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    导语:     Guide language:2013年1月22日,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的“向教育提问”搜狐教育年度盛典在北京隆重举行,包括顾明远、钟秉林、梁晓声、毕淑敏、马洪涛、陈晓楠、朱清时、杨东平、于丹、邓飞、张千帆等在内的思想界、教育界、公益界名人参加了论坛,就教育公平、教育体制创新、教育界民间公益以及民营教育机构的未来进行了深度探讨。搜狐教育作为互联网首席教育媒体,呼吁教育人士追寻教育本源坚守最初的理想情怀,让我们有机会把中国教育变得更好。 On January 22, 2013,By sohu net/The auspices of the joint sohu education channel"Ask the education"Sohu education annual festival was held in Beijing,Including Gu Mingyuan/Zhong Binglin/Liang Xiaosheng/Bi shumin/Ma Hongtao/Chen Xiaonan/Zhu qingshi/Yang dongping/Yu Dan/Deng fei/Zhang Qianfan ideological circle, etc/education/The public celebrity attended the BBS,Education justice/Innovation education system/Folk public welfare education and private education institution has carried on the deep discussion in the future.Sohu education chief education media as the Internet,Call for education people to pursue education source and stick to the original ideal feelings,Let us have the opportunity to put China's education better.

    ]]]To enter"Ask the education"2012, sohu education annual festival


Sohu issued a white paper on education

  商报讯 (实习生 钱诗瑜 记者 郭雪红) 日前,在由搜狐教育频道主办的“向教育提问”2012年搜狐教育年度盛典上,搜狐发布了《2012搜狐教育行业白皮书》。搜狐教育负责人表示,经专业调查形成的“白皮书”覆盖课外辅导、早期教育、出国留学、商学院、移民服务等8大领域。白皮书显示,加、美、澳三国占据了投资移民的74%,比例分别为27.9%、26.8%和20.3%。移民者当中,有近四分之一的人是因为不满于当前的国内教育环境,移民他国期望为子女谋求更好的未来,高居其他原因之首。该白皮书同时显示,2012年中国消费者教育支出持续走高。

bleach (Intern yu reporter Guo Xuegong money poetry) recently,Hosted by sohu education channel"Ask the education"2012, sohu education annual festival,Sohu issued[White paper 2012, sohu education industry].Sohu education officials said,Formed by the specialized research"The white paper"Covering the extracurricular counselling/Early education/Go abroad to study/School of business/Immigration service, etc. Eight areas.White paper display,add/beauty/Three kingdoms occupies 74% of the investment immigration in Australia,Proportion of 27.9% respectively/26.8% and 20.3%.Among immigrants,Because nearly a quarter of people dissatisfied with the current domestic education environment,Emigration expected to seek a better future for their children,High for other reasons.The paper shows at the same time,In 2012 Chinese consumers high education spending.
