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“陪练妈妈”练成书法高手 一平方尺字5000元--亲稳舆论引导监测室
妈妈被教练“看中” Mother was coach"Take a fancy to"
Mother to send his daughter to class study calligraphy,Carelessly by coach as a daughter"Good prospect",Follow to learn calligraphy for 14 years.Under the guidance of the mother,The whole family along learning to write,And there are some achievements.
yesterday(On the 19th),In hanyang district,Reporters saw is khoi of practicing the word and their work(Pictured above).
Has not yet entered the khoi home,Smell is a thick ink first.
The sitting room is not big,But it's very chic.Is opposite the door is not the tea table,But two pieces of writing desk and a lot of written manuscript., 43, is under the guidance of coach Guo Bailiang khoi,Carefully in writing.
"I am learning to write is in beginning in 1999."Khoi said,When she took with primary school daughter to wuhan youth palace on a calligraphy class,Her daughter's teacher is Guo Bailiang.
It seems to khoi,Let children learn a thing,As parents also want to do,And she learn together.So my daughter learning,She also quietly"stealing",Learn some knowledge of calligraphy.
I didn't think,No she know the Chinese calligraphy,Should soon fell in love with writing."Anyway, have a teacher here,I also can't afford to waste resources."Khoi joked,Daughter in writing from time to time,She also write together,Don't understand of ask miss guo.
Practice the practice with,Miss guo found her"To believe":"Khoi writing seriously,Can set the heart to,This is the most important quality to practice calligraphy."He accepted the additional"mommy"The disciple.In addition to the training course on,Miss guo also made a special trip to khoi home every week,As they were separate.
Half a year down,Mother and daughter of the calligraphy level quickly.
持之以恒 perserve
一练就是14年 A practice is 14 years
Miss guo is very strict,He asked the students have to practice every day,Is not a moment to relax.
When it comes to word of the day,Khoi daughter regrets I'm very sorry."At that time,We must practice two hours every day.Every summer and winter vacation,We don't have to take children out to play."Khoi said,Have a daughter:"My mother,I think I never have the childhood."Listen to the daughter,Khoi burst of sad,But in order to let the children practice good word,She was a cruel insisted.
Miss guo's request,Khoi has always been unswervingly.The husband is doing engineering,Often in the field on a business trip.sometimes,She need to go to the husband's job site visit.In addition to the necessary articles for daily use,By replacing ink is that she will bring the tool.In the construction site,Word is her every day"Required courses".
A flash over the past 14 years,Khoi still kept the habit of every day.14 years,She can remember to write how many brushes bald."I just remember no pen,Will together with the husband outside to wholesale.Have a special drive to chaozhou,Wholesale a large bundle of back."As for the written paper and ink,Can only use heap and kg to calculate.
Practice the practice with,Khoi word is more than the daughter.Mother and daughter who words better?In their calligraphy guo teacher speak most tutors for 14 years:"Children at her age,Already very good.But than with mom,There is the gap.Because khoi on writing,More persistent,More concentration."
成绩斐然 Remarkable achievements
一平方尺字价格5000元 A square foot price 5000 yuan
Daughter progress soon,Study for half a year to attend at the time of a youth calligraphy competition level in the city,The results come back gets a gold medal.
Mom does not show weakness.In 2002,,Khoi attending for the first time"The fourth national youth writing calligraphy and painting imitating contest",Have young gold medal.The following,Her grades:In 2004,,To commemorate the 12 anniversary of diplomatic relations between the China and South Korea national painting and calligraphy competition first prize;Commemorating the anniversary of deng xiaoping won the first prize in the national painting and calligraphy masters tournament;2006 of the eighth national youth painting and calligraphy competition youth gold medal...
In January 2012,Because of the outstanding achievements,She was employed as a professor of Chinese painting and calligraphy photographers' association training center,Period of 3 years;In the same year,By the Chinese painting and calligraphy photographers' association and the Chinese contemporary art assessment issued by the appraisal committee jointly[RunGe certificate]On the,Her work has been identified as collection costs 5000 yuan per square foot.
精神支柱 Spiritual pillar
一人带动全家人练字 A man run a word the whole family
14 years,Khoi themselves not only in writing,In writing together with the family.
To see her progress so quickly,Big sister/Three elder sister/Three elder sister's daughter to join the ranks of practicing the word.Over the years,Khoi Guo Bailiang teacher became very good friends,Miss guo come home every week,Guide them to write.Began to also receive money,Don't even collected the money at last.
Every time miss guo was here,As long as there is time,Relatives will get khoi from composed of home,Learning to write with.At present,Their level of calligraphy is also accomplished.
In November 2011,In the"The first session of the national painting and calligraphy invitational photographers' works"On the,Khoi and big sister FuGong/Daughter Zhang Yawen/Xu ke qing niece"group"entries.As a result,Khoi got gold medal,Other three grades is very good also.
After the game,The organizing committee out of a winning portfolio,4 people is selected all the works of the collection.
(文 记者 翁晓波 余国华)
(Wen reporters WengXiaoBo Yu Guohua)
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