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导语: Guide language:年末与年初相遇,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的"向教育提问"搜狐教育年度盛典将于2013年1月22日北京光华路五号会展中心5号大厅盛大举行,我们将发起一场属于教育的跨年思考。盘点全年,我们抛出了六大问题:"问策-教育公平"从最原始的起点发问,关注上学累、上学难、上学贵;"问计-异地高考"讲述普通人的故事,解读概念中的深意;"问道-创新的逻各斯"带着发现的心,将教育改革先行者的勇气和成果传播扩散;"问鼎-金砖之智"在喧嚣时代以一份难得的执著虔诚守望,付诸行动用榜样案例照亮来时的路;"问君-高朋满座"对话行业掌门人,探知产业命脉;"问卷-白皮书"延续对行业的深入观察,提供专业的调查报告…… At the end of the encounter with early,By sohu net/The auspices of the joint sohu education channel"Ask the education"Sohu education annual festival will be on January 22, 2013, Beijing guanghua hall held on 5th v convention and exhibition center,We will launch a belongs to the education of thinking across the years.Inventory throughout the year,We throw out the six major problems:"Q - education fair"From the starting point of the original questions,Attention to go to school tired/School education/In your school;"- beyond the university entrance exam"Tells the story of ordinary people,Reading the meaning of concept;"Asked - innovative logos"Taking heart found,The courage to pioneer in education reform and spread results;"Top - the brics think-tank"In the era of the hustle and bustle to watch a rare persistent piety,Action with example case to illuminate the road;"Ask jun to guests"Dialogue industry leader,Ascertain industrial lifeline;"A white paper questionnaire -"Continued in-depth observation of the industry,Provide professional report……


Learning and thought Zhang Bangxin founder,Chairman and CEO.Read graduate student at Peking University in 2003 during the partnership founded AoShuWang with classmates,Two years later, formally named organization learning and thought,Specializing in primary and middle schools extracurricular counselling training.In October 2010,Learning and thought officially listed on the nyse,Become the first domestic listed in the U.S. primary and secondary school education training organization.In 2011,,Zhang Bangxin won"China's education person of the year"/"China's private education industry leader".


一、从家教到奥数网 a/AoShuWang from tutors


Zhang Bangxin first year graduate student at Peking University,Do the seven part-time job,College of life science at that time people even reading course is focused on the basis of the first year,So time is very nervous.Seven part-time job,There is three family education,Two is to take the remedial class,Is another web site,Another is the lighting problem solving.In all his part-time job,Family education is the lowest price,Yet it is he has been my conscience do tutor and stick to it,After changed his fate.


Under the guidance of Zhang Bangxin,Conservatory oil grade six students Du Yang mathematics result from partial,Up to three consecutive 100 points.Parents of students through word of mouth spread,Number of students increased to 20 people,Formed a small class of 20 people,In the process,Zhang Bangxin fully protect the interests of parents and students,Created a"Listen first, then pay"/"To allow parents to attend"/"Not satisfied with can refund at any time"Such as model.


In 2003,,Launched AoShuWang Zhang Bangxin,At the same time open math classes are in the line.


二、开创家长旁听制和退费制度 (2)/Create a parent auditing system and the system of refund


Zhang Bangxin in the process of teaching has created a new mode of teaching profession:Parents allow in-class lectures,If you don't satisfied with first class,Can a full refund,If not satisfied,Before the end of the 2/3 courses,Business models can be proportionally refund, etc,To ensure the teaching quality is stable.


Starting from the beginning,Zhang Bangxin has had a long-held beliefs:The money from parents,If can't give him the results,Is equivalent to stealing money and steal money,This is also the first article of learning and thought core values - achievement customers.


三、“创新是创业一个很重要的基础” three/"Innovation is an important basis"


Talk about business,Zhang Bangxin think:"‘gen’Is to innovation,‘industry’Is the priority field,This coincided with learning and thought of the core values‘Pragmatic innovation’Very match.‘gen’Is you want to create a thing,Innovation is very important."


It is because the Zhang Bangxin this unique understanding of innovation,He founded by learning the thought in just a few short years time growth for domestic primary and secondary school teaching auxiliary industry leading enterprises.


The education training institutions,Everyone is staring at the new Oriental,To copy patterns and mechanism of new Oriental.But China does not need the second new Oriental,So learning and thought of positioning is to do mathematics do science.We do big,Learning and thought do small classes;Everyone doing senders or synchronization,And learning and thought in the pew.Before this,Primary and secondary school education training institutions are in recruitment of a public school teacher,Learning and undergraduate students at the university is the key/Graduate students give priority to.In addition,When many education institutions with through the newspaper advertising,Learning and thought is the Internet,Its website audience has been covered from zero at the age of 18,Positioning accuracy.


互联网情结 The Internet obsession


In the process of entrepreneurship,Zhang Bangxin combining education and the Internet for the first time,Innovation and optimize the allocation of resources.Under his advocacy,In 2010,,E degree of education online,Become domestic layout complete the kindergartens education professional portal website group,Aims at providing a 0 to 18 years old children and their parents provides a platform of information exchange and learning to explore,The station group of monthly unique visitors are more than 28 million.


however,Before 2012,If parents want to know about summer camp/Arts institutions or other institutions for training,On e degree is can't find relevant information.For this,Zhang Bangxin think:"One can't see the shadow of other customer's community is not achievement,A community is not allowed to talk about other institutions is not achievement customers,A casual posts can be deleted the user community is not accord with the spirit of the Internet……A user as long as no violation of law and e,E should be open to him."so,In the 2012 annual meeting,Zhang Bangxin said publicly,E will gradually open to the whole industry,Provide service for the whole education industry,Promote the progress of the education.


But e degree of open message caused some employees worry:If the open degree of e,The customer run to other institutions,Achievement on the customer may not be able to learn and think.For this,Zhang Bangxin admitted:"The customer may really run somewhere else to go,If other people than we really are of good quality,Parents should go to,We can only is our own reflection is not enough attention and effort."


2012年,创新教育理念 In 2012,,Innovation education idea


In 2011,,Zhang Bangxin began to lead the team to input the real effective learning solutions for students.After rectified,-- new [2]"Stimulate interest in/habit/Build character"Finally came out.The Dragon Boat Festival in 2012,Zhang Bangxin to learning and thought of the parents for the first time in Beijing in detail the concept of education.


Stimulate interest, interest is the best teacher,We by stimulating students' interest in learning,To help students build up confidence,Cultivate students' sense of accomplishment,Let the child's learning motivation.


Cultivating habits - shaped by the thinking mode of students,Change their behavior,Enabling full role to the students learning motivation/Learning environment and learning ability,To enhance students' comprehensive quality.


Build character, through the students' thinking mode shape,Change their behavior,Enabling full role to the students learning motivation/Learning environment and learning ability,Eventually improve the comprehensive quality of students.


For education ideas within the company,Zhang Bangxin said,These ideas will guide the development of learning and thinking,Guidance teachers hiring/Qualifications (acteq/Daily service,Guide to communicate with parents,Also include in the subject of preaching.


张邦鑫“三步走”战略 Zhang Bangxin"Three steps"strategy


Since founded in 2003,Learning and thought with nine years of time to complete the financing/The listed/, and a series of expansion of the scope,In the field of primary and middle schools extracurricular counselling occupies the absolute leading position.Learning and thinking will soon celebrate the first ten years,Zhang Bangxin learning and thought for the future development is put forward [3],Also reveals that the development direction of education institutions.


The first step,Efforts to become a high-quality education institutions,Balance between education and business.


Since 2011,Under the Zhang Bangxin personally led,Learning and thought of the research team, after more than six months of argument,Completed the education philosophy of the company system,At the same time,The mission of the company also adjusted for"Benefit to the child life education".Zhang Bangxin said,As a listed company,Also need to be responsible for the shareholders,In the business and achieve a balance between education,But no matter how changes in business environment,Learning and thought will always teaching quality in the first place.


The second step,Pay attention to the cultivation of the students' character,Between the ability training and help students get higher grades have a balance.


Zhang Bangxin in"Stimulate interest in/habit/Build character"The new education idea,Has a lot of it is worth noting that the rules are put forward.Such as the,"The teacher,Don't and children for a sense of accomplishment"/"parents,Please don't give children topic"/"A child's role model to diversification"/"Inappropriate incentives would be counterproductive"/"Don't have to worry about children watching story books and cartoons"/"Is good for learning‘The five habits’With the‘Ten secondary character’"And so on,From the"Stimulate interest in/habit/Build character"Three angles,To help parents and children find effective education method.


The third step,Doing the training at the same time for a social education fair,In the pew and there is a balance between quality resources popularity.


Zhang Bangxin think,Learning and thought to be respected education institutions,Should not only spread knowledge,More important is to stimulate children's interest in learning,Develop good study habits and healthy mindset,To forge a solid foundation for children's future,Let the children benefit from life.This new concept of education is not only learning and thought found after several years of teaching research and practice,But a deep thinking of education and training industry in China.


Zhang Bangxin admitted,this"Three steps"Strategy for each step will be very difficult,Step by step, learning and thought it was in the transformation of labor found in the forward direction and motivation."We will keep trying."Zhang Bangxin said,"Learning and thought will continue to uphold‘Achievement of the customer/pragmatic/innovation’The values of the,Hope in the near future,People to pay close attention to it when it comes to learning and thought no longer is a public company/A training institution,But a life/Respected companies committed to China's education reform."
