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小学生奖状植入广告引热议 代表荣誉成宣传单--亲稳舆论引导监测室
At present,The primary school will have entered the holiday,But in many students get the final certificate was found,The back of the certificate of merit turned out to be a whole face some brand advertising.See testimonials of parents,It has also had the question,Most parents think that it is a representative honor and encouraging testimonials,But now have become a flyer,To do this to the child's physical and mental health adverse effects.The school is think the diploma is sponsoring product,And did not require students to buy.
家长认为奖状植入广告易让孩子攀比 Parents think testimonials implant advertising easy to let the child bandwagon
Live in the north of the village residents a ms. Li's child seven years old this year,To mark out experiment elementary school read a grade,In recent days time,Children always noisy students want to buy a computer,And said that some of his classmates also bought,He also wants a."Since the winter break after children home has been noisy let me to buy him a student computer,At first I didn't notice,But today the child from the bag took out a student zhang brand computer flyer let her watch,I just found out that this piece of flyer unexpectedly is children just send a certificate."
The reporter sees,In this piece of"Merit student"Diploma on the back of,It was a brand students computer advertising."Testimonials can take to receive gifts,Some of his classmates to receiving,I didn't go to,Also don't know can get??????."Ms. Li think,The school will advertising to implant after certificate,Do the children produce some spiritual negative effect,Easy to let children produce some bandwagon psychological,So as to mislead the students.And ms. Li a village of dong children in the primary school grade five,He has been a negative attitude,"Certificate of merit itself is very sacred,Is a symbol of honor,Will advertising implanted testimonials,Appear nondescript,Reduce the education effect."
Businessmen sent testimonials graph is the product promotion
Reporter interview to understand,Not only downtown experiment elementary school issued the implant advertising testimonials,A lot of elementary school to students with a certificate of the advertisement is implanted."We will give most of all primary school presented a certificate of merit,It is not only some things this year,Last year we'll free school a lot,It was in the promotion of our products,Increase the brand awareness of our product."29 in the afternoon,The brand present party a staff, told reporters,"Elementary school students have this piece of testimonials can go to the shopping center of southern shandong bookstores and two school boy counters the wrapper or notebook,alternative."
School officials thought,The school was issued the certificate of merit because it is a free resource,Doing this can save a part of the capital of the school,"This is the brand sale free given to us,Although we will this certificate to the students,But we have no force students to buy the product,To buy or not is full of students' voluntary behavior,We have no and reading lang signed any agreement."Leshan city experimental primary school of a name is wang headmaster has revealed,Every year the school will be receiving free copy of certificate of more than 1000 a.
奖状植入广告容易误导学生 Testimonials implant advertisements mislead the students
Gold base of zaozhuang psychological consultation research center a XuXing psychological consultants said,Simply look at it,The advertising printed on the certificate of merit is a more creative behavior,Can help the school to save some money,Also not is what bad thing.
But on the other hand, speak,Diploma is on a child's character/learning/The behavior of one kind of affirmation/Encourage and appreciate.So to see,In the testimonials ads use some wrong,Because it can reduce the awards to the children bring a sense of pride and satisfaction.At the same time,Parents' overreaction and questioned,Will directly affect children,Cause the second damage to them,So as to reduce education in child idea of authority and sacredness,Make children accept education time,Education effect to sell at a discount greatly.
"At the same time,This kind of advertising can stimulate the children,The desire for children misleading.Especially some students lack of accurate judgment ability of things,This kind of commercial latent rules easy to produce spiritual damage,Children vanity is strong,It's very easy to have the psychological bandwagon,Adverse effects of."He said.
Zaozhuang office bureau of a dynasty, officials say,For testimonials implant advertising is not clear,ZaoZhuang education department if there is such a document to standard also not clear,Before they had this kind of situation is not clear.
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