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研究生教育在于崇尚学术 让学生成为主角--亲稳网络舆情监测室


"Recently this period of time,Our lab academic taste more strong,Everyone in the summary of their research work,Writing into a dissertation delivery to academic conference."Liu peak is xian university of electronic science and technology(Admissions office)State key laboratory of radar signal processing a reading doctoral student,From October 2012,As xian university of electronic science and technology(Admissions office)2012 graduate student academic conference one of 12 at the venue,In his laboratory held a about radar field of academic BBS.


More than two months,The academic conference let liu peak busy resetting.In addition to comb his summary of research work in recent months/Writing the articles published/Ready to report the outside,He also attended a seminar of preparatory work/Collect the paper research talents teacher younger brother/Organization meeting group communication.Liu peak told reporters:"Only our venue,Will receive 113 pieces of thesis."


In xian university of electronic science and technology,Many graduate students and doctoral like liu peak so busy academic activities.According to introducing,Xian university of electronic science and technology conference in 2012 graduate students from the middle of October since the launch,A total of 360 games organized report,Inside the experts report 172 games,The report of seven games,Foreign scholars report and field,Students report 188 games,Had received 981 dissertations submitted by students,The experts hired 779 pieces,The 26 papers for field rank best paper award,Article 12 for field rank the best paper award.


The academic conference to calm a hilarious university campus.now,Xian university of electronic science and technology into north campus,One of the academic poster was besieged with,Holds a high level report to break out,A stream of advocating science/The pursuit of excellence in academic heater,Everyone here is lifted.


让教育回归学术 Let education regression academic


"Through constructing graduate student academic conference this platform,On the one hand we recruit a large number of domestic and foreign well-known scholars to conduct academic exchanges,The effective development of graduate academic field of vision,On the other hand also for the vast number of graduate students show research platform and opportunity,Greatly promote the classmate of mutual learning and mutual cross discipline."Chinese academy of sciences/Xian university of electronic science and technology, the principal ZhengXiaoJing told reporters,"Holding this activity,We are in the graduate student to the,Actively advocate stick to the truth/YongPanGaoFeng scientific spirit,Ascension graduate students scientific literacy,Inspire innovation vitality,Let the graduate student education is real to return to the academic standard."


According to xian university of electronic science and technology, vice President of the graduate school LuChaoYang is introduced,That school graduate student academic conference has continuous insist held eight years,Gradually become the school to improve the quality of graduate education is an important link and effective measures.LuChaoYang told reporters,The academic conference held in the process,Some basic college has its own reality,Form a group of academic taste thick/Results good brand activities.

  “学术之春”和“学术之秋”学术周活动,就是其中深受学生喜爱的一个品牌学术活动。“我们主打的报告场场爆满。”智能感知与图像理解教育部重点实验室侯彪教授,已经连续参与组织 “学术周”活动,他说,“拿出历年学术周活动报告的题目,我们就能看到这个领域的研究方向,始终在跟进国防重大需求以及国民经济建设需要。”

"Academic spring"and"Academic autumn"Academic activity week,Is one of the students love deeply a brand academic activities."Our main report full games."Intelligent perception and image understanding key laboratory of the ministry of education HouBiao professor,Has continued to participate in organizations "Academic week"activities,He said,"Take out the academic activity week report topic,We can see this area of research direction,Always follow up defense major needs and the development of national economy needs."


Since 2008,Intelligent perception and image understanding of ministry of education laboratory,Regularly held every year"Academic spring"and"Academic autumn"Academic activity week.During the activity,Widely invited academic elite at home and abroad for the frontier for special reports,Graduate students and laboratory do face to face communication.From the lab to the campus,To domestic,To the international,Academic week activities between teachers and students are welcome.


ZhengXiaoJing said,Adhere to the graduate student academic conference held,Through this kind of form is to the school graduate student education to"academic"up,At the same time,Let the power transmission from west campus academic more strong taste/Academic atmosphere correction."The academic conference to promote the discipline overlapping/Open field of vision/Active academic atmosphere to create a good platform,At the same time create a more good scientific research environment,To improve the overall quality of graduate student research."Technical institute of physics professor CaoQuan xi said.


让学问走出书斋 Let knowledge out of the closet


"Software engineering at the institute‘The big data revolution seminar’on,Experts topic of discussion and my research direction is very close,Give me a lot of inspiration,Let me thinking was widened,Previously confused my problem becomes clear."Talk about this year's conference,Software institute software engineering research three students SunYingCheng emotionally.The last two years,He is under the guidance of tutor,Developing search engine intelligent technology related research,Have been unable to have big breakthrough,"If not out of the laboratory,Not to communicate with others/contact,Maybe think again two years,My research progress is not large also,The academic conference this form is very good."


The current graduate education process,widespread"Laboratory phenomenon",That students in their own laboratory for the unit,Seldom go to understand and inquire about other people's research work,Academic information acquisition, mainly by reading the paper.this,Xian university of electronic science and technology through the centralized hold large graduate student academic conference activities,First of all from the side cracked long-standing this problem.


"Graduate student academic field of vision is narrow/Academic activities small circle,This is the current graduate education in the face of common problems,In order to put the graduate student please out of the laboratory,Let them out of the closet,The school had no less effort."Xian university of electronic science and technology graduate education work of the vice President HaoYue is introduced,"Schools have to attend academic report and graduate credit hook,At the same time,To participate in academic activities or not and graduate students in the academic activities of the quality of performance,Has been incorporated into school graduate student grants assessment system."


"Graduate student academic conference held,Expand the graduate training methods,To expand the graduate student's academic field of vision/Improve the scientific research level and the comprehensive quality,Having the effect that cannot replace."Institute of microelectronics ChaiChangChun doctoral tutor professor said.


"Whether to participate in academic conference,Or participate in the annual meeting of the organization,I feel very big harvest.Not only to know more knowledge of other fields,Broaden their field of vision.Experts' opinions and Suggestions,Back to me the follow-up research work provides a lot of new ideas."Electronic engineering institute doctoral students ZhouGuangYu said.


Microelectronics college level 2009 doctoral students XueJunShuai said,To participate in the graduate student academic conference,Not only can ask the teachers and students show their achievements in scientific research,Share research experience and feeling,Discusses the progress in the field of science and research hot spot,In addition,Through the communication and communication,Still can more directly found deficiencies,Enhance the sense of urgency.


让学生成为主角 Let the students become protagonist


Technical institute of physics ZhangShuYuan level 2010 doctoral students,It is mainly engaged in material physics and chemistry research,Although both at home and abroad have core journals published many papers,But often refer to give a report,She felt a headache,How to put their own research results here talking to the teacher and the students listen to,Before always bothering her.

  在今年的学术年会上,她参与了“Science Horizontal”(科学地平线)主题活动,还先后作了“论文写作技巧交流”和大会主题报告。谈起学术年会期间的经历,张淑媛感触很深:“能够获得年会‘优秀论文’奖,感觉非常高兴。特别是鼓足勇气走上讲台宣读论文,感觉自己的胆子比以前大多了,以后再有这样的机会,我相信自己不会再紧张了。”

In this year's academic annual meeting,She participated in the"Science Horizontal"(Scientific horizon)Theme activities,Have made"Thesis writing skill communication"And the theme report.During the annual meeting of the academic experience,ZhangShuYuan deeply:"Can get annual meeting‘Best paper’award,Felt very happy.Especially the courage and present paper up onto the platform,Feel my courage much than before,Later have such opportunities,I believe I won't nervous."


Communication engineering college in the graduate student academic years won the meeting"Excellent organization".According to the research institute, vice President of the introduced reveal,College of the organization"The network and information security conference 2012",In full accordance with the international academic meeting standards implementation,Also specially invited experts established inside the conference program committee,Use open source system made contribution/Reviewing and a series of standard procedure.


"According to the standard of international conference will do,To further open the graduate student's academic field of vision,Can let our students stand in the transmission,To see the world,Through such specific exercise,To them the confidence to set up to have the help very much.Believe that when they really took to the stage of international,Must be able to better and more fully show yourself."LuChaoYang said,"In order to encourage graduate students from the academic meeting of the small stage,To go into the international academic research stage,The school has also established a dedicated support graduate students to participate in the international academic conference special fund".


According to introducing,In recent years thanks to the special fund support,Have nearly graduate students in the world gradually held an academic meeting their elegant demeanour.(ShiJunBin)

  (科技日报 史俊斌)

(Science and technology ShiJunBin daily)
