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好父母是学出来的 一句名言改变教子观--亲稳舆论引导监测室
This article from Dai Jilin sohu's blog,Click to view the original
After the children admitted to tsinghua university,Many parents ask me is how to help children get in tsinghua?Repeatedly ask what is the most key of family education?I said without hesitation:Is the child's early education!Is children's early intelligence development!I spend time in Amy before the age of five,When Amy was exponentially growing up behind the magnified.My personal experience:Opens the door of the wisdom of the children in a timely manner is the most important tasks first parents raise children!Because in the preschool parents are the ones having the most influence on children,The family is the child's first school,Parents are the first teachers of children!This task is best parents come to finish,And this is once miss won't be able to make up for the task.
1/Words changed my family education ideas
If intellectual maturity as 100% to 17,50% of the intelligence is achieved before the age of 4.
"Person's intelligence at the age of four can be developed to the half of the adults!"That's right,I was surprised when the first time I heard this sentence.I for early recognition of the importance of education begins with the words,I just get married at that time,Also have no children.This is I listen to teacher speak in hunan institute of education[psychology]Class the most impressive one word.Didn't think it is a surprised me,Changed my family education ideas,In my next to the child's education has a great influence.Especially for children's early education produced strong interest.
Give us the[psychology]Teacher is a young lecturer at hunan normal university at that time,Speak lessons very well,fascinating.We are in-service education,The class are all adults,Older fast fifty years old,Most have children.When the teacher is talking about person's intelligence speak this sentence,Many students don't believe it,Didn't care about this sentence,But I believe!After class I immediately go to the library to look up information,I just know this is not the teacher in class nonsense,This is the famous American psychologist/University of Chicago professor bloom on 1523 infants track for up to 20 years of internationally accepted conclusion:If intellectual maturity as 100% to 17,50% of the intelligence is achieved before the age of 4.
Is interlaced, such as the hills,Don't look up don't know,Check a fright.I opened a treasure house of knowledge:Children's early education is too important!
Children born,Only 350-400 grams. The weight of the brain,Is into the human brain weighs about 25%.Arrived at the age of 1,The weight of the brain for birth twice,Reached 50% of the human brain,At the age of 2 to 75% of the human brain weighs.Brain development in the first two years, apparently, is the fastest.In 1925,,The American academy of pediatrics doctor gesell argued,In the pre-school stage,Brain development speed,Most of children before the age of 6 brain almost matured.Since the brain/Personality and soul will never like pre-school education stage, rapid development.We will never have this kind of opportunity to lay the foundation of mental health.
The former Soviet union educator yves even ko said more image:"Education is the basis of lay before the age of 5,It accounts for 90% of the whole education process.After this,Education will continue,People grow further/flowering/As a result,And you carefully cultivated flowers before the age of five have been grey."
so,Preschool is the fastest period of brain development,The fastest time and intellectual development,Is the important period of psychological development,When affected by education may be a lifetime.This period of a lifetime,Once miss not repeatable,Do not make up for!
One of the most intuitive example can prove that these views.When I was 5 years old,Our neighbor came an aunt,She speaks dialect is very difficult to understand,She tried to change their own languages,I once again return to my hometown until 40 years later,She still sounds difficult to change.In fact,There are a lot of people in the world before the age of five theories with their parents after a difficult dialect,Grow up crisscrossed lifetime also can't change this dialect,You can see how big is influenced by the education before the age of five.
I'm glad you read these before a baby is born scholar's advice,Learn some basic knowledge of education children.Otherwise I might as well as some parents,Follow the past parents education we how to/This traditional approach we will how to education child.
At that time my idea is very simple:Now that is 50% of children before the age of 4,The child before the age of four this 50% of mental space is larger,After 17 years old, 100% of the mental space will be bigger,Why don't I try my best to help children to expand this 50% four years ago?I want to use the high sense of responsibility to treat a child growth process is the most important key,And once the wrong cannot make up for the critical period.
I seriously learn the knowledge of early education,Especially in infants and young children's learning/Perception is how to develop,The basic ways of learning and using the intelligence development of preschool children,Amy got better development in intelligence,Amy is four years old formed the preliminary ability of reading,Begin your reading popular science books of middle school students at the age of five,From an early age to cultivate a strong curiosity and strong interest in learning,Kindergarten teacher and was a surprise to many parents,Have asked me how to education child,I told them their own practice,Many parents don't believe it,They prefer to believe your own judgment:Smart children are born.
So many parents missed the children early education is the key.
The reason I put this sentence in the first section of the book,Just want to let more parents affected by this sentence,To attach importance to children's early education.I realize from this sentence,Understand don't understand education method is secondary,The key is in thinking about pay enough attention to the importance of children's early education.Do not take the understand and doesn't do it,Seriously don't understand can learn to understand,No teacher can find a teacher,No material can find a good textbook,Can carefully observe the growth of children,Then you will find,Education child is, indeed, the world's most valuable things.
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