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导读: takeaway:又是一年走过,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的“向中国教育提问”搜狐教育年度盛典将于2013年1月举行。搜狐教育将与亿万网友一起,向中国教育发问,解答困惑,寻求变革。《孟子•尽心上》云:"观水有术,必观其澜。"朱熹在《四书集注》中对此句的注解为:"观水之澜,则知其源之有本矣。"正如古圣先贤所言,考察产业的要点,在于观其大势,知其本源,方能探知行业命脉,把握经营真谛!

Another year passed,By sohu net/The auspices of the joint sohu education channel"Ask the Chinese education"Sohu education annual festival will be held in January 2013.Sohu education with hundreds of millions of Internet users,Put questions to the Chinese education,Answers to confused,For change.[mencius•With all the]cloud:"The art view of water,Will view its rings."Zhu xi in the[Four notes]Note for this sentence:"Of view of water ripples,Know of a source of the yi."As the ancient sages say,Review the main points of the industry,Lies in the view of its general trend,Know its nature,In order to ascertain lifeblood of the industry,To grasp the business meaning!


Education in China is the most hope in 2012,Education system is to break the ice,Education industry vigorous development after the ebb tide.We call for the reform of the education of road beyond the interests of the group,We pursue education source to stick to the original ideal feelings,We have the opportunity to put China's education better,And you are in it,unique,An integral.We believe that,Whisper to each other can only benefit the minority,Bright sound chorus can amplify the energy,Will power reunion!Mission hills and SuoYuan,Heart is known all over the world,Sohu education channel will be held in December 2012, XX days"[Many guests]XXXX industry annual inventory peak BBS",Collision thought,To check,Education unriddling for China,In order to promote change discussion questions.


论坛时间: BBS time:2012年12月13日(星期四) 15:00 — 16:30

On December 13, 2012(On Thursday,) 15:00-16:30


论坛地点: BBS site:搜狐网络大厦12层•大演播室

Sohu network building 12 layer•Large studio


年度话题: The annual topic:

  PART1 中国"新移民图谱"

PART1 China"New immigrants map"

  PART2 政策收紧移民服务或将重新"洗牌"?

PART2 tightening immigration service or will return"Shuffle the deck"?

  PART3 向教育提问

PART3 ask education

  PART4 与搜狐出国旅行3分钟

PART4 and sohu travel abroad for 3 minutes


年度论坛重磅嘉宾: The annual BBS is facing the guest:

  林    康:北京因私出入境行业协会会长

Lin    kang:Beijing association for industry


Wang Limin:And the President of joint investment advisory co., LTD


Mr Wang Limin is to restore the university entrance exam in China after the first batch of bachelor of engineering,To add development in 1985,Have a master's degree in engineering in Canada,And in processing count,Strong relationship with local government and related institutions.At the end of 1994,Mr Wang Limin returned to China,To develop business abroad in mainland China,Help domestic man of insight to visit Canada,The United States/Countries such as Australia to settle down and development.

  王    燕:嘉美东方董事长

The king    yan:Jiamei, chairman of the east


Ms wang as the gerber, education investment group chairman of the board of directors,Also is a former manager of new Oriental education immigration,The Chinese chamber of commerce executive director of Canada,Beijing chamber of commerce vice President of zhejiang enterprises.


Huang Sixian:General manager of Beijing JingHong immigrants
