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Before you know it,"After 90"Into the late marriage age,while"After 85"Also began to parents.25,,Reporters from zhejiang"After 85"Mom was,Baby now"artifact"To help,Hypnosis toys/The baby monitor/Electric cradle/Nipple thermometers/Kicked reminders……The parents think,Have these"artifact",Baby be"At random",Never went again.
Memories of childhood,"After 85"The alleys ride in my dad's neck,She lie in her mother's arms listen to the lullaby long,No matter go to where,Can be heard behind him mom and dad be familiar with the sounds.
As grew up,unconsciously"After 85"Into the palace of the marriage,Now began to parents.but,With the development of the society,The progress of science and technology,These young"Pull pull mommy"Change the baby in the parents,Start with the"artifact"Improve the efficiency of nursery.
Hypnosis toys/The baby monitor/Electric cradle/Nipple thermometers/Kicked reminders……25,,Hangzhou tide mama Wang Lingting, 27, told reporters in show her nursery"artifact".
Wang Lingting child is 2 years old,The baby to bed in order to more convenient,She bought not long ago"Hippocampal hypnosis toys"."See the baby is sleep,Just put the‘The hippocampus’Put aside sing a lullaby,Baby listen listen to narrowing is ripe."
Miss qiu, because the job is busy on weekdays,Cannot always keep beside the baby,so,She deliberately choose a"The baby monitor"In a baby's room."I work in the study also can see the baby's every move."
Miss qiu told reporters,She also want to buy a"Kicked reminders",To prevent children kick the quilt at night and catch a cold.
The reporter understands,"Kicked reminders"Just wear in children when children are sleeping or on the side,When children popped a quilt temperature will decline,Reminders will be sent"di/di/di……"The voice of the,Remind parents for children tucked in a timely manner.The temperature of the alarm can also be set automatically.
Press input on taobao"Kicked reminders"/"The baby monitor"The name such as,Found that there are hundreds of shops in such sales"artifact",visible,These high-tech baby products has become a young mother's right-hand man.
Zhejiang academy of social sciences research associate is wang ping"artifact"One of the supporters,He told the reporters,Social level enhances unceasingly to the attention of the children,The younger generation of parenting thoughts also have very big difference with the older generation,Baby products of choose and buy is a way of baby.
As a 1 year old the child's father,Wang ping wants to buy an electric cradle to coax the baby to sleep.But he also reminded parents,Want to consider the actual demand to choose and buy.
Zhejiang taizhou city hospital of doctor of vice director of pediatric Yang Minze thought,"Machine to raise"Indeed save trouble,But can't,Electronic products is not a benefit to children to grow up,And the accuracy of the product is questionable,So can't rely too much on.
Parenting, a prominent blogger wang analysis range,The older generation of baby experienced,Respect the feeling,But the lack of scientific nature;Parental knowledge and young generation,Believe in science,But the lack of sensibility."Integrated the best,People are not machines after all,Especially in infants and young children,Parental caress/hug/Stare at/Smile is more important than those of advanced equipment,Don't put the cart before the horse."
26岁的杭州妈妈凌燕给“神器”投了反对派,因为需要工作,所以她将16个月大的孩子交由母亲照顾,虽然辛苦母亲了,但她认为这样比较放心。(记者 徐乐静 实习生李梦清)
, a 26-year-old mother LingYan to hangzhou"artifact"Voted for the opposition,Because of the need to work,So she will be 16 month old child to take care of the mother,Although hard mother,But she thought it do not need to worry.(The reporter Li Mengqing Xu Lejing intern)
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