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昆明市场教辅书籍:最便宜1块8 最贵20.62元--亲稳网络舆情监控室
The provincial primary and secondary school starts in rush hour,Teaching also ushered in the peak season.recently,Put in our province in the spring of 2013 primary and secondary school textbooks teaching retail prices,In 304 kinds of teaching of the public,75.99% of the materials price within 10 yuan(Contains ten yuan),More than 10 yuan accounted for only 24.01%.Among them,Part ii of the eighth grade[Yunnan province standard teaching, plus learning case, book of biological experiments, o 'clock]The retail price is 1.8 yuan,Teaching materials for the lowest retail price in the public;Price is the highest jiangsu phoenix publication of the ninth grade book1&book 2 education press co., LTD[Study and evaluation, junior middle school language KeKe practice],Is 20.62 yuan.yesterday,Provincial press and publication of our province in the spring of 2013 primary and secondary school textbooks teaching publishing activity examined.
Yesterday morning,Province department of education/The provincial development and reform commission/The provincial government state council office for rectifying/Provincial press and publication linkage of multiple units,Respectively to the province of new logistics center and yunnan xinhua bookstore group examined industrial corporation.The content in the range of inspection:Teaching material management of teaching materials published/Printing management/Distribution management/The quality management/Price management and market management six aspects.
Primary and secondary school textbooks teaching materials in the province is mainly composed of xinhua bookstore group printing issue,Travel through the xinhua bookstore proprietary logistics center,Deliver the textbook teaching to the province more than 140 xinhua bookstore for retail.Schools can also be ordered directly by xinhua bookstore in the teaching material teaching.Yunnan xinhua bookstore group said those responsible,Each of this teaching material has a corresponding record,For unqualified teaching material teaching corresponding regulatory measures,Guarantee the teaching material teaching of formal operation.
Related department requirements,About the publisher before each semester,In this unit interconnected web page prominently,To all teaching materials published by the price given by the public,Including the size/image/To transfer the unit price/The retail price, and so on and so forth,Initiative to accept social supervision.All primary and secondary schools to public primary and middle school teaching material evaluation in yunnan province in the school bulletin,Let students and parents understand review announcement of the varieties and prices,Accept social supervision.All the teaching materials must be purchased by students and parents,The school shall not provide any form of act as purchasing agency.
马上就访 Soon to visit
书店教辅定价大多不止10元 Bookshop teaching most priced more than 10 yuan
Yesterday afternoon,Dianchi lake books in xinhua bookstore,How is the student and parents lined up to buy books,The hot.
Ms. Hu's son, this year in grade three,She will be the start of each semester for children to buy the corresponding teaching materials."I heard prices fall below $10,Today come to see it,Some 10 yuan or more."Ms. Hu said,Every time she give children buy a teaching assistant at least 20-30 yuan,The cost of such she thinks is worth it for the children.Reporters found in during the visit,Some teaching materials in the bookstore prices remain above $10,Most of them in between $12 to $13.Students surveyed told reporters,These are revising their extracurricular buy,The teacher does not require to purchase,In terms of price mostly can accept.(Li mei jiao)
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