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赵红霞因敲诈勒索已被逮捕 曾被镀金为名校生--亲稳网络舆情监控室
本报特派记者 张子森 刘德峰 发自重庆
This newspaper correspondent Zhang Zisen LiuDeFeng from chongqing
Our reporter from 30 Zhao Gongxia defense lawyer has learned,Zhao Gongxia was on December 31, 2012, in chongqing municipal people's procuratorate to a branch"Racketeering sin"Approval of arrest,Currently held in a detention center in chongqing.Defense lawyers meet Zhao Gongxia after many revealed by different information with the outside world: Zhao Gongxia said they had been cheated by XiaoYe.
女主角背景回顾:爆料人披露雷政富事件内幕 女主角镀金为名校生 Actress background reviews:Fact people disclose LeiZhengFu events inside the heroine gold plated for the school students
一个月前就已被捕 A month ago has been arrested,
,已与委托律师见面 Have meet with the lawyer
Chongqing lawyers association, deputy director of the criminal/Zhang zhi4 courageously, director of the chongqing ZhiHao law firm 30 this exclusive interview,Revealed much information about the Zhao Gongxia.According to zhang zhi4 courageously,Zhao Gongxia because"The indecent video case"On November 25, 2012, was criminal detention,On December 31, 2012, is a branch of chongqing city people's procuratorate to"Racketeering sin"Approval of arrest,Is currently held in a detention center in chongqing.
According to public information,Chongqing police solve the case in 2009,Police shot to sex video and no to be XiaoYe group of the party and government officials/Soe executives for questioning and accountability,The case has been sealed.In November 2012"LeiZhengFu indecent video"When exposed to light,Chongqing indecent video case continuous fermentation.Chongqing has done to the 11 enterprise of chongqing officials involved removal process,And to investigate the case.Since the same year on November 22nd,Behind the XiaoYe etc. Man and woman involved Zhao Gongxia people detained by the police investigation, etc.
New Year's day holiday this year,Zhao Gongxia family commissioned ZhiHao law firm, director of the chongqing zhang zhi4 courageously and Peng Yiping Zhao Gongxia as deputy director of the defense lawyer.We have learned,The lawyer's office in chongqing and southwest specializes in criminal defense lawyer firm,During the period of chongqing in 2009,Who was involved in wen case series/"Most black eldest brother"Chen Mingliang cases such as the domestic numerous major cases.Zhao Gongxia family chose the law firm lawyers argue as punishment law is took a fancy to this point.
On January 4,,Zhao Gongxia attorney in accordance with the new[Criminal procedure law]provisions,See Zhao Gongxia a detention center in chongqing for the first time.In the same Zhao Gongxia to verify the details of the case,Found many and the different network transmission.
除了赵红霞 In addition to Zhao Gongxia,
,肖烨还和公司多名女子“谈恋爱” Many women XiaoYe and company"Fall in love"
According to zhang zhi4 courageously and Peng Yiping lawyers met Zhao Gongxia,In the second half of 2007,Zhao Gongxia after leaving the previous job unit in a state of looking for a job again,After the friend introduced XiaoYe,XiaoYe began to pursue her.XiaoYe claims to the people of Hong Kong at that time,Is Hong Kong wallenda(group)Co., LTD. Chongqing, director of the office,Company main business is clothing sales.After XiaoYe said companies need people to help themselves,Zhao Gongxia move it into the company.
According to Zhao Gongxia memories,XiaoYe then claim to be married once,The wife is from Singapore,But his wife and kids died in a car accident.Zhao Gongxia original work has no base salary,Provided by XiaoYe propaganda color pages to run business,Income depend entirely on sales commissions,But not in sales from the start.Just began to work for two months,Zhao Gongxia even without any revenue.
According to previously reported,Wood Cai XiaoYe lover in this has been confirmed that there is a problem at that time in the company.Zhao Gongxia in October 2007 after entering XiaoYe company as a sales job,Wood Cai is XiaoYe"younger female cousin"The identity of a,Never open status of husband and wife.
Since Zhao Gongxia into the company,XiaoYe began to ask her go high-end consumption.After two months or so,Two people established a relationship.Just XiaoYe doesn't allow her public relations between the two people,In front of other employees must keep the boss and staff's distance.
Until the end of 2008/In early 2009(Zhao said the specific time can't remember),Zhao Gongxia and several colleagues found in a chance to chat,XiaoYe not only keep the relationship with her,Also at the same time and several women employees keep relationship,Zhao Gongxia has resigned from the company.
自称被肖烨洗脑 Claims to be XiaoYe brainwashed
After entering the company for two months,In late 2007 or early 2007,Tell Zhao Gongxia XiaoYe,Companies operating condition,Let Zhao Gongxia to help him.
then,A male staff YanPeng XiaoYe(The sound)Played with a video disc to Zhao Gongxia viewing.This video is also not a video.
YanPeng told her,The woman in the video is his girlfriend,What she is doing is to help him to improve sales performance."I sure want to marry her in the future,What she is doing is for our future life better."The staff began to brainwash her,And wood Cai also ask them for help"The eldest brother"XiaoYe.
XiaoYe Zhao Gongxia said to at that time,After the shoot video,The other will be large purchases of clothing,And she also can get commission."I am too simple,Too seriously the feelings."Zhao Gongxia later recalls,After XiaoYe coded messages,Let her in a call on this number each hair past,If you have reply,XiaoYe personally guides what did she reply,Step by step to meet for dinner/Margie, etc..
After the shoot video,XiaoYe will check to see if complete and clear.If you can meet the requirements,XiaoYe will tell Zhao Gongxia schedule a check in again,And arrange people grasp the rape,The aim is to cut off her and LeiZhengFu relationship,Ensure don't appear similar situation.
According to zhang zhi4 courageously/Lawyer Peng Yiping paraphrased,Zhao Gongxia think shoot video is in order to achieve XiaoYe all along"Sales of clothing"The purpose of.While Zhao Gongxia get told by xiao is in 40000 yuan"Clothing sales performance fee".
Defense lawyers also said:"Besides listen to suspects' confession and defense,Should also be in the other accomplice's confession on the case and combining with other objective evidence,And then make a decision in accordance with the law to defend its."
律师已为赵红霞申请取保候审 Lawyers have to Zhao Gongxia application to obtain a guarantor pending trial
Zhang zhi4 courageously said,Currently Zhao Gongxia already married and have children,For her husband and more than 1 year old children and mothers,Network of Zhao Gongxia banter is a huge damage.Zhao Gongxia family also expressed the same feeling.
A lawyer in Shanghai through weibo said:"More and more clues,Zhao Gongxia in chongqing Yin guan video case and so-called XiaoYe extortion case,Tools and the victim was coerced.Calls for the social from all walks of life should not be with her when the joke is wanton ridicule."Have other lawyers also said:"She is also a victim,Because of the wet behind the ears and become a pawn in a XiaoYe extortion behavior."
We have learned,After discussing ZhiHao agent the case law firm,Has been to obtain a guarantor pending trial application submitted to the authority of handling the case,But was told in the study,How future defense depends on the related files again after material is determined by the team.
Zhang zhi4 courageously said,The road they will be in accordance with the new[Criminal procedure law]Provisions for zhao again apply to obtain a guarantor pending trial or residential surveillance.According to the new[Criminal procedure law]Article ninety-three."The criminal suspect/The accused was arrested,The necessity of the people's procuratorate shall remain in custody for review.Don't need to continue to detain,Should suggest to release or change of coercive measures."
At the same time,Zhang zhi4 courageously lawyers believe according to the latest release of the people's procuratorate criminal procedure rules(On a trial basis)The one hundred and thirty-ninth/One hundred and forty/One hundred and forty-two/One hundred and forty-three/Six hundred and sixteen/Article six hundred and seventeen and the new[Criminal procedure law]The provisions of article seventy-nine of the,Zhao Gongxia case the related situation of comply with the legal conditions can change coercive measures after arrest."We will discuss Zhao Gongxia change compulsory measures of legal requirements apply to the judicial authorities to submit again."
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