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湖北“异地高考”报名方案出台 2月26日起开始报名--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  昨天,我省考试院公布了“异地高考”具体报名方案。从2月26日起,在我省就读、符合条件的外省学生可以报名参加2013年的高考。 yesterday,Ets has released in our province"Beyond the university entrance exam"Specific application solutions.Since February 26,In the school in our province/Qualified students from other provinces can sign up for the college entrance examination in 2013.

  报名对象及条件 考生报考必须满足两个条件:具有我省高中阶段教育的学籍,并在我省完成三年的高中阶段教育学习;考生的父(母)或法定监护人有合法稳定职业、在现居住地有合法稳定住所(含租赁)。

Application objects and conditions of the examinee enter oneself for an examination must satisfy two requirements:With one's status as a student of high school education in our province,And completed three years of high school education in our province to study;The candidate's father(The mother)Or legal guardian have legitimate stable career/In the present residence residence has legal stability(Contain the lease).

  报名时间及地点 报名时间为:2013年2月26日至2013年3月1日。2013年3月4日各市(州)向省上报考生报名信息及相关考务用表。

Registration time and location to sign up for:On February 26, 2013 until March 1, 2013.On March 4, 2013 cities(state)Report to save the examinee registration information and the relevant examination table.


Conform to enter oneself for an examination of trailing the children at the location of the student education examination organizations to sign up;Previous trailing at his father(The mother)Or legal guardian work home county(The city/area)Please register for education examination organizations.

  报名具体流程 2013年随迁子女报名方式实行现场手工报名,具体流程如下:

Registration form for the application specific process trailing 2013 children live manual registration,Specific process is as follows:


Get the registration card.Candidates approved by school and education teaching department of the student status proof/Local police station to deal with the residential certificate to the local agency to complete the qualification examination,Confirm up to enter oneself for an examination conditions before pay the test fee,Get the registration card.

  现场报名(采集信息) 2013年2月26日-2013年3月1日,考生在区县教育考试机构,按照《2013年湖北省普通高等学校招生全国统一考试网上报名信息采集办法说明》中有关要求,录入个人报名信息并保存。教育考试机构组织专人录入学校或相关单位提供的学生评语。

Site to sign up(To collect information) On February 26, 2013 - March 1, 2013,The examinee in area county education examination organizations,In accordance with the[Unified national examination of recruit students of common colleges and universities in hubei province in 2013 online registration information collection method]The relevant requirements,Enter personal registration information and save.Education examination organizations will enter school or relevant units to provide student evaluation.

  现场确认 考生现场通过二代身份证阅读器识别、核准本人基本信息同时进行电子照相,并对打印的本人《2013年随迁子女普通高考报名登记表》中的个人信息进行校对、签字确认。

Site to confirm the candidate site by the second generation id card reader/Approve my basic information for electrophotographic at the same time,And the print of himself[Trailing 2013 children common the university entrance exam registration form]The personal information of proofreading/Signature confirmation.

  由于我省2013年普通高考艺术类报名已于2012年11月完成,美术统考和艺术类校考均已举行,2013年随迁子女普通高考报名限文史、体育文、理工、体育理等四个科类,考生只能选报其中一个科类参加考试。(记者翁晓波 通讯员沈考)

Because of our province in 2013 common the university entrance exam art class registration was completed in November 2012,Art exam and art school have been held,Trailing 2013 children common the university entrance exam registration is limited to literature and history/Sports culture/Institute of technology/Sports class four families,Students can choose to quote one of the family class for the exam.(The reporter WengXiaoBo correspondent Shen Kao)
