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2012年年底,老人在家中摄影留念,虽年事已高,但精神矍铄。  闲暇时唐有祺与夫人修整院子里的花草。 By the end of 2012,The old man in the home as a souvenir photo,Is his old age,But hale and hearty.When leisure TangYouQi and lady finishing the courtyard flowers and plants.


With the different arts masters,Basic subject in the vintage masters,Always because of its professional esoteric,And the outside world distance is unavoidable.Chinese academy of sciences TangYouQi is such a master,He put the Chinese chemical into the international track,Is China's molecular engineering/Chemical biology and other emerging discipline advocates.For the outside world for,But few people know,He in the early 1950 s for the determination of China's first batch of crystal structure,For the world's first artificial synthesis of protein crystal cow insulin to lay a solid foundation.


Twenty century,They forge ahead,Open the fashion,In their respective industry unremitting pursuit,Performance outstanding...today,Let us come near the cross-century master,Feel their personality charm,Review the essence of an era.

  唐有祺, 1920年7月生,1980年当选为中国科学院化学部委员(院士),为我国晶体化学和结构化学研究做了重要奠基和发展工作,为推动我国化学与生物学交叉学科和分子工程学的发展作出了重要贡献。他早在上世纪50年代就撰文关注生物大分子结构研究,后相继提出和指导胰岛素晶体结构测定工作,领导开展了蛋白质结构和分子设计研究,并历任“生命过程中重要化学问题研究”攀登项目首席科学家。

TangYouQi, Born in July 1920,In 1980 was elected to the Chinese academy of sciences of chemistry(academician),For our country crystal chemistry and structural chemistry research made important foundation and development work,In order to promote chemical and biological interdisciplinary and molecular engineering development has made important contributions.He in the early 1950 s attention biological macromolecular structure research articles,One after another after put forward and guidance work insulin crystal structure determination,Leadership in protein structure and molecular design research,And successive"In the process of life is an important chemical problem research"Climbing project chief scientist.


从化学中探索生命科学 From the chemical exploration in life science


In the Chinese history,Have a record cannot ignore:In September 1965,China for the first time in the world the synthetic protein crystallization cattle insulin,This marks the beginning of the era of synthetic protein,Life sciences is an important milestone in the history.But after that,Where should continue to study the development?In April 1966 the synthetic insulin appraisal committee meeting,TangYouQi puts forward the future research direction:Can use X-ray diffraction methods to determine insulin crystal space structure,The research for protein structure and function relationship open a gap.It is also based on this proposal,Related research team in 1971 completed the pig insulin crystal structure determination,Won the Nobel Prize in chemistry prize winner Hodgkin's praise:"Beijing map is now(May is always)Insulin is the most accurate map".


Under the guidance of TangYouQi is in,Beijing university htma physics since 1982, restored the protein structure analysis,Application of molecular displacement method,Successfully studied mung bean trypsin inhibitor of lysine vitality fragments cattle trypsin complex crystal structure,And it is concluded that the lysine vitality debris solid structure.maybe,We can use more simple but less rigorous language to elaborate the significance of the study for ordinary people trypsin inhibitor in clinic,Can be used for the prevention and treatment of acute pancreatitis,And can be used for resistance to shock treatment.In addition,In abdominal surgery injected directly into the abdominal cavity,Can prevent intestinal adhesion.


But as the founder of new China chemical subject,TangYouQi for discipline construction the contribution made far more than these.Let the time flow back to the 1950 s,At that time,In the new China's chemical boundary,Crystal chemistry and macromolecular structure or a blank.Returning from abroad TangYouQi,In the newly formed Beijing university majoring in chemistry teaching and opened the crystallography and so on a series of courses,For our country crystal chemistry and structural chemistry research made important foundation and development work.meanwhile,He also participated in the X ray diffraction laboratory construction,Beijing university/Chinese academy of sciences WuLiSuo application/Htma) of Chinese academy of sciences of human and material resources together,For the determination of China's first batch of crystal structure,In the second half of the 1950 s and cultivate a batch of can engaged in structural chemistry research talents.


The development of a discipline in chemistry,TangYouQi also played an important role.The mid 1970 s,He proposed"Molecular engineering"concept.He thinks,The traditional chemical research focused on natural products, such as periodic table and to find and synthetic single compound,And molecular engineering is reverse and line,The subjects also by a single compound spread to all kinds of complex function system.Molecular engineering as a new branch of chemistry,For the long-term development of chemical is beneficial.It is also because TangYouQi proposal,In 1994,,Beijing university department of chemistry for"College change"When reform,renamed"Chemistry and molecular engineering institute".For TangYouQi to,Dozens of years of brilliant science and the start of life,Even from his high school about.


高中时对摸不着的 High school to touched


微观世界很感兴趣 Small world very interested


In the summer of 1920,TangYouQi was born in Shanghai nanhui inspiration town(At the time of jiangsu province)A common merchant family.His high school,Is at the time of the"Jiangnan four big name"Through one of the Shanghai high school.


"I top junior high school of time,If tired will not go to school,To play or in the home self-study.later,I high tests into the Shanghai middle school."This experience,The old man speaking understatement,But if the Shanghai middle school's history as well,Will understand,This YunDanFengQing behind,How has the confidence base.As the"Jiangnan four big name"of,The Shanghai middle school science curriculum is the American university teaching materials,And in here to study three years time,Also give TangYouQi future study road to lay a solid foundation,In his own words,is"English and science,Reached higher level".


At that time,The high school physics class and chemistry class to TangYouQi show a see touched microcosm,Electromagnetic effect and chemical reaction is so mysterious,And it is this kind of mysterious place inspired his curiosity and interest.just,As the era of many young people,The original personal interests in real bump,More or less will deviate from the original route,TangYouQi is no exception.

  “我高中毕业后,就想考清华大学的电机工程。本来上海有个招生点,我就报了名,结果正要去考的时候,抗日战争爆发了,上海的招生点也取消了。我最后就去考了同济大学。” 但唐有祺对同济的工程科目并不太感兴趣,最后权衡之下还是选择了化学专业。

"I graduate from high school,Just want to take an examination of the tsinghua university electrical engineering.Shanghai was a recruit students point,I applied to,The results are going to test time,The Anti-Japanese War broke out,Shanghai admissions point also cancelled.I finally got to tongji university." But TangYouQi to tongji engineering course is not too interested,Under the balance or choose the chemical professional.


But TangYouQi in tongji university five years,Is not"Two ears not smell things out of the window,Read only sage with books"Five years,In 1937, tongji university moved to the mainland,And a few easy its address.TangYouQi also then toss more,Footprint of nine provinces throughout the country.This experience let him"In the mainland, the situation is more familiar with","The young man,Some more experience is a good thing."He emphasized.


In 1942,,TangYouQi graduated from tongji university,First go to kunming,After work to chongqing,In 1945, returned to Shanghai.This a few pieces of work experience,Especially in the chongqing construction electrolytic plate ShiYanChang work experience,Let TangYouQi produced new ideas,It is in the application to chemical aspects do some innovation,Their existing knowledge and technology have not too will be enough,meanwhile,He became more and more aware of the significance of exploring material microscopic world,so,The pursuit of more frontier knowledge became inevitable choice.And opportunities and just at this time arrival,In 1946,,TangYouQi and many ambitious young Chinese together to America for further study.


赴美求学遇名师 To study here in the teacher


fortunately,In the California institute of technology, this is only a block size of the campus,TangYouQi met of his life and a teacher's lai Lawrence Karl Pauling.Pauling is more than twenty century to the chemical science one of the biggest influence,Quantum chemistry and is one of the pioneers of structural biology,He has written[The nature of chemical bond]Is considered to be the most important chemical history of one of the works,And won the Nobel Prize for chemistry.And meet the teacher,Also can TangYouQi international chemical frontier knowledge back to China's important reason.


"I am with Pauling relationship between teachers and students from the starting in September of 1946.He knows that I have just arrived in the United States are not familiar with what,It suggested that I should go up what course,Still care about my study/life."In the Pauling's suggestion,TangYouQi majoring in chemistry,Minor physical,Main X-ray crystallography and chemical bond nature.In the Pauling door,TangYouQi not only learned a lot of frontier knowledge,The more learned in the real world communicating reason and faith.A typical example is,Pauling are firmly opposed to the scientific and technological achievements for war.He especially against nuclear war,Calls for scientists to be committed to the peace movement.And TangYouQi also emphasized to the reporter:"Science is rational,Is also a tool,To see the human how to use it.Human development,To get along with nature,In addition to take you need,To make good nature conservation.On the other hand,Science and technology also can put the natural/The destruction of the human.With good science is amazing,But not to say that,How to use the science is good."


Also in Pauling the uphold the scientific belief teacher help,In 1951,,To the TangYouQi hindered,With the aid of international crystallography association held in Stockholm, Sweden, the second session of the conference of the opportunity,Bypass Europe,Toss Sweden/British/The Netherlands/France and other,After more than a month,Finally returned to the motherland.And the teachers and students that don't,Is more than twenty years have not met,Until the 1970 s,Pauling to give lectures in China,The were already a long time of the teachers and students to meet again.


耄耋之年仍笔耕不辍 A very still earns a living by pen ceaselessly


Since the late 1990 s,In TangYouQi uninstalled body and the various social position.But he still use a variety of ways to continue to contribute their wisdom and strength.snows,TangYouQi earns a living by pen ceaselessly,Took out more than 400 words book,Published in 2008 in eight of the volume[TangYouQi corpus],To review his life experience and academic career.


In June 2011,Over the JiuXun TangYouQi also took part in the activities of the Chinese academy of sciences of the essay,Start to write down your his scientific research process,About his"The heart of the Chinese academy of sciences".TangYouQi also in this paper put forward questions that are thought-provoking,"The significance and role of scientific career,How to carry out to the country will become stronger and more prosperous/People's happiness and human progress on","The problem is how we get involved in basic and applied research?How many different types of training and discipline talents?And the scientific career and how to correct evaluation and comparison."

  闲暇时,唐有祺也喜欢陪伴夫人张丽珠到处走走。翻开那一本本积累下来的相册,里面呈献的是他们相濡以沫的回忆:从1951年重逢时两人的合影,到几年后与一双子女的全家福,再到后来有孙辈在他们怀中欢笑;从韶山到香港,从北京机场候机室到三亚亚龙湾海底世界,从东京迪士尼到瑞典商店门外的长椅上……变换的是身后的风景和岁月,不变的是两个人“执子之手,与子偕老”的幸福。(文图:上海站记者 李媛)

When leisure,TangYouQi also like Mrs. With ZhangLiZhu around.Turn over the YiBenBen accumulated photo album,It is the same present their memories:From 1951 when two people meet the photo,To a few years later with a pair of children's family,Then later have grandchildren in their arms laughter;From shaoshan to Hong Kong,From Beijing airport lounge to yalong bay underwater world,From Tokyo Disney to Sweden store the bench...Transformation is the scenery behind and years,The same is two people"Give me your hand,And son xielao"happiness.(Wen diagram:Shanghai LiYuan reporter)
