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浙江女大学生被奥迪撞飞 目击者称司机二次碾轧--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  南都讯 13日晚上,浙江丽水发生一起交通事故,21岁的女大学生周燕在斑马线上被一辆奥迪Q5撞飞,司机驾车逃逸。有目击者称,奥迪逃逸时对女孩进行了二次碾轧,疑似醉驾。警方全城设卡,并识破一名前来顶包的男子,14日下午,肇事司机傅某到交警队接受调查。16日,丽水莲都交警告诉记者,因为事故现场没有摄像头,他们正在对周燕进行法医检查,而傅某是否有酒驾、二次碾轧等情节也还在调查当中。

SMW - 13 in the evening,A traffic accident happened in lishui, zhejiang,21-year-old female college student Zhou Yan on the zebra crossing is an audi Q5 flying,The driver drove away.Witnesses said,Audi escape to secondary roll-off girl,Suspected drunk driving.Police in the city set up checked posts,And through a man came to the top bag,14 in the afternoon,The driver of the fu to JiaoJingDui under investigation.On the 16th,Lishui lotus are traffic police told reporters,Because the scene of the accident doesn't have a camera,They are for forensic examination Zhou Yan,If there is a drunken driving and a fu/Secondary roll-off plot is still in investigation.


 肇事逃逸被指二次碾轧 A hit-and-run accident is rolled twice


"Hit and owners to escape,The dead is a girl at the university of reading,21 years old,At the time the dog for a walk on the road."On February 13th 49 points and 10 PM,Weibo users"Dong Zhuomin"Post said,Urban areas of lishui zhongshan street, a traffic accident happened in north ring road,One person was killed,Hit and owners to escape.


We have learned,Girls Zhou Yan was hit,After a 90,Is riverside of zhejiang vocational and technical college freshman year business,Lishui lotus area,On the second day back to their hometown for the holiday.At the time,She is carrying a white Pomeranian and a high school classmate in baiyun mountain park after the walk home.

  附近的一位目击者说,当时女孩正在斑马线上过路口,一辆奥迪Q 5自西向东驶来,速度很快,直接就把女孩撞出斑马线十多米远。发现出事后,奥迪车曾有人下车查看,却没有救人,他们身上带有酒味,很快就重新启动车子离开。

Nearby a witness said,The girls were on the zebra crossing intersections,An audi Q 5 coming from west to east,Is very fast,Just knocked out the zebra crossing the girl more than 10 meters.Found out later,Audi has been out of the car to see,But I did not save,Them with alcohol,Restart the car leave soon.


Another said passing drivers,When audi escape wheel rolling to the girl again.


14, zero 30 points,The dead brother @ ze kai Huang Fawei bo said:The cause of the accident is because the driver drunk driving,Hit and run driver,Listen to witnesses said knocked down my sister for the first time my sister did not die,But the driver for the second toe to cause death……


交警设卡识破顶包者 The traffic police set up checked posts through the top bag

  事故发生后,丽水莲都交警迅速赶到现场,并全城设卡,拦截肇事车。当晚,交警在市区的解放街找到了肇事车辆,一辆香槟色的奥迪Q 5。这部车的车头受损严重:保险杠已经掉落,引擎盖也是高高翘起。

After the accident,Lishui lotus are traffic police rushed to the scene rapidly,And the whole city to set up checked posts,Intercept the trouble-causing car.In the evening,The traffic police XieFangJie found the car in the city,A champagne audi Q 5.The front of the car badly damaged:Bumper has been dropped,The hood is sticking up.

  次日一早,一名自称是奥迪Q 5驾驶员的男子到莲都交警队自首,但警方查明是顶包。

The next morning,A man claiming to be audi Q 5 pilot to lotus JiaoJingDui surrendered,But the police found out is the top bag.


14 in the afternoon,Owners were a fu JiaoJingDui hit-and-run rampage when surveyed admitted,But denied that the matter of the roll-off again.He said,Escape just noticed that the ground has a puppy,Didn't notice the position of the people.

  16日,丽水莲都交警告诉记者,因为事发的中山路北环路口没有摄像头,所以他们目前正在对周燕进行法医检查,并调查傅某是否有酒驾、二次碾轧等情节。他表示,调查结果出来以后会立即向社会公布。 中新

On the 16th,Lishui lotus are traffic police told reporters,Because of the way ring road north zhongshan doesn't have a camera,So they are now going for forensic examination Zhou Yan,If there is a drunken driving and investigate a fu/Secondary roll-off, etc.He said,The results of the survey come out later will immediately publish to the society. The new
