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亲戚提问大纲网上热传 网友整理答题攻略“应考”(图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室

Strategy 2:Logical conclusion.See following for,If you have a demand in this field,Just as well say:"You introduce me to a".No matter what,Remember to nod,"The rightness,I will try to find objects."
It's not difficult to find a love my girl,But my mate is the most important standard to filial piety my parents.Because this year I turned down a lot of girls chasing me...
我其实一直在犹豫:尽管那个投资公司总裁的家境尚好,他也很爱我 他那辆阿斯顿马丁RAPID真的很漂亮,但我还是打算再给上周开始追求我的美国金融博士一个机会,因为我觉得共同语言比金钱更重要。
I actually have been hesitant:Although the investment company CEO's family circumstances is good,He also loves me, his aston Martin RAPID is really very beautiful,But I still want to give last week began to pursue my Dr. U.S. financial a chance,Because I think the common language is more important than money.
The sooner the better,I have already can't wait to marry her in the door.(Don't hesitate to wriggle at this time,Or your girlfriend absolutely knot languishing in heart,So break up is also not accidental)
Do little shyness,Smiling without a word,Let the man to deal with.
It cannot be rushed,I thought they needed more investigation.
Watching the distance date getting closer and closer to home,Many buy train ticket from nervous mood uneasy to temporarily,At present,Everyone again into another round of"anxiety"In the.recently,A relative party spokesman figure heat transfer on the Internet,But has not yet been combined with last year"To solve"The problem of the"Relative party speech outline"list,All sigh,Year end will come,All kinds of straight chuo pain torture, frightening.yesterday,Yangzi evening news reporter surprised to find that,Unexpectedly some sorting out a response strategy,Bring to the netizens who had a great deal of the Gospel,Instantly by the people.
亲友春节大拷问 婚姻问题层层“逼问” Friends and relatives during the Spring Festival big torture layers of marriage problems"The coercive"
"Close to the countryside more afraid"Such a mood I'm afraid it's going to have a lot of people who work outside!however,In recent years,Relatives during the Spring Festival of the spread between the torture,Make a lot of net friend is hurt.Since last year,A circulated on the Internet have a dozen questions[Relative party speech outline]list,Net friend lists you might be asked relatives at New Year party,Including love/learning/Work and buy a house/One's deceased father grind, and many other problems.The outline of a speech to so many people find it difficult to answer.But this year,A piece of[Relative party to speak]As these issues enhanced strong attack.
And take a look at this first graph is how to walk:New Year's day relatives,Elders are often asked a lot of problems.This Zhang Fayan figure summarizes the problems,After greeting each other,Elders very warmly to words:"Don't know me?When I was a child also hugged you,Now is so big(Never do)",According to the list of analysis,These relative move between each other is not much at ordinary times,Ask questions directly cut into the topic in general:"To get married??"If married,Need detailed directions the other half of the information,The focus is on income,after,And then ask,Have a baby??Gave birth to the,Come and see us will shout,Request all kinds of performance,Singing and dancing to tell jokes,Born without it,Is a well-meaning persuade:"Why don't you have?Early good for health……"
And straight into the theme is another answer,No knot,After the continued presence of the object.If you have,Ask why not get married,Hook said early get married,Only poor didn't let you go to get card tomorrow.And if there is no object,Is another answer,Warned you hurry up looking for object,Otherwise we all don't rest assured,Or simply said to when the matchmaker to introduce an on the spot.
All kinds of them every day,Net friend to beg for mercy,The person's mood,Better than my mother worry!
妙招来了!巧用三十六计回答问题 Tips to the!Use opportunely 36 plan to answer the question
At this time of the people disappointed,words,Online a"Emergency solutions to problems"Has brought a lot of people the Gospel.At the beginning of the program,The answer of cause therefore to a sentence:A friend,Are you still worry about relative question to the Chinese New Year?Here we designed for you to test solutions,Remember a word:The best defense is a good offense.
Such as the,for"What kind of work do now"The problem of,Said one of the tricks is to evolve into high-end academic,It is strongly recommended that must remember to work up a level to macro areas,Unlimited add academic words and English, by the way.When several sentence patterns are inappropriate,Can also use a universal patterns:Should have and what you have said,But because of the nature of my work is confidential.Can't continue to ask directly.The second strategy is might,use"I connect a telephone"To answer.
Not only these questions, the answer is wonderful,Even things without talking about objects,In the eyes of the net friend,Can use 36 plan to"See following for"Such as the,impeded,Going to,Asked the questioner object no home child,Can also use the method of logical conclusion,said"You introduce me to a!"Various answers to happy,Managed to find the answer!
答题者是百度员工 根据网友提问撰写 Write an exam is baidu employees, according to online question
Before the magic of questionnaires are actually found the answer!Net friends about,Said worship, and study.Yangzi evening news reporter searched on the Internet the name of an exam.Finally ask to"Baidu knows"The staff,Don't know,The answer turns out to be their content operations colleagues do.
The staff, told reporters,Every arrive the end of the year,There will always be a net friend in the know ask similar questions,But also suffer from cannot find the right answer.So conveniently made a content operations are 36 plan version of the solution scheme."They did not encounter such inquiry,Just a lot of friends around you/Colleagues have such similar distress,And on the Internet,Also has a lot of net friend has this aspect demand,so,Content operations two colleagues did such an answer."
"Answer is not too difficult,But how to write the substantial/Has guiding significance is very difficult."The officials said,In order to make more universality,Two colleagues to net friend's question has carried on the screen/Tidy up,Eventually present everyone such a paper.Baidu know that the staff to joke,To fundamentally solve the problem is actually,Work and improve their grades,To find the right partner,Wish you can have a meaningful New Year.
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