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  搜狐考研讯 西南财经大学研究生考试初试成绩开通查询,详情如下:

Sohu one's deceased father grind, southwestern university of finance and economics graduate student examination scores query,Details are as follows:

西南财经大学2013年考研成绩开通查询 点击图片进行查询 Click on the image




Our school graduate student entrance examination results published in 2013,Please log in southwestern university of finance and economics graduate admissions information network(HTTP: / / http://yz.swufe.edu.cn)Or sichuan province education testing site(HTTP: / / http://cx.sceea.cn/)The query.


Please carefully read the following information of queries before:

  1. 考生可点击以下链接进入成绩查询页面,凭“身份证号”和“考生编号”登录查询。

1. Candidates can click the following link into the query results page,by"Identity card number"and"The examinee number"Log on to the query.


Click to enter:2013 graduate student entrance examination scores query page

  2. 因全国统一评卷科目成绩暂时未下达,下列科目暂无成绩,相关考生目前只能查到部分科目成绩。请考生耐心等待。成绩一旦下达,我校将第一时间公布。

2. Because of the unified national evaluation subject result not issued for the time being,The following subjects no results,Relevant candidates now refer only to the part of the course grade.Candidates, please patience to wait.Results once issued,Our school will be announced in the first place.


(199)Management class entrance exam comprehensive ability




(397)Legal master entrance examination professional basis(A law)


(398)Legal master entrance examination professional basis(Illegal to learn)


(497)Legal master comprehensive entrance exams(A law)


(498)Legal master comprehensive entrance exams(Illegal to learn)

  3. 考生若对考试成绩有异议,可于2月22日-2月23日(上午9:00-11:00 下午2:00-4:00)到研究生院招生办公室(柳林校区腾骧楼219室)申请查分,外地考生可委托他人办理查分申请,逾期不再受理。

3. If the examinee to object to the test results,But on February 22-23 February(- 11:00 at 9 a.m. at 2:00 in the afternoon - 4:00 PM)To the graduate school admissions office(Grahame campus TengXiang floor. Room 219)Apply for check grade,Out-of-town candidates can entrust others to handle check grade application,No longer accepted.


Check grade need to provide the examinee the examinee registration number and need check grade course code and name.


The check grade result to have the change,I will immediately notify the candidate himself;If have no change,Will no longer notice.

  4. 如需成绩单请直接在查询后打印,学校不再另发书面成绩通知。

4. If you require the transcript, please directly in the query after printing,Schools are no longer issued a written notice.

  5. 我校复试分数线、复试安排等需在教育部公布全国分数线之后尚能确定,请考生耐心等待。并请注意查看西财研招网有关通知。

5. Our school second-round exam scores/Second interview arrangement should be after the ministry of education announced the fractional line to be able to determine,Candidates, please patience to wait.And please note to check the west net grind recruit money related notice.

  6. 请牢记本人考生编号和报名号,以备后用。

6. Please keep in mind my candidate number and registration number,For later use.


Southwestern university of finance and economics graduate school admissions office


On February 5, 2013
