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“星二代”成长与坠落:因父之名 犯错总能无事--亲稳舆论引导监测室
早报记者 权义 综合报道
Morning paper reporter QuanYi comprehensive coverage
China's minimum bid ambassador/pianist/Study in the United States……Li tianyi, the son of a resume is to let a person envy of elements.In such experiences"celebriots"It is not uncommon in,But with a good family environment/The corresponding education background,It is lawlessness/His arrogance domineer over.
"Li tianyi, the son of alleged gang rape"Since the incident,Online discussion is very warm,Famous commentators Yang Jinlin thought,Li mou of 17 years old this year"Heavy art/wicked/Educated in Chinese education,Li mou is just a typical,Are by no means the only".
“孩子总归学不坏” "Children always learn bad"
Lee was born in Beijing in April 1996,Father, Mr. Li/Mother MengGe are famous singer.He attended the Beijing haidian district zhongguancun in the third primary school/The people's university affiliated high school of/American shattuckSt. Mary 's ice hockey school.He loves music,Fond of singing,Love sports.
Lee was born in that year,Mr. Li has reached the age of 57.Mr. Li old have to son,Particularly love to son.Mr. Li recalled,Son was carried out from the room,The purple in the face,Doctors quickly in the warm box,"He stayed in there for three days and three nights,I didn't sleep in a minute,They were afraid to which nurse had kicked the wires."In 2011,,Guest with his wife[A chat show]when,Mr. Li had fondly recall.
In the program,The couple show about this"Old son come"A doting,They say,"Son and lively/Love sports/Good at playing the piano/Is the sun,Can't ask him what is good,Don't put the children have sinned against."
Mr. Li also talked about his childhood on the father's strict discipline,Have any experience in son's education,He and his wife, son in education opinions are divided on the issue,In the process of play the role of father and YanMu respectively.Mr. Li said:"Son is in adolescence,He has a personality have edges and corners,It's the children.You want him to listen,Could not have,He is a normal or as you go,As you walk he was sick."
According to a report by the public,In the earlier 2007,Mr. Li xinhua online communication with netizens in a guest when it comes to children education problem."My son good talent,But now we don't force him.He is interested in sports/Like to make friends,A computer in his hand, like playing the piano to me,His thinking is very sensitive,Can remember thousands of English words literally……Children always learn bad,Because we have to give him everything is positive."
When asked about"You will beat him?",Mr. Li said:"Don't play,Loathe to give up,Sometimes really want to play,But can't play,To persuade,We scare.Haven't played,Her tears fell off first."
一个“星二代”的坠落 a"celebriots"The fall of
As the son of the famous singer,In the small area Mr. Li when he took his public appearances,Sing a song/On MTV, often with him.Hanging over the"celebriots"Aura of li mou,We also seems to be.
Li mou for Chinese children's image ambassador at the age of five,Become China's youngest Olympic bid ambassador;8 years old began to learn calligraphy;10 years old to join China youth hockey team,Many times to participate in domestic and foreign children's hockey game;Two successive won the national"Hope cup"Teenage children piano competition second prize/China's work performance award,The national youth piano competition gold medal,The 8th Beijing piano arts festival outstanding performance award;Won three consecutive terms"Love my China"The national youth calligraphy competition of copper/silver/The gold.
On August 19, 2011,Li mou also held there.When Mr. Li and MengGe are heading to,Mr. Li also said a concert son too early,Mother MengGe says it is willing to support.
This public appearance after less than a month,Li mou was 15 years old, for the first time"Stand on the issue".On September 6, when the late,In haidian district,Li mou driving a BMW without a license,Along with companion to an owner couple wounded,And thus be detained for a year.
据目击者介绍,打人过程持续了3分钟,两人追着丈夫彭先生打,妻子杨女士则在一旁不停哀求,两人车上的孩子哭闹特别响亮,“两人身高都在1.8米左右,而被打的夫妻身高都只有1.6米多,完全处于挨打局面。打人者还大喊‘谁敢打110’。 ”
According to witnesses,Hitting process lasted for 3 minutes,Two men chasing her husband Mr. Peng,Ms Yang kept begging at their wife,Both the baby crying loud,"Two people height is in 1.8 meters or so,By dozens of husband and wife is only 1.6 meters tall,In completely beaten.The attacker was Shouting‘Who dares call 110’. "
Hit people after the incident,At the age of 72 - year - old Mr. Li personally went to the hospital to visit a couple,And a tearful apology.On September 15, 2011,Li mou for stir-up-trouble crime was detained for a year,To be released in September of the following year and changed the name.
“出事情并不意外” "Things are not accidental"
Out of the place of li mou,Once again appear in the public eye,Is this year on February 22.The Beijing municipal public security bureau haidian sub-bureau issued official said that day:"On February 19, 2013,The police received a female Lord police said,On February 17th night,She in haidian district and li mou after drinking in a bar,Was taken to a hotel in gang rape.called,Police on February 20 involved five people captured li mou, etc,Now five people is being held without bond on suspicion of rape."
Mr. Li said a neighbor,Because of li mou always bossiness,Out of such a thing is not a surprise."He is a famous road in the yard,My son used to be bullied,Due to his dad fame,We can only submit to humiliation.In the summer of 2011,Every evening he drive BMW go out to play,Often go to the pub to play,Always back to more than 2,The car's engine can wake up the we."The neighbor said.
According to li mou attended more than one primary school classmate,Li mou in the third grade,Had pushed a second-year students downstairs,But later on it"The secret to solve,Go away."Students Zhang Yuming(Not his real name)remember,Li mou also grabbed his console,"When the teacher in charge should to li mou home without this(Game consoles)Criticized the I."
Li mou Wang Bo's classmate(Not his real name)said,When he was in primary school,Many students don't know who is Mr. Li,Just every time li mou made a mistake,Can always be safe,The students just speculation"He is the background".In some of my classmates in memory,Li mou achievement general."In the class has 55 people,He in the 15 or so,Is not declared as well."
Certified as a TV series[Ma Yongzhen]Writers of the net friend"White face -"Report that,Li mou"Love to play with women after 90",People sent the nickname"Haidian bully-boy silver gun".In 2011, shortly after the incident,Once a frenzied online li mou explicit pictures of his girlfriend,But this has not been confirmed.
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