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The eyes are the window to the soul,In the growth of infants and young children,90% is outside information through eyes,Eyes good or bad directly affects infants and young children/The development of the language,At the same time baby eyes are particularly vulnerable,So parents need care,Especially pay attention to avoid strong light stimulation.How much pay attention to light eyes harm to infants?
There was media coverage,Xi 'an ms song with shower bath bully to newborn son,Result under strong light stimulus blind son.Of doctor of vice director of ophthalmology of shengjing hospital affiliated to China medical university Xia Likun appeal,"Baby's eyes is very fragile,Need to care baby eyes parents health science,To avoid glare,Give the child a bright world"!
一旦失明不可逆转 Once the irreversible blindness
According to Xia Likun,To hospital patients,There are quite a few children because light damage around the eyes,"Our clinical go up to a lot of light,Don't let children/Children watch over a long period of time,Including normal fluorescent lamp/The computer/TV/Lighting of the mobile phone, etc".
据了解,胎儿在6周时,视神经就开始铺路了,将视网膜连接到“初级”的大脑上。然后,眼的晶状体和眼角膜形成,眼皮覆盖在眼睛上。大约在6个月左右,胎儿就已经对光很敏感了。婴儿出生时,对光线会有反应,但眼睛发育不完全,视觉结构、视神经尚未成熟,视力只有成人的 1/30。此后,婴儿的视力还要经过一个漫长的逐步发育的过程,在6岁时视力才能达到正常的1.0,而到8岁时,孩子的视力才能完全发育。
We have learned,Fetus in 6 weeks,The optic nerve began to pave the way,Will be connected to the retina"The primary"On the brain.then,The lens of the eye and cornea to form,Cover the eyes.At about six months or so,The fetus is very sensitive to light up.The baby was born,Are responsive to light,But not completely eye development,Visual structure/The optic nerve is not yet ripe for it,Vision is only about 1/30 of the adult.Since then,The baby's vision even after a long process of gradual development,Vision to reach normal 1.0 at the age of 6,And at the age of eight,The development of the child's vision to completely.
"Because the baby's eyes are still in developing,Especially in the macular area,We have a normal retina macular area,The macular area is the most important part of the retina,The area of the cell is mainly used to perceive light sleep/Color vision,It is very sensitive,Tend to be around 4 years old child to full maturity.If long time excessively affected by the light stimulation,Are likely to have certain damage to eyesight,Macular edema and hyperemia/Inflammation of the problems such as,Serious when can cause blindness,And if the macular area,Usually is irreversible,Vision is difficult to restore."Xia Likun said.
生活中潜藏隐形的强光杀手 Light hidden invisible killer in the life
Because of curiosity,See light baby things like stared at,In the life,Parents should pay special attention to avoid looking directly at light baby,Avoid baby tender eyes from being hurt by the strong light.So in daily life,What light is light force big damage to the baby's eyes?How should parents care baby's eyes?
Xi 'an Lv Peilin YanDeBing ophthalmology hospital experts said,0 to 3 years old is the sensitive period of vision development,Also be more vulnerable period,Parents should pay attention to especially.Life flash/Fluorescent lamp/Bath bully lamp/LED screen etc many light will affect the child's vision,Especially in the relatively narrow space,The light in the blue light is easy to cause harm to children's vision.If you want to use bath bully to bathe the baby,In order to avoid children eyes from strong light stimulation,Before give the child a bath,Can preheat open bath bully to the bathroom first,Turn off the bath bully while taking a bath.
Lv Peilin reminding that,Baby picture using the illumination light and the light sensor will cause harm to the child eyes,Also should pay attention to avoid;When outdoors in the sun,Strong ultraviolet ray,Adults don't ignore sunglasses for children;To avoid dazzling blue light,Choose accord with environmental protection standard of fluorescent lamp;Apart from the ultraviolet sterilizing lamp in the room;In welding arc to escape;Eclipse of the sun when light is easy to damage the eyes,Try to avoid,Or wear special eyes.In addition,Don't let the baby sleep in bright light,If you sleep in the window,Should lie between period of time to give their children sleeping under the adjustment direction.
此外,婴儿在出生后头两年,是眼睛和焦距调节功能发育的关键阶段,光明与黑暗的时间多少,可能会影响幼儿视力的发育。据医学研究表明,婴儿睡眠时不关灯会增加孩子患近视眼的可能性。 国外医学研究人员在对479名2—16岁的近视患者进行研究后认为,睡在灯光下的两岁以下的婴儿与睡在黑暗中的婴儿相比,近视发病率要高出四倍,睡在黑暗中的孩子患近视的只占10%;夜间睡在照明灯光下的患近视的占34%,睡在室内较强光照明灯下的孩子,患近视的占55%。
In addition,The baby was born in the first two years,Is the key to the eyes and focal length adjustment function development stage,How much time of light and dark,May affect the growth of children's eyesight.According to the study of medicine,Baby sleep when none will increase the likelihood of children suffering from myopia. Foreign medical researchers in 479 patients with myopia 2-16 study concluded,Sleep in the light of infants under the age of two compared with the baby is sleeping in the dark,Incidence of myopia were more than four times,Sleep in the dark accounts for only 10% of children suffering from myopia;Night under the light of myopia (34%),Sleep a child under the bright lights indoors,Accounted for 55% of myopia.
婴幼儿眼睛发育需要营养全面 Infants and young children need nutrition comprehensive eye development
Beijing university people's hospital, director of ophthalmology doctor Wu Xi think,Nutrition is the foundation of the infant eye development in an all-round way.Parents should pay attention to prevent baby partial eclipse/Picky about food,Pay attention to the food variety and hun vegetable collocation.Vitamin A,DHA/AA,Lutein, etc are all in the infant eye development plays an important role in the process.The vitamin A in animal food/Carotene is to protect the eyes of plant-based foods/To maintain normal vision"A panacea".Foods rich in vitamin A deep-sea fishes,Whole grains including corn/Oat seeds and nuts kind of food;Foods such as carrots are rich in beta-carotene/Chinese cabbage/Bean sprouts/tofu/Red jujube/Oranges and other food,Also should eat kelp/seaweed/Laver, vegetables,Has the effect of absorption and resistance to radiation,On human hematopoietic function, and genetic has certain protective effect.
Wu Xi pointed out,Plant-based ingredients can moderate intake every day,Animal food, right amount eat three times a week,Because our daily milk inside animal factors is already high.
Parents should know some more more comprehensive knowledge of infant eye,For the baby to make a good choice,Notices in daily life,Reading with your child/The literacy,Taking a break every 20 minutes,Avoid with eyes too much;Focus on baby eye development process,Take baby to do eye check every six months,As soon as possible find possible eye diseases,In order to get timely treatment.
(Journal of science and technology)
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