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十堰称福利院受伤女童系被同伴抓伤 否认遭毒打--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
原标题 [十堰称福利院受伤女童系被同伴抓伤] The original title of [shiyan scratches] by his partner says orphanage girls are injured
新京报讯 (记者何光)近日,湖北十堰某儿童福利院7名儿童被爆冻死,昨日,十堰市政府新闻办公布事件调查及处理情况,称网传“冻死儿童”情况不实。并称网帖中受伤女童系被同伴抓伤,保育员汪秀英未能及时制止,使得一名儿童受伤,已被调岗并记过;同时,儿童福利院存在管理不到位问题,院长朱付琴负有领导责任,根据有关规定,已对其给予行政记大过处分,并予以停职。
Beijing - (The reporter He Guang)recently,Hubei shiyan seven children and a home for one to be freezing to death,yesterday,Of shiyan government information office released the investigation and handling,According to network transmission"Frozen to death in children"Is not true.Adding net post wounded girl is scratched by his partner,The nurse Wang Xiuying failed to stop in time,Make a children hurt,Has been modulated hillock and demerit;At the same time,Management does not reach the designated position problems in children's welfare home,Dean Zhu Fuqin leadership responsibility,According to the relevant provisions of the,Have to give it shall be given administrative sanctions according to law,And shall be suspended.
女孩遭保育员毒打? The girl was beaten a nurse?
实为被同院孩子抓伤 It is been scratched with school children
Internet postings said"On February 23,,He and his family go to shiyan children welfare home visit there,Find a girl of 13 or 14 scars on her face,May be the hospital treated".
Shiyan said,Posts in scar girl named Shi Ji stars on his face,Congenital brain mentally retarded,February 20,,Shi Ji star with its two children play in the function room,Was sitting next to stone edamame suddenly stretched out his hand and face with autism,Because the nurse on duty Wang Xiuying careless work,Failed to stop,Wounded Shi Ji star face,To post in this paper, a true picture of the girl by the nurse aunt beaten.
为节约开支不供暖? To save money without heating?
当日气温高不需供暖 On the day of high temperatures without heating
Posts reflect"To save money without heating"The problem of,Shiyan said,The city central heating children welfare home use air conditioning,At the same time give each team equipped with heaters,Period of time heating according to temperature changes.
On February 23, as for why there is no heating problem,Officials say the highest temperature 17 ℃,And therefore there is no heating during the day.
The institution froze to death seven children?
Died because of illness documented
yesterday,Shiyan again reflect in the posts"Freezing to death seven children"Not true.as,Seven children abandoned baby,Was born with severe congenital diseases,Be sent to the children's welfare home,Serious deterioration,Despite the emergency treatment,But still failed to save its life.
Children's welfare home to seven baby have established file in detail,Disease characteristics/Diagnosis and treatment, and the time of death,Are documented.
民政局收十万物业费? Civil affairs bureau to receive hundreds of property costs?
物业尚未收福利院费用 Property has yet to receive the institution cost
In view of the net post reflect"Ten yuan property management fees charged by the civil affairs bureau"The problem of,Shiyan said,City children's welfare home property from shiyan city huatong property management co., LTD,As stipulated in the contract,Property management fee paid by the municipal children's welfare homes to huatong company.City children's welfare homes is move to Houston in October 2012,So far only five months.Huatong property company haven't charge the management fee.
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