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    导语:     Guide language:据媒体报道,2月17日当天,李双江之子李某伙同魏某等四人,使用暴力殴打、言语恐吓等手段,强行开车将被害人杨某带至海淀区湖北大厦某房间,在违背被害人意愿的情况下,轮流与其发生性关系。据另媒体报道,其中一名嫌疑人是李某被收容教养时认识的“狱友”。 According to media reports,On February 17, the day,Li tianyi, the son of li mou along with dolphins began, four people,Use violent assault/Verbal threats, etc,Driving force to the victim with the Yang - haidian district hubei building one room,In contrary to the will of the victim,Take turns to have sex.According to the media,One of the suspects met li mou is for rehabilitation"Fellow inmates".
Sohu education special attachment孙云晓、李文道、郑委、游涵 sun/Li Wendao/Zheng Wei/Swim culvert共同探讨家庭教育对一个孩子的重要性,以期给广大网友做出指导。 Discuss the importance of family education in a child,In order to make guidance to the people.


提问: To ask questions:李天一的父母都是著名的歌唱家,李天一也从小随父母登台演出。您认为父母身上的光环对孩子是否会产生巨大的压力,有哪些影响?

Li's parents are famous singer,Li also performing with his parents at a young age.Do you think parents aura will produce a great pressure to the child,What are the effects?


孙云晓(中国青少年研究中心副主任、研究员) sun(Deputy director of the China youth and children research center/researcher):父母要给孩子一个真实的环境,而不是一个失真的环境,有时候父母有名气,有地位,会让孩子感觉一切都来得很容易,这样对孩子的成长是不利的,应该要过一种普通的生活,名利圈对孩子是一种伤害,这种生活不适合孩子。

:Parents should give their children a real environment,Rather than a distortion of the environment,Sometimes parents have fame,Have a position,Make children feel everything comes easily,This is unfavorable for the development of children,Should want to live a normal life,Fame and fortune circle is a kind of harm to the child,This kind of life is not suitable for children.


李文道(首师大心理系副教授,北师大心理学博士) Li Wendao(ShouShiDa associate professor, department of psychology,Beijing normal university psychologist Dr):这样巨大光环能可能造成压力,但更有可能给孩子带来一种虚幻感。因为父母的巨大名声,孩子到哪里都被鲜花掌声甚至阿谀之声包围着,没有机会认识真实的世界,导致他不知道自己的真实份量,不知道自己是谁而自我恶性膨胀。每次干了坏事也有老子摆平,他没有机会从错误后果中吸取教训从而变得日益飞扬跋扈、暴力行为逐步升级。

:Such a huge halo can may cause stress,But is more likely to give children a feeling of fantasy.The great reputation as parents,Where children are surrounded by flowers, applause sound even flattery,Didn't have a chance to know the real world,Cause he don't know your real quantity,Don't know who they are and self vicious inflation.Every time do the bad thing. Lao tzu,He didn't have a chance to learn from mistake consequences which are becoming increasingly bossiness/The violence escalated.


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