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小学生开学前扎堆社会实践 单位直喊吃不消--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  寒假结束了,小学生们都得交上自己的社会实践作业,有的学生还进行相互比较,但是学生们的社会实践是不是真的学到了东西,是不是集中突击完成呢?记者昨天调查发现,社区居委会、环卫所、环境监测站等成了孩子们社会实践的集中营,一个假期成批的小学生接连到来,孩子们短暂的参观或体验,不仅没帮上忙,反而给这些单位带来不小的麻烦。 记者崔艳红陈晶于腾腾小学生用压岁钱 与环卫工过节在济南,环卫工是一个很特别的群体,备受社会的关注。很多家长希望孩子们长大了能够同情弱者,尊重环卫工人的劳动,培养孩子高尚的情操,于是假期的社会实践不少学生选择去环卫所体验。

Winter vacation is over,The pupils have to hand in their own social practice work,Some students also compared to each other,But the social practice of the students really learn something,Is a concentrated assault to finish?Reporter found yesterday,The community residents' committees/HuanWeiSuo/Social practice of the environmental monitoring station became the children camp,The pupil of a vacation to come,Children's brief visit or experience,Not only did not help,Have a lot of trouble to the unit. Reporter Cui Yangong Chen Jing in swathes of pupils with lucky money in jinan and workers for the festival,Workers are a special group,Highly attention of the society.Many parents hope the children grow up to be able to sympathize with the weak,Defer to the work of sanitation workers,Cultivate children's sentiments,So holiday social practice many students choose to HuanWeiSuo experience.


Before the Lantern Festival comes,Jinan people's livelihood student representatives of the street,With their own New Year's money bought dumplings,Sent to the hands of HuanWeiSuo cleaner above sea level,Thanks to the sanitation workers hard work.Students under the cleaner to guide and lead,To work side by side with them,Experience the sanitation workers of hard work.


LiXiaOu urban management bureau said,This winter holiday they received about 10 primary and middle school students,They are all in order to complete school assignments in the social practice,Some even bought things for workers,Most workers work experience,Feel this career of hard,To improve their understanding of the job.

  一个假期一社区 接待十拨学生记者在采访中了解到,在学生进行社会实践的单位当中,社区是一个非常受欢迎的地方。“今年寒假我们共接待了小学生三拨四十多人,初中两拨二十多人。”春园里社区书记孟宪兰告诉记者:“这些学生来了之后,我们一般就是给他们安排打扫社区卫生、贴春联、慰问孤寡老人等等的活动。”

A vacation a community reception ten student reporter learned in the interview,In units of student social practice,Community is a very popular place."This year winter vacation we received the three dial more than forty students,Junior high school, two more than two dozen people."Spring park in the community secretary Meng Xianlan told reporters:"These students come after,We usually is to give them to arrange to clean the community health/To stick couplets on the Spring Festival/Condolences to the lonely old man, and so on."


The weft community this year all the way received more astonishing Numbers,According to filling all the way communities secretary li ling,They received ten dial this year a total of nearly one hundred students."WeiErLu/There are seven dial the more than fifty weft three road primary school,Twenty two dial in more than two dozen people,Jinan high wave nearly 10 people,Added up to nearly one hundred people!"Li ling told the reporters,They and several schools within their respective jurisdictions have nearly 10 years of history,Each summer and winter vacation brings a large number of students into the community for social practice activities."If every vacation so wave two dial,I feel fine,But there are so many people now,Around these students busy throughout the holiday,Is will cause some effect on our daily work."A staff said on condition of anonymity.

  环境监测站连着接待好几拨 他们感觉有些吃不消“又来了一些小学生,这几天都来了好几拨了,有些乱,工作都受到影响了。”2月22日,济南市环境监测中心站最近接连有小学生参观者来访,让这里的工作人员有些吃不消。

Environmental monitoring station connected to receive several they feel too much for some"Here comes some pupils,These days are coming for dial,Some of the mess,The work is affected."On February 22nd,,Jinan environment monitoring center recently there were pupil visitor visit,Let the staff is too much for some.


The relevant person in charge of monitoring station told reporters,Due to the fog weather frequently this year,Sparked concerns about air quality,They had received in recent days to visit few of the pupils,Because the children are small,A lot of things don't understand,Even after the staff on and understand,Not only don't publicity effect,To the monitoring station instead of work."We have environment Open Day every month,I hope children can focus on the visit together,This dispersion,Is really a waste of time and energy."The head of think,Parents want the children to gain knowledge,He is very understanding,But in a concentrated period of time,Several group of pupils,Work station is affected,Also hope that parents can transposed to understand it.

  目前社会实践过于程式化 应根据学生生理、心理特点制定内容“在讨论这个问题前,首先我要声明,对于中、小学生来说,社会实践是必不可少的,必须重视。”昨天上午,就中小学生社会实践问题,记者咨询了山东大学(微博 招生办)社会学教授王忠武,王教授表示,目前很多学校仅仅重视文化课,导致学生与社会严重脱节,空有一肚子知识,无法适应社会,所以国家才提倡假期社会实践,这绝对是正确的。

Currently too structured social practice should be based on students physiology/Psychological characteristics to develop content"Before discussing this problem,First of all, I should declare,For in the/For elementary school students,Social practice is indispensable,Must pay attention to."Yesterday morning,On primary school students social practice problems,Reporter consulted at shandong university(Weibo admissions)A professor of sociology at Wang Zhongwu,Professor wang said,Currently many schools just emphasis on academic subjects,Lead to serious disconnection between students and society,Empty is full of knowledge,Unable to adapt to society,So countries advocate holiday social practice,This is absolutely correct.


But professor wang said at the same time,Some part of the school social practice at present"Go bad",Too structured,The students accept the task after poured into the various government agencies and community residents' committees,For that is the proof of the social practice,Because of these units have a seal cover.Because the students physical and mental is immature,Not only can't learn social experience,Instead of giving practice unit."Now it seems,This practice has been modeled,Is too hard.I feel like,Social practice must have two conditions,One is to ensure that students can fully contact with the society,Another is to look for some of its work,Actually most of the social work all is good for students to integrate."When it comes to the solution,Professor wang think,Social practice program of education department there should be clear,According to each grade students' physical and psychological characteristics,Set up different social practice content and evaluation criteria.Professor wang also suggested at the same time,Should be established by the relevant departments to inspection team,Investigating students' social practice situation."Main purpose is through a series of change,Make the goal of social practice is no longer cope with school and superior leadership,But to make students to understand real,What is social,Of course social practice is very extensive,As long as the students interested in subject can do,Not must have a unit affix one's seal."(Shandong business)
