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全国大学生计算机应用能力与信息素养大赛组委会文件 The national college students' computer application ability and information literacy contest organizing committee documents

大赛组委会〔2012〕06号 The competition committee [2012] no. 6


第三届全国大学生计算机应用能力与信息素养大赛 The third session of the national college students' computer application ability and information literacy contest
暨2013年微软Office世界大赛中国区选拔赛章程 And in 2013, Microsoft Office world series articles of association of Chinese preliminary


各有关高等学校、高职学院和中职学校: The relevant higher school/Higher vocational colleges and secondary vocational school:

2013年微软Office世界大赛中国区选拔赛(第十二届“全国信息化核心技能大赛”)将与第三届全国大学生计算机应用能力与信息素养大赛同期举办,具体内容如下: In 2013, Microsoft Office world series China trials(The 12th"The national informatization core skills contest")And the third national college students' computer application ability and information literacy contest held,Specific content as follows:

一、 a/     大赛名称 Competition name

       第三届全国大学生计算机应用能力与信息素养大赛暨2013年微软Office世界大赛中国区选拔赛。 The third session of the national college students' computer application ability and information literacy series and 2013 Microsoft Office world series China trials.

二、 two/     大赛组织 Contest organization

主办方: organizers:

全国高等院校计算机基础教育研究会 The national institutions of higher learning basic computer education research association

全国高等学校计算机教育研究会 China's national college computer education research association

中国高等职业技术教育研究会 China's higher vocational and technical education research association

教育部高等学校计算机基础课程教学指导委员会 Of the ministry of education of basic computer courses teaching steering committee

全国铁道职业教育教学指导委员会 The national railway vocational education teaching steering committee

全国煤炭职业教育教学指导委员会 The national coal vocational education teaching steering committee

《计算机教育》杂志社 [Computer education]magazine

承办方: promotional:

北京计算机教育培训中心 Beijing computer education training center

北京国铁天勤文化发展有限公司 Beijing GuoTie day often culture development co., LTD

协办方: co-organizer:

中国铁道出版社 China railway publishing house

微软办公软件全球认证在中国各授权服务中心、授权考试中心 Microsoft office software global the authentication in China all authorized service center/Authorized test center

支持方: Support party:

微软公司(Microsoft) Microsoft(Microsoft)

思递波公司(Certiport) Think pass wave company(Certiport)

三、 three/     竞赛项目 sports

共六项: Altogether six:

Office 2007部分:Word项目、Excel项目、PowerPoint项目 Office 2007 part:Word project/Excel project/PowerPoint project

Office 2010部分:Word项目、Excel项目、PowerPoint项目 Office 2010 part:Word project/Excel project/PowerPoint project

四、 four/     项目内容 Content of the project

大赛内容主要依据微软办公软件全球认证中心推出微软办公软件全球认证(Microsoft Office Specialist,简称MOS)标准,结合我国院校计算机课程改革的基本要求,开展此项赛事。 Competition is mainly based on Microsoft office software global authentication center out of Microsoft office software global the authentication(Microsoft Office Specialist,Referred to as MOS)standard,According to our country's colleges and universities computer curriculum reform of the basic requirements,To carry out the event.

五、 five/     竞赛方式和内容 Competition mode and content

(一)竞赛方式 (a)Competition way

1.大赛不分组别,本科、高职、中职在校学生均可参加。 1. Competition regardless of division,Bachelor degree/Higher vocational/Secondary school students are eligible to participate.

2.大赛分为院校赛和全国总决赛两个阶段,同时总决赛期间举行海峡两岸赛。院校赛由参赛院校在各自学校自行组织,全国总决赛在北京举行。 2. The contest is divided into colleges and universities and the national finals two stages,At the same time held during the finals on both sides of the Taiwan straits.Colleges and universities in their respective schools by the organization itself,The national finals held in Beijing.

(二)竞赛内容 (two)Competition content

  1. 1. 1. 
  2.  院校赛竞赛内容 Colleges and universities "competition content

院校赛竞赛内容以MOS全球认证标准为竞赛内容。 Colleges and universities in the competition content authentication standard for MOS global competition content.

2.全国总决赛竞赛内容 2. The national finals competition content

①全国总决赛内容包括两部分:分别为MOS各项目在线竞赛的内容和以Office案例为基础,体现参赛选手竞赛模块的综合技能竞赛; (1) the national finals content includes two parts:Each project are MOS online content and competition with Office case as the foundation,Reflect competitors race module integrated skills competition;

②MOS在线竞赛内容占选手竞赛成绩的80%,综合案例竞赛占选手竞赛成绩的20%; (2) the MOS online competition content accounts for 80% of the grade players race,Comprehensive case competition accounted for 20% of the grade players race;

③海峡两岸赛竞赛内容为MOS在线竞赛的内容。 (3) the competition on both sides of the Taiwan straits content for MOS online competition content.

六、 six/     竞赛时间 Competition time

1、 1/   

   院校赛:2012年12月1日-2013年4月30日 Colleges and:On December 1, 2012 - April 30, 2013

2、 2/   

   全国总决赛(海峡两岸赛):2013年5月 The national finals(On both sides of the Taiwan straits"):In May 2013

3、 3/   

   海峡两岸赛(台湾):2013年8月 On both sides of the Taiwan straits"(Taiwan):In August 2013

4、 4/   

   微软Office世界大赛:2013年7月31日-8月3日(美国华盛顿) Microsoft Office world series:On July 31, 2013 - August 3,(Washington)

七、 seven/     竞赛规则 Competition rules

1. 1. 院校赛竞赛规则 Colleges and universities and the competition rules

(1)院校赛以院校为单位组织竞赛并组成参赛队,独立学院可以单独组成参赛队。 (1)The colleges and universities in colleges and universities as the unit of organization and team competition,Independent institute can separate component team.

(2)院校赛每支参赛队的组队人数最低不得少于100人,不设上限。 (2)Colleges and universities "each team's party shall not be less than the minimum number of 100 people,unlimited.

(3)院校赛确定三等奖的获奖名单和晋级全国总决赛的名单,晋级全国总决赛竞赛人数的比例为参赛队总人数的3%,不能独立组队的参赛院校,可并入其他参赛队,晋级名额由大赛组委会确定。各省市微软办公软件全球认证授权管理中心和服务中心组团报名人数为每个代表队不超过9名选手参加全国总决赛。 (3)Colleges and universities and determine the winners and the third prize in the national finals's list,In the national finals of the competition number ratio for 3% of the total number of the team,Can't independent teams the colleges and universities,Can be incorporated into other team,By the organizing committee to determine route into the competition.All the provinces and Microsoft office software global certificate authority management center and service center group registration number for each team not more than 9 players in the national finals.

(4)每名参赛选手最多只能参加两个项目的全国总决赛。 (4)Each contestant most can only participate in two projects of the national finals.

(5)参赛院校按参赛项目分别进行比赛和评奖。 (5)The colleges and universities according to the project are games and awards.

2. 2. 全国总决赛(海峡两岸赛)竞赛规则 The national finals(On both sides of the Taiwan straits")Competition rules

(1)全国总决赛按参赛项目分别进行评奖。 (1)The final project according to the awards respectively.

①全国总决赛按项目分别确定特等、一、二等奖获奖名单。 (1) the final item respectively determine card/a/Second prize winners.

②各项目特等奖选手同时获得参加“2013年微软Office世界大赛”的资格。 (2) the special project for the players at the same time"In 2013, Microsoft Office world series"qualification.

③2013年微软Office世界大赛将于2013年7月底在美国华盛顿举行,Certiport,lnc.承担MOS各项目特等奖所有出国学生在美国华盛顿参赛期间的食宿、交通费用(不包括中国抵达华盛顿的往返机票、签证费、护照费、保险费用、乙方购物、观光费用等),对由于护照、签证等非可控因素造成不能成行,大赛组委会不负任何责任。 (3) the Microsoft Office 2013 world series in 2013 will be the end of July held in Washington,Certiport,LNC. Each project for MOS special award all students abroad in Washington during the period of the board/Traffic cost(Don't include China arrived in Washington a round trip ticket/Visa fee/care/Insurance cost/Party b shopping/Sightseeing expenses, etc),The passport/Visas not controllable factors not make it,The competition committee shall not be liable for any.

    ④全国总决赛期间,将举办计算机教育高峰论坛,将邀请国内外专家进行学术交流;     (4) during the national finals,Will host computer education peak BBS,Experts at home and abroad will be invited to carry on academic exchange;

全国总决赛各项目前三名的选手及特等奖和一等奖选手的指导老师或领队可获得受邀赴美国参加学术交流及观赛活动资格,全部费用自行负责,有意向参加学术交流及观赛活动的老师或领队需于2013年5月30日前向大赛组委会申请。 The national finals at present the three players and special award and the first prize of the teacher or the player can get invited to the United States to participate in academic exchanges and qualification programme activities,All expenses responsible for their own,Have intention to participate in academic exchanges and programme activities teacher or the leader should be in May 2013 to 30 for the competition committee.

(2)海峡两岸赛分两次竞赛 (2)The points on both sides of the Taiwan straits two competition

①海峡两岸赛(大陆)邀请台湾选手参加在北京举办海峡两岸赛阶段比赛。海峡两岸赛竞赛大陆参赛选手为每个项目前三名,按成绩由高分至低分依次选取。 (1) on both sides of the Taiwan straits "(mainland)Invited players in Taiwan held in Beijing on both sides of the Taiwan straits "stage of the competition.The competition on both sides of the Taiwan straits mainland contestants for each project the top three,According to the results from high to low in turn selection.

②海峡两岸赛(台湾)由台湾相关机构对各项目前三名选手及指导教师、领队,发出邀请函,大赛组委会组队参加于2013年暑期在台湾举办的海峡两岸赛,具体时间另行通知,参赛期间所有费用由参赛方承担。 (2) the two sides across the Taiwan strait(Taiwan)By the Taiwan related institutions on all the current three players and teachers/manager,Send invitation letter,The competition committee to participate in team in summer 2013 held in Taiwan on both sides of the Taiwan straits ",The specific time prior notice,The period all by the party shall bear the cost.

3. 3. 若参赛选手放弃参加2013年微软Office世界大赛或海峡两岸赛资格,则推荐名额顺延,由大赛组委会负责审定。 If competitors give up for the 2013 world series or Microsoft Office on both sides of the Taiwan straits and qualification,The recommended by quota,The organizing committee is responsible for the examination and approval by the competition.

八、 eight/     指导教师培训 Guidance teacher training

2013年1月至2013年4月,参赛院校选派2~6名优秀教师参加2013年微软Office世界大赛中国区选拔赛指导教师培训和认证(详见培训通知)。 In January 2013 to April 2013,The colleges select 2 ~ 6 an excellent teacher attended the 2013 Microsoft Office world series Chinese preliminary guidance teacher training and certification(See training notice).

九、 nine/     评分方法 Grading methods

1.MOS竞赛评分标准 1. The MOS competition standard for evaluation

(1)每个项目的题目数量为:16-40题(以竞赛时在线获取的试卷为准),时间为50分钟; (1)Each project topic number:16 - questions(With the competition for online test paper shall prevail),Time for fifty minutes;

(2)每个项目的竞赛总分为1000分,合格分数约700分(以竞赛在线评分标准为准),当场评分,成绩即时显示; (2)Each project competition score is 1000 points,Passing score 700 points(With competition online scoring standards shall prevail),Score on the spot,Results instantly shows;

(3)成绩排名按成绩从高分至低分依次排列;当同一项目的参赛选手成绩相同时,按MOS上机竞赛用时排名。 (3)Results according to the ranking results from high to low in turn arrangement;When the same item of contestants result phase at the same time,According to the MOS computer when competition ranking.

(4)全国总决赛分两项进行。按照各个项目两项成绩相加分别排名。当同一项目的参赛选手成绩相同时,按MOS上机竞赛用时排名。 (4)The final two points to.Each project according to the two results additive rank respectively.When the same item of contestants result phase at the same time,According to the MOS computer when competition ranking.

十、 ten/     奖项设置 Awards set

1.参赛选手奖项设置 1. The contestants awards Settings

(1)特等奖获奖人数为各项目1名 (1)Special award winning number for the project a

(2)一等奖获奖人数为各项目参加全国总决赛总人数的15% (2)The first prize winning number for the project in the national finals for 15% of the total number

(3)二等奖获奖人数为各项目参加全国总决赛总人数的35% (3)The number of the second prize for each project in the national finals for 35% of the total number

(4)三等奖获奖人数为各项目参加院校赛总人数的10% (4)The third prize winning number for the project to the 10% of the total number of colleges and universities

2.参赛院校奖项设置 2. The colleges and universities set up award

(1)优秀组织奖 (1)Excellent organization

优秀组织奖为MOS参赛院校总数的5%,根据参赛院校组织报名、参赛的情况评比产生。 Excellent organization for MOS the colleges and universities 5% of the total,The colleges and universities according to the organization/The comparison of produce.

(2)院校团体奖 (2)Colleges group award

院校团体奖按参赛队参赛项目的队员平均分确定,一等奖10%,二等奖20%,三等奖30%。 Colleges and universities group award according to the project team members to determine average,The first prize by 10%,20% of the second prize,The third prize of 30%.

3.参赛指导教师奖项设置 3. The instructor award Settings

设置特等奖、一等奖、二等奖和三等奖,按照指导教师指导的参赛选手获奖成绩评比产生。(一名指导教师指导的多名参赛选手获奖,则指导教师奖项按其指导的参赛选手所获最高奖项获奖,不重复获奖。) Set special award/First prize/Second prize and third prize,According to tutor the players winning performance appraisal produce.(A tutor of the contestants,The instructor award according to the guidance of the contestants the highest award winning,Don't repeat the.)

4.海峡两岸赛奖项设置 4. On both sides of the Taiwan straits "award setting

海峡两岸赛按各个竞赛项目分别设参赛选手奖项。 According to the two sides across the Taiwan strait "each competition project respectively contestants awards.

(1)一等奖占比20%; (1)The first prize accounted for more than 20%;

(2)二等奖占比30%; (2)Second prize accounted for more than 30%;

(3)三等奖占比50%。 (3)The third prize accounted for more than 50%.

十一、 11/     参赛费用 Entry fee

  1. 1. 1.     
  2.      MOS项目参赛费用,依照微软办公软件全球认证有关规定(不同于全国大学生计算机应用能力与信息素养大赛原定项目)。 The MOS project cost,In accordance with the Microsoft office software global the authentication relevant provisions(Different in college students' computer application ability and competition information literacy for the project).
  3. 2. 2.     
  4.      MOS参赛院校,需按照微软办公软件全球认证有关规定,得到大赛承办方的竞赛中心授权。 MOS the colleges and universities,In accordance with the Microsoft office software to the relevant provisions of the global certification,Receive contest promotional contest center authorized.

十二、 twelve/     大赛报名及联系方式 Competition registration and contact way

1.报名 1. The

大赛相关文件可在大赛官方网站:http://www.51ds.org下载,请拟参与的院校根据大赛《竞赛须知》组织报名参赛。 Competition related documents can be in competition's official website:http://www.51ds.org to download,Please intends to participate in the colleges and universities according to the competition[Competition guidelines]Organizations compete.

2.联系方式 2. Contact

赛务组联系人:龚康 桑硕 郑涛 SaiWu group contact:GongKang SangShuo fun


address:Beijing xicheng district right gates west street no. 8,China railway publishing house,zip:100054


Contact phone number:010-63549458 mobile phone:13911659913/13910196927/13911399831


E-mail:51ds@tqbooks.net 51 ds@tqbooks.net


accessories:1/Guidance teacher training notice


      2/Competition outline


      3/The acknowledgement of receipt


The national college students' computer application ability and information literacy competition organizing committee

全国高等院校计算机基础教育研究会(代章) The national institutions of higher learning basic computer education research association(Generation of chapter)

二〇一二年十二月十六日        December 16,       
