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女孩打同学后上课遭拒 校方称保障其他同学安全--亲稳网络舆情监测室

女孩打同学后上课遭拒 校方称保障其他同学安全

  检讨不深刻 就不能上课? ,已一个月没上课,16岁的张悦(化名)已经一个月没到学校上课了,张悦说,她很想快点回学校上课,因为她“想顺利毕业,不想让父母操心”。

Review is not deep, it can't class? ,Has a month didn't class,At the age of 16 ZhangYue(The allotted time periods specified by the)Haven't been to school for a month,ZhangYue said,She is very want to hurry back to school,Because she"Want to graduate,Don't want to let parents worry about".

  事情的起因,是张悦在学校里 “看一个女同学不爽”,就找来3个要好的女生,一起把这个女同学“修理”了一顿。事发后,学校学生科的负责老师表示,该事件很恶劣,除了让张悦递交检讨书之外,还要求她进行“深刻地反省”,否则就不能回到学校上课。

The cause of the things,Is ZhangYue in school "See a female classmate",Is to three good girl,The female classmate together"repair"A meal.After the incident,Be responsible for the school XueShengKe teacher said,The event is very bad,In addition to let ZhangYue submit written self criticism,Also ask her"Profoundly reflect on",Otherwise we can't return to school.


Although have been submitted for two times written self criticism,But still ZhangYue for introspection"Not deep"But was refused outside the school gate.


父母:因为打同学,一个月没上课 parents:Because a classmate,A month didn't class

  “什么叫反省不深刻?‘深刻’的标准是什么?她已经一个月没上课了,我们真的很担心她没法顺利毕业……”近日,张先生(化名)夫妻对记者说,他们的独生女 16岁的张悦因为在学校把同学打了,被老师要求深刻反省。

"What call don't reflect deep?‘deep’What is the standard?She has a month didn't class,We are really worried about her can't graduate……"recently,Mr. Zhang(The allotted time periods specified by the)Husband and wife told reporters,Their only daughter at the age of 16 ZhangYue because classmates play in the school,By the teacher for deep reflection.


Mr Zhang said,Although the daughter have been submitted for two draft written self criticism,But the teacher still think she reflect enough,Also because of this reason,The teacher won't let her daughter back to school for class.


ZhangYue hitting it happened on November 21, at 2 PM,Because the dormitory girl HuRui with sit at the same table(The allotted time periods specified by the)There are some"For the feast",ZhangYue to three good female the classmate HuRui plugging in the corner of the stairs to kick.The school teacher said,HuRui was played"Your eye",Also went to the hospital after the event,It is better,Test results showed no is ok.


"The child not serious,We also pay the inspection fee,Children also have self-respect,My daughter also said they would like to apologize to each other in private,But the teacher still think‘Not deep’,We don't know how to calculate‘deep’.Step back and say,Introspection and school don't conflict,Why not let her go to school?"Mrs Zhang said,She can't understand the treatment method of daughter to school.


校方:不吸取教训,后果会很严重 The school:Don't learn from them,The consequences will be very serious


then,The reporter in touch the ZhangYue school,Fujian chemical school XueShengKe director Chen told reporters,Is don't let ZhangYue to school,In order to"Ensure the safety of the other students".


Mr. Chen is introduced,After the incident,She has to find ZhangYue understand the cause of the things,And ZhangYue said to her,A hit because"See HuRui not great"."Look not great will hit people,This problem is very serious,If she does not really reflect on,See other students angry also,How about that?"


Chen said,Before it happened,She is concerned about the ZhangYue,"At ordinary times more lax,Don't obey the school rules,Such as don't wear school uniforms/Hot dye hair,Still smoking in school,I have many times her education,Think she have also made some progress,But this time should do such a bad thing".


At the same time,Chen also said,ZhangYue are often teach not to change,And her parents for her doting on,So this time she was determined to give ZhangYue a watch.


女孩:想顺利毕业,不愿父母操心 The girl:Want to graduate,Don't let parents worry about


Because can't go to school,This two days,ZhangYue has started a part-time job to a friend's clothing store,"I don't want to waste your time,Hope schools don't drag me".


Facing journalists,Recall the hitting of the day,ZhangYue said,In fact,That day she just want to find HuRui at the beginning"To talk about",To resolve the two"For the feast","But she still pretty disdain,I have a impulse,Don't hold,Call her".

  张悦说,她确实已经认识到自己错了,“我觉得是陈老师觉得我是 ‘问题少年’,对我有偏见,进学校快两年了,很多同学都觉得我进步了不少,但她从来没有夸过我、肯定我,总是不停地指责我,有时候我本来想和她解释的,话到嘴边,又被她的责骂堵回去了”。

ZhangYue said,She does have come to realize he was wrong,"I think is Chen teacher think I am ‘Problem of the young’,Has a prejudice against me,Go to school nearly two years,A lot of a lot of classmates think I progress,But she never praised me/Sure I,Always keep accusing me,Sometimes I was and she would like to explain,Words to the mouth,And scolded by her back".


ZhangYue said,After has experienced this matter,She will pay more attention to control your emotions,Hope to be able to return to school as soon as possible,"I know that mom and dad want to let me graduate,I don't want to let them worry about".


观点 “坏学生”需更多鼓励和信心 Point of view "A bad student"Need more encouragement and confidence


For ZhangYue punishment,We understand the practice of the school,Believe that they are also in order for the students to learn it well,Hope she can learn from the review to students.But in treating"A bad student"The education of the above,We need more tolerance and patience?

  厦门市仙岳医院心理科主任张晓阳提醒家长和老师,像张悦这样的 “坏学生”在成长过程中,需要比一般孩子更多的鼓励和信心。“对于这类孩子,老师和家长更不应该给他们贴上 ‘问题’的标签,而应该把他们看做更需要帮助的孩子,更多地鼓励他们,在公开场合表扬他们,发现他们的进步。”

Xiamen xianyue hospital of director of division of psychological ZhangXiaoYang remind parents and teachers,Such as the ZhangYue "A bad student"In the process of growth,Need than normal children more encouragement and confidence."To this kind of children,Teachers and parents more should not be labeled as to them ‘The problem’The label,Instead put them as more children need help,To encourage them more,Praise them in public,Found that their progress."


Such as,The affirmation of the teacher is very important,"So we see a lot of children,They made a mistake,Was also very hard to change,Was poured a pot of cold water,Went to withdraw,Even walk not to come out,Parents and teachers must pay attention to this point".


对话 被贴上“坏学生”的标签 Dialogue to be labeled as"A bad student"The label


The reporter(Hereinafter referred to as the"remember"):Teachers don't think your reflection,You feel?


ZhangYue:I feel very grievance.HuRui and I are classmates,In a class is a kind of predestination,Still live in the same dormitory,Should respect each other,Each other together,I hit her,I was wrong,I should not be so impulse.


I wrote two written self criticism,Really realized that he was wrong,But I still can't get the teacher's approval.The teacher think I am a bad student,It is always a bad student.After I made a mistake,She is slashing to a disorderly scold,Never want to understand I really want to change.When she was training I,Is she talking about,I have no chance to say a word.


remember:The teacher why think you are a bad student?


ZhangYue:I at ordinary times often skip class,Don't study hard,School rules are not allowed to dye hair,Before I do part-time outside the school,Want to dress yourself mature a little,So I went to the hair.Later, the teacher criticized me,I will come back.The teacher said I bad place,I have trying to correct them,But I still not be recognized,Has been labeled as"A bad student"The label.


remember:You feel there is change,Side of the person also think so?


ZhangYue:I admit that my parents is very dotes on to me,What matter all follow me,Cause I temper is very blunt.later,Many of my friends told me"In fact you are good,Is too smelly temper",Slowly I realized this problem,And then slowly in the correct.


I think the teacher in charge is good for me,See my progress,Has been encouraging me,Also help me to add a lot of moral education points,The students around me also feel I really have changed,In the good.


remember:Have never thought is how to become a one"A bad student"the?

  张悦:其实我小学的时候是个成绩很好的乖孩子,英语学得很棒,在学校还是大队长,家里贴满了各种奖状。但在小学五年级下学期的时候,我认识了一些有点 “混混”的中学生,开始变得很疯狂,有时候晚上会跑出去玩通宵。

ZhangYue:But when I was a primary school was in fact a result good good boy,Learn English very well,In school or captain,Home is full of all kinds of certificates.But in the second semester of my primary school grade five,I know some a little bit "Hun hun"The middle school students,Starting to get crazy,Sometimes run in the evening go out to play all night.


In the rebellious period,I dressed very strange,Want to attract more people's attention.later,Performance began to decline,Parents meeting criticized by my parents,Is mother.There was a time brokenhearted,Also betrayed by a friend,For one hour,Feel life lost hope,Lock yourself in the room tried to commit suicide.That night,I cut a lot of on their left arm way cut,Looking at it bleeding,Want to cut his anger at that time,Think a blood flow is what also have no,Now want to come,That is actually a kind of out of the way.


remember:That now??Still rebel??

  张悦:已经走过叛逆期了,回想起来,挺后悔的,现在觉得,如果能做回一个乖乖女,我宁愿不被人关注,也会很开心。(海峡导报 记者 陈洋钦 实习生 陶默媛/文 沈威/图)

ZhangYue:Has passed rebellious period,Come to think of it,Very regret,Now feel,If you can do to a girl,I'd rather not be attention,Also will be very happy.(Channel herald reporter ChenYangQin interns TaoMoYuan/wen ShenWei/map)
