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On January 10 in the morning,Provincial party committee organization department cadres team through open competition mode selection of liaoning university of petroleum chemical industry, the principal.Four deputy from liaoning university of petroleum and chemical field of leading cadres in turn,A special the club at the university of intense and heated.
Take the campus open competition mode selection principal candidate in our province is in innovation new exploration on the mechanism of choose and employ persons.Voluntary application/JingZhi statement/The oral defense/Democratic recommendation/Organization investigation,Each link layer upon layer closely,change"Behind closed doors"For the"Open the door to appear",Make this public competition more objective fair democracy.
从“伯乐相马”到“赛场选优”。在竞聘现场,记者看到,参加竞聘的同志围绕对竞聘职位的认识和理解、自身的优势和不足、竞聘成功后的工作目标和打算等进行了现场演讲。在随后的答辩环节,竞聘者逐一回答主考官提出的3个公共题目。 “当前学校面临的主要问题是什么?如何解决? ”“习近平同志提到,人民对美好生活的向往就是我们的奋斗目标。作为大学校长如何理解和实践? ”考题很客观,贴近岗位实际,重点测试竞聘者履行岗位职责所必备的基本素质和处理与岗位职责相关实际问题的能力,让干得好的人考得好。
From the"Talent search"To the"Venue selection".At the scene of the competition,The reporter sees,The contestants of the comrades around the competition position of understanding and the understanding/Their own advantages and disadvantages/Making a success of the work target and plan to speech and so on has carried on the scene.In the following reply,This is answers to three public topic the examiners. "What is the main problem facing the current school?How to solve? ""Xi jinping comrades mentioned,People's yearning for a better life is our goal.As the President of the university of how to understand and practice? "Examination questions is objective,Close to the actual jobs,Key test implement responsibility of the competitors essential basic quality and ability to deal with practical problems associated with responsibility,To do good people do well.
Is no longer a minority among the minority candidates.In order to further expand democracy,Implementation of the general staff of elected leadership of the right to know/participation/To choose and to supervise,The competition for the new exploration.In addition to by the provincial party committee organization department/Provincial party committee composed of members of the group of colleges and universities,And school middle-level cadres above deputy at the scene/Deputy high above titles faculty,Under the jurisdiction of"On behalf of a member or two"(party/People's congress/Chinese people's political consultative conference committee)/Staff representative, head of the democratic parties, etc.Announced a call,Accept the public and society supervision.After I ask,The faculty of participant represents not only the scene to this question,Also vote democratic President candidate recommended at the scene.
直接参与过程、完全公开透明、充分表达意愿,这种方式在广大教职工中产生强烈反响。辽宁石油化工大学计算机与通信工程学院院长张燕说:“通过比德、比才、比绩来选拔干部,不仅是一种创新,也激发了大家的进取精神,我们都慎重地投上自己一票,希望把更有能力、更有水平、群众看好的干部推选出来。 ”
Directly involved in the process/Completely open and transparent/Express the willingness to,In this way a strong response from the faculty.Liaoning university of petroleum and chemical engineering, dean of the school of computer and communication zhang yan said:"Than through the DE/bizet/Than performance to select cadres,Not only is a kind of innovation,Also inspired everyone's enterprising spirit,We are carefully to vote for himself,Hope to have more ability/More levels/The masses of cadres chosen. "
“不管结果怎样,我都心悦诚服。因为这次竞聘不仅为我们搭建了平等竞争的平台,还通过严格规范的竞争程序,给大家提供了公开公平的竞争环境。 ”参与竞聘人员表示,将尽职尽责更加努力为学校发展作出更大贡献。
"No matter how the results,I can do.Because the competition is not only for us to set up a platform for the fair competition,Through strictly regulate competition program,Provided the public fair competition environment. "Participate in the competitors,The conscientious work harder to make greater contribution to the development of the school.
It is understood,Compete for the meeting,B will be according to the contestants JingZhi statement and reply/Congress recommended and conversation recommend results,Combining peacetime assessment/Annual appraisal, and so on and so forth,The comprehensive research,To determine the initial candidate.
Provincial party committee organization department officials said,By way of competitive selection of leading cadres,Is to deepen reform of the cadre and personnel system/The expansion of cadre selection and appointment, an important measure of democracy.Our province will actively explore accord with the characteristics of colleges and universities should through various channels with the solution,Selection with strong leadership.(Reporter Jiang Yi double)
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