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新华网太原12月29日电(王菲菲 白岩)说到艺术类考生的就业情况,山西大学音乐学院党委副书记赵建伟用了一个词“乱七八糟”。近年来,艺术类考试逐年升温,然而,艺术生的需求却赶不上供给,大多数的艺术生只能选择灵活就业。
Xinhuanet taiyuan on December 29(Wang Feifei white rock)When it comes to the arts examinee's employment situation,Music college of shanxi university, deputy party secretary Zhao Jianwei used a word"In a mess".In recent years,Art class test heating up year by year,however,Art student needs and can't keep up with supply,Most art students can only choose flexible employment.
Zhang wei, 26, graduated from shanxi three years ago a college major of broadcasting and hosting."What also don't understand at that time,In order to carry on the undergraduate course,Boardcast compere to learn faster."In this way,Zhang wei on the dazzling"art"The path of."University four years is also quite fruitful,Exercise eloquence/The courage to,Also long knowledge."however,After graduating from college,Zhang wei is not engaged in the work of broadcasting and hosting,It as a small business."Art student employment is not very good,Plus my mandarin is not good,Appearance is generally,Can only be a career."
According to zhang wei,A total of 28 people in their class,But not more than 10 people are engaged in this professional work,Others are turned,Even someone as the police."If let me choose again should not choose this major,unsuitable."Zhang wei said.
Written by Michael thought research/At the Chinese academy of social science literature publishing house[In 2011 Chinese college students employment report]Pointed out that,Fine arts/Music and art majors"Looks very beautiful",Unemployment is very high,This and these professional supply exceeds demand,Ahead of the needs of society.
"According to the current situation,At the fair,Need less units of art students,Even if to art students,Most are engaged in public relations or office reception, etc.And the art student besides part can enter the school to become a teacher,Many people have turned."Zhao Jianwei told reporters.
The employment is so disappointing,Why there are so many people choose art on this road?Zhao Jianwei said,The examinee of college entrance examination this can easily make a lot of literacy class is not good, only a different approach,Choose arts exam."Quite a few students not because I love art and participate in art,But in order to enter a bachelor degree or junior college."
Zhao Jianwei think,In order to enter the undergraduate course and select art got wrong,But if only to choose you don't like to go to school or unsuitable,Not only bad for employment in the future,May also affect their life planning.so,He suggested that the examinee when choosing art this road,To weigh the interest relationship,Careful choice.
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