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少年打抱不平累全家挨打 父亲:我为你骄傲--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  近日,嘉兴本地论坛上有则帖子点击过万,名为“儿子,老爸为你骄傲”,是嘉兴网友“零距离”发的。 In recent days,Jiaxing have local BBS posts by clicking on,called"son,Dad proud of you",Jiaxing is a net friend"Zero distance"The hair.


Post said such a thing:"Zero distance"Three out of the supermarket to go home,Met three men are WeiOu a middle-aged woman,son,yell"3 a man hit a woman,What is a man!"As a result,Three were beaten,Different degrees were injured.


The reporter understands,One of a dozen men on suspicion of cheng stir-up-trouble crime has been jiaxing south lake district procuratorate approved the arrest.In addition two dozen men now at large,The police are hunting for.


儿子路见不平一声吼 Son road sees rough a roar


一家三口被毒打 Three were beaten


"Zero distance"Last name is hu,Although already after a month or so,But he and his wife's injury has not completely good.


He described the accident in the post of the whole process:


It happened on January 2, around 19,We three out of the sanjiang supermarket,Walking along the west side of the pavement from north to south.


When water to hexi the kindergarten,See there is a battery car fell to the ground. The centre of the road,The owner was a middle-aged woman,The back seat and a boy.


Three men swearing about this woman,Also use their feet to kick her.A woman climbs up,With jiaxing local words to explain.


See the scene,Son shouted the words:"3 a man hit a woman,What is a man!"


The three men blunt come over to my son.


"The master,I'm sorry,He was a child!"My son ran to the front,Want to by them.


But they didn't listen to explain,His fists to us.


I was down/With blood,I love begged them not to play,But they began to call my lover.


The whole process lasted for more than ten minutes,I was beaten faint.


Later someone report to the police,Three men turned to run.I tried to cling to one son,I also wake up,Tackling this man together,Until the police arrived.


after,We were sent to the hospital.Through inspection,My right eye socket fractures/Broken his nose/Upper jaw bone fracture/Skull fracture/Right hand little finger tendon rupture/A concussion/The whole body soft tissue contusion and so on;I lover her left knee comminuted fracture/Tendon rupture,Many soft tissue contusion;Son in soft tissue contusion.


父亲发帖表扬儿子 Praise father posts son


网友赞声一片 One netizen praise sound


Mr. Hu son 17 years old this year,Jiaxing is a experimental middle school students.


Although because son a word,His family was beaten,But I can't blame son after Mr Hu and his wife are.


"We are proud of him."Mr. Hu also specifically sent this post on the Internet,"Son to do right,This approach to encourage,To support."


For Mr Hu son's behavior,A lot of net friend also praise.


Net friend"yljzzxcasd":Standing up is a kind of courage,To his credit!


Net friend"aloof":Support your son's behavior,Can you teach that man,You husband and wife is also a good parents.


Net friend"ZMJ123":"Children should be encouraged to,But want to tell a child at the same time,Encountered such a thing should first call the police."


After the incident,Ride electromobile woman and her husband to the hospital to visit Mr Hu a twice.It makes them feel very comfort.


Attacker's family had come to the hospital,hope"settle",But a Mr Hu did not agree.


一打人男子已被批捕 A man was arrest a beating


另两名尚在逃 The other two is still at large


The police investigation,Captured his name is cheng,Jiang Xiren,38.


In the evening,He and his hometown xu and nickname"glasses"One of seven villagers and their families together in water in a restaurant,Table 3 people drink a lot of wine.


After the meal,Cheng three people want to go across the street from the chess playing mahjong.To cross the road,Cheng was hit by a Ms. Chiang to ride electric vehicles,Madame Chiang and fell down on the spot on the back seat of the children.


The noisy up.Three people on the ground of madame Chiang a kicking,Happened to be passing by Mr. Hu a see.


Cheng said:"Drink too much at that time,An impulsive temper is larger,Went up the."


The appraisal in accordance with the law,Mr Hu and his wife's injuries were minor injuries.


At present,Cheng has been jiaxing south lake district procuratorate approved the arrest.The other two dozen men,The police are hunting for.

  办案检察官说,程某等人已经涉嫌寻衅滋事罪。根据我国刑法规定,随意殴打他人,情节恶劣的,构成寻衅滋事罪,应处五年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制。(通讯员 南煦 曹伦伟 本报驻嘉兴记者 黄娜)

Case the prosecutor said,Cheng and others have suspected stir-up-trouble crime.According to the criminal law in our country,Random beatings,If the circumstances are flagrant,Constitute stir-up-trouble crime,Should be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years/Criminal detention or public surveillance.(The correspondent Cao Lunwei our newspaper reporter in jiaxing Huang Na south day)
