telephone call in,ZhangChengSen not specifying the number of donation,He also said he just to pearl primary school a year,The previous school have the donation fee is not clear;In addition it has by the district bureau of investigation,You don't convenient reply.
It is reported,In April this year,City bureau of education issued[Shenzhen bureau of implementation of the "management obligation education stage school fees of the eight measures > plan],Stop and tie the entrance fee to donate and illegal behavior.Nanshan district education bureau deputy director ZhouXinSen when accepting a reporter to interview said,As shenzhen education funds to increase,Seldom received about school collect donation fee complaints.He stressed that,In the event that collect donation procedures incomplete cost,All parents to repel,Parents to donate to repel the proposed cost requirements,Can also be carried out to repel.District education bureau has oblige the principal public inspection,And according to the results of the survey to the principal and the relevant responsible persons disciplinary action;At the same time,District education bureau will intensify the school donation and charges the behavior of the inspection efforts,Put an end to chaos behavior,Find and together together.
家长:什么名义都是卖学位的变种 parents:What is the name of the variant sell degree
"Registered have 47 people,That how many other not registered it?And have surrendered to buy degree money who dare to go to?How can children later in this school in school!"In the face of the results of the survey,Many parents the author puts forward his own ideas.They also pointed out that,Pearl primary school grade one at the first list is published in June,Expanding class list but only announced in August,The two months to the school is undoubtedly made the opportunity,Early not short-listed parents heard that money can buy degree,Who will not take the child future kidding,Whether the money is what name,This is a variant of the business degree.
In the face of the parents' question,ZhouXinSen said,The two months time is mainly to prepare arrangement of our school classrooms,Because school after enrollment,Can only use the existing function room for reconstruction,To arrange in the new class.As for the school would like to take this opportunity to part at the parents of the students did not ask for"Donation fee",This needs parents, take the initiative to education department report,To provide children with an equal chance to receive education.
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