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小学作业难倒大学生 网友神级回复笑翻人--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
大学生陈亮最近在人人网上求助:"二年级表妹写寒假作业,遇到大坑一题,分别填上适当名词浅粉色的( ),湖蓝色的( ),翡翠色的( ),橙黄色的( ),紫金色的( ),赤朱色的( )……我发挥想像力仍然着急,求助各位亲啊!!"
College students' ChenLiang recently in everyone online for help:"Second grade cousin write winter vacation homework,Meet big hole one problem,Fill in proper nouns are pale pink( ),Lake blue( ),Jade color( ),orange( ),Purple golden( ),Red vermilion of( )……I play imagination still worried,Help you close ah!!"
A stone arouse thousand layer wave,This problem is slowly evolved into both the farce.Reporter finishing net friends love to see and hear reply,Thank for your hard association.
类型一: Type a:
看似正常型 浅粉色的(海棠),湖蓝色的(轻烟),翡翠色的(双眸),橙黄色的(天际),紫金色的(发冠),赤朱色的(泪痣) (南大商院宣传部果然非同凡响,小清新很文艺)
Seemingly normal type shallow pink(quince),Lake blue(Light smoke),Jade color(eyes),orange(horizon),Purple golden(Hair crown),Red vermilion of(Tear mole) (University business school and the propaganda department of dynamite,Small pure and fresh and very literature and art)
类型二: Type 2:
一言以蔽之型 浅粉色的(葫芦娃),湖蓝色的(葫芦娃),翡翠色的(葫芦娃),橙黄色的(葫芦娃),紫金色的(葫芦娃),赤朱色的(葫芦娃)…… (报告大王,基本上全抓过来了!)
In a short type shallow pink(Gourd Eva),Lake blue(Gourd Eva),Jade color(Gourd Eva),orange(Gourd Eva),Purple golden(Gourd Eva),Red vermilion of(Gourd Eva)…… (Report the king,Basically the whole grasp come over!)
类型三: Type three:
专业解答型 浅粉色的(快船),湖蓝色的(雷霆),翡翠色的(凯尔特人),橙黄色的(太阳),紫金色的(湖人),赤朱色的(热火)…… (怎么能少了NBA……)
Professional solution type shallow pink(The clippers),Lake blue(thunder),Jade color(The celtics),orange(The sun),Purple golden(The lakers),Red vermilion of(heat)…… (How can you less the NBA……)
其他专业解答队伍也亮出了自己的答案: Other professional solutions team also reveals his answer:
"Shallow pink(100 yuan),Lake blue(Ten yuan),Jade color(Fifty yuan),orange(Twenty yuan),Purple golden(5 yuan),Red vermilion of(Old 5 hair)."A college students' net friend gives the answer quickly,And take all kinds of RMB pattern,To give their answers evidence.
immediately,Another college students also gives the answer:"Shallow pink(Tomato noodles with gravy),Lake blue(Shrimp fish panel),Jade color(Mushroom stewed chicken surface),orange(Spicy beef noodles),Purple golden(Pickled cabbage noodles),Red vermilion of(Stewed beef noodles)",The students also take yourselves to eat instant noodles packing,Prove the correctness of the answer.
浅粉色的(薛涛笺),湖蓝色的(子部封面),翡翠色的(经部封面),橙黄色的(佛经封面),紫金色的(《新编日语3》封面),赤朱色的(藏书印)…… (文院用古典文献就解决了战斗)
Shallow pink(Xue tao thinks),Lake blue(ZiBu cover),Jade color(Cover part of),orange(Buddhist scriptures cover),Purple golden([New Japanese 3]cover),Red vermilion of(Printed books)…… (The court with classical literature would solve the battle)
浅粉色的(酚酞),湖蓝色的(硫酸铜),翡翠色的(硫酸亚铁 ),橙黄色的(甲基橙),紫金色的(高猛酸钾),赤朱色的(氧化铁)…… (在化学面前,这些乃小菜一碟)
Shallow pink(phenolphthalein),Lake blue(Copper sulfate),Jade color(Ferrous sulfate ),orange(Methyl orange),Purple golden(High fierce acid potassium),Red vermilion of(Iron oxide)…… (In front of the chemical,This is a piece of cake)
In just a few hours,Dozens of answers appear on the Internet,And attract numerous net friend onlookers.See so much enthusiasm of college students to do the second grade winter vacation homework assignments,Patient by surprise,Request net friends don't give the answer."I have been unable to give cousin answer a lot of the noun,Only pick some conventional answer told her……other,And she grew up will understand……The great spirit,Let's second grade teacher".
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