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袁厉害收养弃婴无一被认定孤儿 未获相关救济金--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Henan LanKao private nursery fire,From the society to gu incomplete children salvage attention.The local government should take responsibility of the rescue,Why fell on personal head?Canvass under,People found,Yuen badly adopted abandoned baby there is no legal significance"orphan",Never get attached in"orphan"The identity of the relief fund.Some experts think the,This problem is not the case,The provisions of the relevant policies to"orphan"Identity program is difficult to operate,Cause abortion is blocked in the national relief out of the gate.


Yuen badly adopted seven abortion,To the death also can't get a"orphan"identity.


The ministry of civil affairs said recently released,China's current lost their parents/It cannot find under his or her parents and a minor under the age of 615000,Departments of civil affairs of child welfare agencies raising orphans only 109000.


In 2010,,The general office of the state council[On strengthening the orphan security work opinion]issued,Be regarded as Chinese children welfare to enter a new phase of the milestone.The opinions put forward"Establish the orphan basic life safeguard system"/"Improve the orphan medical rehabilitation security level"/"Support orphan adult employment"And a series of good policy,To guarantee the orphan the system arrangement.


But all this is the premise of,Get a orphanage.Although in many of the legal documents,Orphans and abandoned babies were tied for mention,But in the specific operation,Orphans and abandoned babies tend to be apart.If abortion is considered"orphan",That means to get a book[Child welfare card],Enjoy the national child welfare policy,But failed to get the identity,It's hard to get the corresponding relief.


“孤儿”弃婴优惠政策不同 "orphan"35 different preferential policies


According to yuen bad memories,Twenty years,She adopted a total of more than 100 abandoned babies,But no one enjoy the orphan security policy specified treatment


The general office of the state council in 2010[On strengthening the orphan security work opinion]Issued after,The ministry of civil affairs/The ministry of finance also issued[About the issue of orphans basic living expenses of notice].


In May 2011,Henan province also issued[General office of henan provincial government on strengthening the orphan security work opinion].According to this opinion,Henan orphan basic life minimum standards for raising social scattered orphan not less than 600 yuan per month,Institutions raising orphans not less than 1000 yuan per month.


The department of civil affairs in henan province and outgoing mail,To strengthen the guidance for orphans raising work.In this document,Henan province bureau of civil affairs for the management of raising orphans are clear rules.


Documents require the,To establish"A record book agreement"Work mechanism.the"book"Content includes"And social scattered orphan guardian(unit)Sign guidance raising agreement,To raise the orphan in regular patrols and supervision and evaluation,The guardian to(unit)Provide guidance and training,Responsible for agency orphan rights and interests of the related affairs,Assist belongs to civil affairs departments coordinate with related departments,Implement the orphan preferential policies".


"An agreement"Contents include:"The people's government at or above the county level civil affairs departments and social scattered orphan's guardian or through the child welfare guidance center and social scattered orphan guardian sign guidance raising agreement,Clear guardian monitoring duty and obligation to support,The guardian to/Use the orphan basic cost of living/Improve the orphan raising quality request.""A record"Insist on civil affairs departments at various levels to raising orphans regularly visit,Establish visit the records and visit the file.


If yuen badly adopted children were included in the scope of this series of documents to take care of,Means that the adoption of the abandoned baby behavior will be included in the management,Children will enjoy not less than 600 RMB every month, the basic cost of living,In education and/housing/Employment and so on a series of problems have security.


According to yuen bad memories,Twenty years,She adopted a total of more than 100 abandoned babies,The official registered name of 34,Most people get the household registration,Twenty people enjoy the subsidies.But no one,Enjoy the above policy specified treatment.


According to LanKaoXian civil affairs bureau figures showed,The county has already decided that the disabled children of a total of 595 people,The disabled orphans 4 people.These orphans,The grandparents raising of 472 people,By other family foster 123 people."This refers to the orphans,Or parents,Or any other reasons,The family/Kinship care,And 35 different."LanKaoXian civil affairs bureau a cadre to reporters,"In accordance with the relevant provisions of the provincial civil administration office,Yuen badly, personal adoption of abandoned babies,Not in the above statistics list".


“孤儿”身份难认定 "orphan"Identity that difficult


In accordance with the policy requirements,Audit that orphan identity certificate issued by the applicant to the orphan parents death certificate or the people's court to declare the orphan parents dead or missing proof,But in the practical work of these materials is difficult issue


The state council[On strengthening the orphan security work opinion]Regulation:"An orphan is refers to lose their parents/It cannot find an under a minor under the age of eighteen,By the local civil affairs departments at or above the county level in accordance with the relevant regulations and conditions determination."


A civil official system to reporters,According to this concept,Lost parents should understand for parents,It cannot find parents should understand for abandoned baby.


To adopt method specified in the,The orphan is refers to the parents of children.


To this problem,Issued by the ministry of civil affairs has had a[About the adoption registration for strictly distinguish between orphans and it cannot find the notice of reach the age of 35],The said,To enforce the law of adoption,Maintain the lawful rights and interests of parties,This problem is,Especially the following notice: our country adopt method mentioned in the orphan refers to his parents died or the people's court to declare their parents of death with a minor under the age of 14.


"The state of the orphans that have a very clear rules,But for abortion is not."Kaifeng city civil affairs bureau of social welfare FuPing superintendent of Korea to[Legal daily]reporters.


In 2011,,Henan province bureau of civil affairs has issued a[About do orphanage verification and registration management of the notice],For the orphanage serious work deployment.This notice will be"It cannot find reach the age of 35 and under a minor under the age of eighteen"As can be recognized as one of the orphans.


However the"Social scattered orphan"The cognizance of the program is very complicated,Including application/audit/The examination and approval three links.Only in the application link,Requires the orphan guardian provide the following three types of documents of the ministry of public security/Civil affairs departments/Issued by the medical institution orphans parents death certificate,Including cancellation of census register proof/cremation/Die of illness that;Issued by the people's court of the orphan parents declared dead judgment with the original or copy of the official seal of the court;Issued by the people's court of the orphan parents declared missing judgment with the original or copy of the official seal of the court.


The ministry of civil affairs to promote social welfare and charity XuJianZhong vice general director in a about orphan life to ensure meeting said:"In accordance with the policy requirements,Audit that orphan identity certificate issued by the applicant to the orphan parents death certificate or the people's court to declare the orphan parents dead or missing proof,In the practical work,Most of the area especially mountain/Pastoral areas and ethnic minority areas,Rural orphans parents missing or a party death party away after gone with the wind,Orphan actual guardian burden difficult,Get the court documents and the action to produce the cost of about $one thousand,The guardian is not willing to accept or cannot afford,Resulting in a corresponding certificate issued by difficult material,Directly restrict the identity of the orphan."


XuJianZhong for this crisis job request,The departments of civil affairs at the grass-roots level county,To strengthen and public security/Courts and other related departments coordination,Create conditions for each orphan the corresponding formalities,Not only to do audit guard a pass strictly,Maintenance policy seriousness;And to do should defend the,To ensure that every orphan enjoy national security policy.


But LanKaoXian in can give yuen badly to adopt orphans to deal with the household registration/Residents under such circumstances,They did not register as orphans.


相关法律有待完善 Relevant laws to be perfect


According to gu incomplete children this special group policy laws and regulations should be further perfect,Set up a special protection gu incomplete children rights system of laws and regulations


Henan province in 2011 the orphan identity verification and registration management work,Yuen smart"The children",Check out beyond.


Korea FuPing section chief told reporters,According to the notice,This time the scope of inspection for: including city/The scattered rural orphans and civil affairs departments run or civil affairs departments that welfare agencies raising orphans,The civil affairs departments that folk organizations and individuals to adopt or raising orphans does not belong to the scope of inspection.


"It is because this one,So we don't have to yuen badly adopted children for registration."Korea FuPingShui.


Once was appointed the ministry of civil affairs to promote social welfare and charity company priests/Now Beijing normal university institute of China's public welfare of shi had to the media said,Because some disabled children parents can't send their children to welfare homes,Cause some gu incomplete children went into the society,Due to adopt orphans also perform strict household registration system,Some don't have parents death certificate children can't get legal adoption.


And at present,Local civil affairs departments have not a full-time department in accordance with relevant regulations of illegal adoption for management.


The relevant person in charge of the ministry of civil affairs has openly,LanKao event shows that our children's rescue protection system is still imperfect: some regulations need to be revised,Such as citizens to adopt high condition;Relevant laws and regulations is not enough publicity and popularization;orphan/Abandoned baby found/report/Transfer network system is not perfect;Most of the county(city/area)No special children's social welfare institutions, etc.


Southwest university professor YuanLin in 2010 was writing[On strengthening the gu incomplete children aid and rights protection legislation Suggestions]/[About increasing gu incomplete children rescue financial investment advice]Two proposals,As director of the central 2010 CPPCC national collective proposal submitted to the Chinese people's political consultative conference,Finally promote the[On strengthening the orphan security work opinion]appearing.


however,YuanLin think the laws and regulations of our country and the corresponding policies and measures to solitary/Residual children this special group is the need to be perfected.YuanLin told reporters,She was more hope to get results,Set up a special protection gu incomplete children rights system of laws and regulations.
