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教育部长:义务教育还在低水平 2020年前不会延长--亲稳舆论引导监测室
On the morning of transmitte to discuss at the meeting of the CPPCC national committee,21 the CPPCC national committee and the ministry of education minister yuan guiren indicated exchange opinions.Yuan guiren indicated said,Although compulsory education popularization,But still low,So won't extend 2020 years ago.
义务教育要加大支持力度 Compulsory education to increase the intensity of support
The CPPCC national committee, Mr Yu said:Private education in his government work report no mention at all,Two years ago also mention,He was shocked.Yuan guiren indicated said,Nearly 50% in private preschool education,20% in the private higher education,Private education.He agreed to write private education into the government work report,Should increase the support the development of non-governmental education, etc.
In terms of compulsory education balanced development,Yuan guiren indicated said,Compulsory education will not be extended until 2020.Compulsory education for children to go to school now,But the problem is more,Select a school for instance,Because of the unbalanced education resources,Such as schoolwork burden is heavy/The food safety/The traffic problem.Compulsory education popularization,But still low,Also need more support.
建教育投入增长长效机制 Build long-term effective mechanism of education investment growth
Deputy minister of finance zhang shaochun said,Last year's fiscal spending on education to achieve the goal of 4%.To consolidate 4% of results in the future,On this basis,To establish a mechanism to ensure long-term stable growth of government investment in education,Enable it to continuously according to the terms of the education law of growth.Zhang shaochun said,Although it has a big amount of education funds,To achieve more than $2100,Only 12 years ago more than $300,But on the whole, education funding is not enough,At the same time its use structure/proportion/Money supply mode and supervision and management, there are some problems,Some are very serious,Affects the performance of education funds,Focus on the optimization of the structure of education investment/Strengthen supervision and management of education funds under a bigger effort.The education investment on the blade,Such as basic education stage of compulsory education,Leaning to poor areas.
建议设家庭体育课程标准 Suggest family physical education curriculum standards
"When we were small two brick chest muscle exercise."The CPPCC national committee/The NLD central committee/The Beijing fourth middle school principal LiuChangMing is when it comes to physical health of students,Noted for physical exercise,The whole society,The school cannot guarantee students physical exercise time,Schools have no sports construction standards.LiuChangMing proposed family physical education curriculum standards,Let the child at home can exercise endurance and strength.
建议高考居住地报名考试 Recommended places to live in the college entrance examination registration examination
"When the college entrance examination,motorcades,Abroad is a joke,You have what exam?Also mobilisation!"LiuChangMing committee called for,To promote the college entrance examination/Test the social application,Set up near the residence registration or according to the residence scribing the examination room,No longer statistical graduation rates,Both to will drive the exam-oriented education of a removed,Can be solved during the college entrance examination also bring a series of social problems.such,Change the mathematical olympiad is possible,Because the mathematical olympiad is advancing from the college entrance examination to the young students.
文综考试应考查情商内容 Wen Zong examination should emotional intelligence content
"Excessive development of IQ,Emotional intelligence is extremely lack of,This has caused many social problems."The CPPCC national committee/Party secretary of central China normal university Ma Min appeal,Should pay attention to the cultivation of emotional intelligence,Emotional intelligence training courses,Primary school to carry out the etiquette course/High school courses in civil/High school should strengthen the education of traditional culture,In the examination of the university entrance exam reduced science more difficult,To join in the Wen Zong exam test of emotional intelligence.
本报记者 孙颖 X133
Our reporter Sun Ying X133
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