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Celebrities are often busy,Believe that principle of his education will give parents some busy.
一、教育女儿身教比言教更重要 a/Parenting is more important than to teaches education daughter
On her daughter's education problem,Small cui comrade and lover's opinions and practices are consistent,Basically what happened contradiction,Because the education about them,Engaged in the work,In the aspect of education daughter, of course, also almost.On the whole,Parenting is more important than say he thought education daughter.sometimes,Daughter to paint,He sat on the sofa reading a book/Read the newspaper,Home is very quiet,Is very sweet.
The pictures daughter,The brush/Paper thrown all over the floor,Come out to play and get other toys,He will not shout to her,Just looking at her with his eyes,Under normal circumstances,Daughter can understand his meaning,Obediently to pick up the art supplies.Sometimes she Dally didn't want to accept,He is just to help her,And for the daughter with him,The passage of time,Children will get into the habit of his pack up.Action is a kind of faith.- ruskin said:"Action is the most amazing thing,Because if you did the right thing,I will be more and more like you do."To the child's education also is such.
二、对女儿永远只有最低要求 (2)/Forever only the minimum requirements for daughter
Cui always dollar said he would not deliberately for her daughter arrangement,He hopes she can walk the path you want to.It is important to have in the future,But the pleasure of growing up and growing more important,His daughter forever only to the minimum requirements,It is healthy/Happy and at peace.
三、家长和孩子相互体谅最重要 three/Mutual understanding is the most important. Parents and their children
Cui always dollar said he won't promise easily,And once a commitment is not to change it.Work again busy if you promised to accompany my daughter go out to play on Saturday,Will try to do it,Had to default,Will show a case for her daughter,Asked her to forgive me,Says the next will double compensation to her.Daughter is very reasonable,He feels should be friend relationship between parents and children,Mutual understanding is the most important.
四、工作再忙双休日一定抽一天时间陪女儿 four/Work again busy weekends must draw a day time with daughter
Cui always dollar said his daughter is very lovely,Is also very good/Very sensible,Don't make so much noise,Never make trouble without a cause.He is very busy work in television,A lot of pressure,Only at home to feel at ease.And daughter together is his most happy things,Only this desire often cannot be achieved.Because of work,He was almost to go home very late every day.Sometimes after work and friends at work date,Come home later,But the child is the need to take the time to spend more time with adults/More communication,In order to can have more time to get along with her daughter/communication,He rules on weekends must take out the time of day with daughter.Take her to go boating/Climbing the mountain/Eat fast food,As long as she likes,Will try to satisfy,Make her happy.
In the cui always dollar is the most busy period of time,He almost half a month of nine every day:00-23:At all in the office.He said,"My daughter call me every day,Ask me what time to return,Because I now and daughter see once a week.Every day I came home from work she has to sleep,I got up, she has to go to school,So if I have time this weekend,I will try to play with children."
五、让孩子学好一种本领首先要让她喜欢 five/Let children learn a ability to let her like in the first place
Small cui said her daughter is smarter than he.She likes painting,Better than his paintings/Picture have a thinking.Her painting never read books,I love how how,Often draw many unexpected"classic"work.He daughter are generally held positive attitude.what"Long head of the table""The four arms",As long as she can explain,Be justified,He is recognized.He respect the wishes of his daughter,Never to interfere with her,Or in her painting skills have what standards/weiwei.I think to let children learn a skill,First of all to let she likes,Want to let her to experience the fun of learning,This is the most important."
六、孩子也有他们自己的收视兴奋点 six/Children have their own viewing excitement
A daughter love[Sakura momoko]the,Dad had recommended to her[China's animation movie selection],The inside of the[Little tadpoles][Three boys][Grassland hero little sister],She is very like,Watched a dozen times.In fact children also have their own viewing excitement,She see[Which zha make to the sea]when,Just the protagonist and the inside of the shard,Because the child is a tolerance of heart.Small cui that now some media in children's tolerance.They say now is multivariate culture,To give people more choice.But now is one of the few traditional culture,Game show everywhere,What choose?Almost no place traditional culture.
source:Strong community education BBS
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