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母亲7年背3“瘫儿”上学 如今儿女已超百斤--亲稳网络舆情监控室
坚强母亲,还能走多远 A strong mother,Also can walk far
On May 11, 2009,This newspaper published[With three"Collapsed son"Mother at school]reports,Cause social huge repercussion.Obtained in the past more than three years,The burden of the mother Yang Derong and three"Collapsed son"What's the?On January 18, 2013,Tongxiang city reporter walked into the eastern school,Come to the side of the strong mother.
"Female 18 change",In seventh grade eldest daughter wang Dan,Is twenty years old,She is with 15 years old sister Wang Xiaoju deskmate,Because of the pathological response and lack of exercise,Both out of the way"Bang big waist round".Them and read grade four brother, wang bing,Because is far more than classmates,Old sitting on the last row of the classroom."Jingle bell"In the third quarter when the bell rang,But see mother Yang into the school gate,Ran ran into the classroom 701 class,Picked up the head of those big wang Dan,Let her help desk stood,And then back to their children,Kneeling, his legs,More than 100 catties of children,Weighs heavy on her back,Because daughter all throughout the body,Yang mother 1.51 meters high,Only step one quiver to the toilet.Then back two younger siblings,Wait until they all toilet,Is already out of breath.
Several school teacher,Introduce us to the young mother's misfortune:Yang Derong 44 years old this year,From sichuan province rural,More than a decade ago,Three children have developed quite a refractory progressive muscular dystrophy,Whole body muscle from atrophy of the legs up,Now has been unable to walk the way of lower extremities.In order to take care of three children,Yang Derong couldn't work,Spending at home,All by children dad Wang Wujun labor income.
In the face of the three"Collapsed son",Yang Derong not only to fully take care of/heal,And to send them all to a classroom.The morning get up at 5 o 'clock every day,Shake to two daughters in turn,Take turns to dress up for them,Help them get out of bed,Mr. Wang dress again for son.The following nearly an hour,Wheelchair Yang Derong turn their backs,To the distance 400 meters east of the school.At 5 PM,Yang Derong again pushed the wheelchair,Will three sister and take back the rented accommodation in the garage,Do homework one by one put in bed.Every night,Yang Derong are to busy to sleep until eleven or twelve.And is this the rest of the five or six hours,Yang mother also hard to spend,Because of the children every twenty minutes will shout pain,She had to get out of bed,Each turn massage for your child.
What reassures Yang Derong is,Children learn very screws up,A pair of daughter to do every time in the top two class grade;Also learn good son said,His ambition is to become a doctor in the future,With his same disease of children.Tongxiang city and the social from all walks of life have been holding my hand to her home.
家庭重担之下,大爱母亲杨德荣说:无论有多大困难,她都会坚持,决不放弃!一路扛过来的杨妈妈现在最大的担心是:“三个孩子长得一个比一个高大,而我的身体一天比一天差,每次背起他们,感到越来越吃力。将来哪一天我背不动了,他们怎么办?”(记者 储永志影报道)
Under the family burden,Da ai mother Yang Derong said:No matter how difficult,She will insist on,Never give up!Yang mother carried all the way to come is the biggest worry now:"Three children have grown a tall than one,And my body every day,Every time back from them,Feel more and more demanding.Which day I can't back in the future,They how to do?"(Reporter ChuYongZhi shadow reports)
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