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武大新校门规划方案揭开面纱 立体交通解除门口拥堵--亲稳舆论引导监测室
"The 93 version"After school of wuhan university memorial arch was demolished last year,The new Wu Dazhu school into question at the moment.yesterday,Wu da released the official website of the new school portal landscape planning scheme(As shown in figure),To lift the veils Wu Daxin school for the first time.
设计亮点 Design highlights
立体交通解除门口拥堵 Three-dimensional traffic congestion to lift the door
yesterday,Wu3 da4 website issued a set of six new school renderings,Including the overall layout/An aerial view and simulation map,According to the general layout,In and out of school"One car shunt",Abortion can be along the axis from the memorial arch in and out of campus.
"Previous major festivals,As the cherry blossom season,Wu3 da4 front always jam packed,The situation in the future will be a thing of the past."Infrastructure management, planning and land management, wuhan university, director of the office of Hu Jun said,The latest design let students and that vehicles in and out of the door,Greatly improve transport efficiency,Past the crossroads vehicle congestion situation will no longer appear.
布局创意 Layout ideas
设“校友林”方便校友捐树 set"Alumni Lin"Convenient alumni donate a tree
According to the latest planning scheme,Main entrance plaza will be the same reconstruction QuanYeChang old arch,In order to optimize the environment of the school gate on both sides at the same time,At the school gate square both sides grow tall evergreen plants as the main body"Alumni Lin",Basic keep status quo,Give priority to with tall trees.
Hu Jun said,Set up"Alumni Lin"From some alumni donation request,After a lot of alumni donations of trees to participate in campus construction and planning are put forward,After argument after school planning management department,Finally chose to set up on the west side of the main gate square"Alumni Lin",Used in landscape construction.
网友评论 The net friend comment on
欢迎来珞珈山人民公园 Welcome to LuoJiaShan people's park
Wu Daxin school latest scheme to square around the parking lot at the same time/The campus is the bus station/Management USES a room/lighting/Sound and so on has carried on the overall arrangement.Some netizens said after rendering is released"A surprise",Some netizens poking fun at a bit like a park.
Net friend"Old enemy 408"Sigh with emotion,"Resembles a game in which united the gate,Of course,,I still like,Then I say Wu Dapa."
Net friend"Che son"said,"When it's really a LuoJiaShan people's park……"
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