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高校流行“爱情宴” 大学生花上千请女友全班吃饭--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  这两天,武汉大学大三学生罗兵(化名)有点纠结,女友提出要他请室友吃饭吃饭地方太小了,显得寒碜;去好点的酒店,自己又没那么多钱。更何况,面对女友一帮子室友,罗兵觉得有点尴尬。罗兵将自己的想法发在了珞珈山水BBS上,没想到引来50多条跟帖,他的帖子也被顶上“今日十大热点话题”。 These two days,Wuhan university junior students are proposed(Not his real name)A little entanglements,Roommates girlfriend offered to him for dinner.Eating place is too small,Was poor;To better hotel,And don't have that much money.What's more,To face his girlfriend a jolt of roommate,Proposed to feel a little embarrassed.Proposed to send his ideas in the BBS LuoJiaShan water,Didn't expect from more than 50 postings,He also was the top post"Top ten hot topic today".


Journalist survey found that,Nowadays, college students fall in love,Boyfriend to please his girlfriend roommate for dinner,Almost become unwritten rules.


上千元的爱情 Thousands of yuan of love feast


Not long ago,Three students Wang Mengdong at zhongnan university of economics and law(Not his real name),South lake village hotel near the school a great feast,Girlfriend, please eat more than 30 students in the class.Journalist is also in the hotel for dinner.


Wang Mengdong Chen Xue please his girlfriend(Not his real name)More than 30 students to eat in the class,Two people together the beginning of love.In the hotel a large private room can accommodate three tables,Students use the balloon/Flowers will decorate the room.Two girls in the corridor outside the room decorate a cake,A cake with a central"0"Wording of the candle."Today is the day when the two of them began to fall in love,The road from the zero start today of love."Explain the meaning of zero.


When two girls after pushing cake into the room,We shouted in chorus"together,together",Wang Mengdong holding a bunch of flowers,Knelt to,Show your love to Chen Xue,Air lift to the climax.The day's banquet,Cost nearly 2000 yuan.Wang Mengdong think can let the girl happy,The money is well spent.


Three boys Shang Lingong wuhan engineering university(Not his real name),Has made a great big girlfriend last year"Love feast",Please girlfriend to rub the 29 of the class.but,Because it is in the school canteen"Hold to"the,Shang Lingong only spent 700 multivariate.


Shang Lingong think,Although at the beginning is encouraged by several classmates, please,But now I want to come,Is also a wonderful memory,He also often go to see the classmate of recorded video for them.In the video,Shang Lingong knelt to,Flowers to,To his girlfriend Wu Lingling(Not his real name)Say the declaration of love:Even though I can't give you a magnificent scene,But I have a sincere love your heart.


饭桌上有场考验 There's a test on the table


Junior student at zhongnan university of economics and law wuhan college Chen Xiong(Not his real name),To please his girlfriend a roommate for dinner,As a"The hongmen banquet".Because before you go to,His girlfriend has been"warning"a,When you eat,The girlfriends will turn to ask questions,Test yourself.Chen Xiong had to find a few good elder brothers,Accompany oneself to"The hongmen banquet".Boys and girls very close,Finally Chen Xiong also didn't get what difficulties.After the meal,Chen Xiong feel a"survivors"The feeling of,A happy,Again please several elder brothers of a meal.


Huanggang normal college freshman Zhong Yao(Not his real name),Shortly before the girlfriend also please pinch of dormitory friends.but,To alleviate the embarrassed atmosphere,Let go to their roommates for help.


Even so,Dining process still seem a bit awkward.During the dinner,Naturally, it is divided into two parties,The man the woman each one,Every faction in talking and laughing,Discuss topics of common interest with his companions,Speaking after a quiet.Dinner is also.


爱情是请客吃饭吗? Love is a dinner party?


In view of the campus love feast,College students.In favor of"Love feast"Plenty of."It is also of its own investigation boys a content,Please eat didn't let the boy get the pay,First met the girl roommate's,Communicative ability will also examine boyfriend,Also can let oneself of good sisters, by the way to check for yourself."A lovestruck girl said.


but,The beginning of this article proposed is strongly opposed to hold the love feast,"Actually don't know each other,I don't know what the default rules come from."Even as couples party's wife,Also have to the love feast dissident."I think only need to have dinner with good friends to each other,Don't need to please all."Wu Dayi girl said in BBS.Of course,,Also have girls admitted,Let your roommate boyfriend for dinner,Can more or less meet their vanity.

  武汉大学团委副书记李勤不提倡大学情侣请吃“爱情宴”,“如果情侣们都来请这个爱情宴,将会助长大家的攀比风;同时,大学生没有什么经济来源,爱情宴动辄上百元,有的高达上千元,对经济也造成负担,不宜提倡。”(楚天都市报 记者徐啸寒 大学生记者陈铭 吴嘉豪 实习生胡阳阳)

College youth corps committee, vice secretary of wuhan university Li Qin discouraged couples please eat"Love feast","If lovers have to please the love feast,Will encourage everyone unrealistical compare;At the same time,College students have no economy source,Love feast at hundreds of yuan,Some as high as thousands of yuan,The economic burden,Should not be advocated."(Chutian metropolis daily reporter reporter Ming Chen Wu Jiahao intern Hu Yangyang Xu Xiao cold college students)
