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5名大学生给父母顶班扫马路 体验环卫工艰辛--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
At 8 yesterday,Five dressed in orange vests side CuoJi workers holding a broom and iron,In hankou youth/After the organizer hedong road sections, etc,Clean the road dust/Pick up litter.
We have learned,The five young jianghan district urban management bureau is cleaning the four team workers children,They admitted to the university last year,For each district government grants of $3000.On the eve of Spring Festival this year,After go home 5 people,Meet in the annual lunar calendar for parents at this day,Let them have a rest.
Zhang Sihui, 19, is wuhan donghu college freshman,She said:"Mother often get up at 3 o 'clock in the morning,Carries on her work in the rain,Is very hard/It's not easy.I took the broom sweeping the road,Be understanding to mom's work and experience,In order to repay society."
Aside to see daughter sweeping Yu Xiuping said,Do workers she began in 1996,Is often put little Sophia in the scooter,She wheeled scooter side pick up the rubbish,While education daughter to study well."Fortunately, the child understand/The cusp,Don't let us worry about learning,Considerate of the parents is better than other children".
Zhao Mian cleaner zhao is a national-level little girl,Take an examination of jianghan university English major last year,And sister become alumni.The sisters belt,Living does not exceed 500 yuan per month.Zhao Mian said,Sister with mom and dad brooms and CuoJi turn as a child,She is the first sweep back to dad on the position of the road.
至11时30分许,5名大学生将父母负责清扫区域打扫干净,“通过体验,我们深深懂得了环卫工作的艰辛和价值,感谢政府给我们助学金,感谢社会让我们圆了大学梦。”赵勉动情地说。(记者李锐 通讯员易先云 易望星 聂利红)
Until about 11,Parents of five college students will be responsible for cleaning the area clean,"Through the experience,We deeply understand the hardships of sanitation work and value,Thank the government grants to us,Thanks to social let us round the university dream."Zhao Mian said.(Reporter Li Rui correspondent Yi Xianyun hope star NieLiGong easily)
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