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长大后就懂事?长大了你就不嫉妒兄弟姐妹吗?父母的偏心会让姐弟俩产生嫉妒,可以一直持续到成年。(Getty Images供图) Parents' eccentric will let the sister and envy,Can continue into adulthood.(Getty Images for map)


Always think you"bad"People can not malicious words between compatriots to interpret for yourself


When I was a child,Due to the eccentricity of the parents/Each other's competition and conflict,Make brothers and sisters mutual envy.Many people think"The two brothers",Grow up wiser,Between compatriots made.However, some psychologists to disagree,Think in under the action of negative beliefs,Siblings and no malicious words very easy to be misunderstood,Suggest using cognitive behavioral technology to jealousy for processing.


envy,Is a kind of anger and excited anxiety state.For compatriots in,Jealousy is afraid of compatriots success will make our own achievements to shame,Even afraid of compatriots will make some damage our behavior.Jealousy will let us worry too much about the threat from compatriots.They have no malicious simple act can easily be mistaken for a personal attack.Such as,Sister asked brother:"Your new job?"Brother will put this question to interpret"You just got fired,How long do you can again this time?I have been doing the same job for many years,Are now ready to promotion."


The United States library, an associate professor of psychology at the university of Kingston efficiency.the Dan m levski think this is too sensitive,Usually is the negative core belief always think that caused by"I am not"Are more likely to misread compatriots without malicious words.Siblings jealousy is very common,He thinks that cannot ignore its existence,Suggest using two classic cognitive behavioral technology processing,Say this is confirmed effective can reduce the method of jealousy


First of all,Ask yourself,Your jealousy to own good or bad?Jealousy can improve your life?Make your relationship with your family become better?Can let you to work harder?If you find to compatriots jealousy will make you better,Then there is no need to worry about it.On the other hand,If your jealousy is not good,Will only make you anxiety,Let you constantly thinking about your brothers and sisters how mix,His how bad,Jealousy will only add to your pain.

  嫉妒心常常被你对别人的消极行为增强。很多人以为,发泄对同胞的不满会宣泄我们内心的嫉妒。然而,这些消极的行为只会增强嫉妒心。尝试为同胞做积极的事情,例如主动联系他们,多和他们聚会,有空约出来喝茶等,很快你便会发现自己很享受与他们在一起,他们对你也完全不构成威胁。(编译 伍君仪)

Jealousy is often you to other people's negative behavior increase.Many people think,Will the disaffection of compatriots to give vent to anger we heart envy.however,These negative behavior will only strengthen jealousy.Try to do something positive for compatriots,Such as active contact with them,And they party,Free out about tea, etc,Soon you will find himself very enjoy with them,They also to you is not a threat.(Compile WuJunYi)
