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教室被盗5000元孩子说无所谓 高消费易让孩子攀比--亲稳网络舆情监测室

本报1月16日讯 今日上午,长沙市某重点中学一名高一学生拨打本报热线96258:“我们学校发生了一起连环盗窃案,高一年级6个班20多人的钱都被偷了,损失超过5000元。我一周的生活费都没了,请你们来帮我们抓贼。”
This newspaper on January 16, this morning,A key middle school in changsha city a high student call our hotline at 96258:"With serial burglaries in our school,High grade six classes more than 20 people's money was stolen,Loss of more than 5000 yuan.I a week's cost of living is gone,Please you to help us to catch a thief."
课桌失窃:有苹果手机有名牌相机 The desks were stolen:Have an apple phone has brand camera
After receiving the reader blackout,Journalist immediately set off to the new campus of high school to verify.
12 o 'clock at noon in,Reporters saw the name of the LiTongXue leaks."From home to bring the 400 yuan all was stolen."Scratching his head,Li Tongxue some chagrin.The 400 yuan is the cost of a week,Of which 200 yuan is the cost of living,200 yuan is traffic expenses and allowances.Last Sunday afternoon when back to school,He will be the 400 yuan in the classroom in the desk.But the next morning in the class,Money is gone.
The thief was not only is he,The same floor,Have more than one class was stolen.Someone lost his money,Someone lost iphone,Others lost brand camera,Others lost expensive perfume……Without exception,These goods are on the desk drawer stolen.But in order to facilitate student self-study sooner or later,Don't usually school classroom door locked.
有人丢了3000元无所谓 It doesn't matter someone lost 3000 yuan
Is also a money stolen,The students' response was the difference.The support LiTongXue hurry to find the 400 yuan,because"That is my cost of living of the week";And a superior owner wu family classmate but don't worry,"A big deal to get home".
School teacher, a life is introduced:"The school board is controlled in 200 yuan of the week,Plus other some pocket money,Have had enough for a week or yuan."But according to the reporter learned that interview on campus,Many parents give children spend a week,Are far above the standard.
"One student lost 3000 yuan last year,I'm going to find him and investigation.He is a face of don't care,Say 3000 dollars is nothing to him."The school security office there is some of the faithful concerns:He is worried about parents over pet drowned will affect the students treat money attitude.
失窃夜摄像头或拍贼影 Stolen night thieves shadow or take a picture
Six class,More than twenty people,Lost a total of 5650 yuan in cash.In addition to all this lost objects,Also includes an iphone/A camera/A bottle of perfume.This is so far,The school in theft class statistics of the data.
"On the evening of the theft,The school monitoring camera is open.We have alarm processing after the crime,Preliminary estimate the theft is between 5 PM to 6 PM on Monday morning."Chen Wenzhong said,"We still need further investigation."
事实上,类似的盗窃事件在该中学并非第一次。据校方介绍,去年学校就曾发生过数起类似的盗窃事件,财物都是在课桌内被盗。记者 龚化 实习生 薛丹丹
In fact,Similar to the theft of events in the middle school is not the first time.According to the school,Last year the school has several similar theft incidents occurred,Possessions are stolen in the desk.The reporter Xue Dandan Gong Hua intern
专家说法 Experts claim
宠你的孩子,可能带坏别人的孩子 Spoil you child,May destroy someone else's child
Central south university psychology doctor GuoPing think:"Some parents with material money to spoil the child,Children in school wear well/With good,lavishly,Easy to peer part of students from poor family,Thus caught stealing habit.The school to the complete elimination of the theft events,Need to parents and students work together."
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