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    导语:     Guide language:据媒体报道,2月17日当天,李双江之子李某伙同魏某等四人,使用暴力殴打、言语恐吓等手段,强行开车将被害人杨某带至海淀区湖北大厦某房间,在违背被害人意愿的情况下,轮流与其发生性关系。 According to media reports,On February 17, the day,Li tianyi, the son of li mou along with dolphins began, four people,Use violent assault/Verbal threats, etc,Driving force to the victim with the Yang - haidian district hubei building one room,In contrary to the will of the victim,Take turns to have sex.
Sohu education special attachment孙云晓、李文道、郑委、游涵 sun/Li Wendao/Zheng Wei/Swim culvert共同探讨家庭教育对一个孩子的重要性,以期给广大网友做出指导。 Discuss the importance of family education in a child,In order to make guidance to the people.


提问: To ask questions:在以后的生活中,您认为父母和孩子(李双江一家)应该如何面对这件事?怎样重建家庭的和谐融洽?

In later life,What do you think parents and children(Mr. Li, a)Should be how to deal with this matter?How to rebuild the harmony of the family?


游涵(资深心理专家、家庭教育专家): Swim culvert(Senior psychologist/Family education expert):中国人是最适合营建家庭的,中国人的思维方式是一切以家和万事兴为主,家庭不兴旺时也应该按照家和万事兴的方向运作。中国传统文化里已经说得很清楚了,天地人三才,爸爸是天,妈妈是地,男人要撑起他的事业,担起他的责任,无论家里发生什么事情,男人要理智起来,强起来妈妈要厚德载物,无论家里出现了什么事情,大地是沉默的,是能够接纳的,妈妈的怀抱永远会给子女预备着。父母的爱不变时,即使有灾难,天地自动的调整仍然会使中间的树茁壮成长,这个时候父母不能掉链子,孩子虽然受到伤害,只要根不受到伤害,气候还会润化起来。夫妻的关系是一个家庭安定和谐的最基本保证,他们存在,一切存在。

Chinese is the most suitable for construction of family,The Chinese way of thinking is mainly under one roof,Families do not thrive when should operate according to the direction of the home and everything.Chinese traditional culture has said very clearly,Accommodate to only three,Father is day,Mother is to,A man to hold up his career,Take his responsibility,No matter what happens at home,A man to reason,Strong up,Mother to hold world with virtue,What no matter appeared at home,The silence of the earth,Can be accepted,The arms of mother will always be prepared to their children.Parents love is constant,Even with the disaster,Automatic adjustment of heaven and earth will still in the middle of the trees thrive,At this time of parents cannot be discontinued,Although children get hurt,As long as root don't hurt,Climate will RunHua.The relationship of husband and wife is the most basic guarantee a family stability and harmony,They have,All there is.


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