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4月20日, 深圳第一个由中学生创办的公益慈善组织---全心少年联盟(All Children Association)简称 ACA,在深圳伯乐信语言学校正式宣布成立。该慈善组织的发起人是一个名叫陈柯羽的小姑娘,深圳外国语学校学生。别看她年龄不大,却很有领导风范。目前,她已召集学校7个小伙伴作为联合创始人加入了组织,并在进一步联络深圳各所中学的公益社团,陈柯羽说:“成立这个组织的目的是为了能更好地联系各个学校的公益组织,大家一起为社会做贡献,帮助更多需要帮助的人。各个学校的学生也能相互影响,共同进步,让学校的公益组织更具规模化和合理化。”
On April 20,, Shenzhen first charitable organization founded by middle school students- the junior league, with all my heart(All the Children Association)Hereinafter referred to as ACA,In shenzhen, formally announced the formation of bole letter language school.The charity is a little girl named Chen Keyu the sponsors,Shenzhen foreign language school students.Despite her age is not big,But with leadership.At present,She has called 7 junior school as co-founder joined the organization,And in further contact shenzhen all the community of the middle school,Chen Keyu said:"Set up the organization's purpose is to better to contact schools of public welfare organizations,Everyone together to contribute to society,Help more people in need of help.Students can also influence each other from school to school,Make progress together,Let more large-scale public welfare organization and rationalization of the school."
Another Tang Yijia said, head of the junior league, with all my heart,They have not the first time to participate in public welfare activities,Used also as a volunteer to teach in poor mountainous areas,They could also harvest a lot,More feel the children really need,More than just material things,And mental health.Hope that through the platform called for ACA more middle school students came out to help those lovely children.
We have learned,Youth league will be held next, with all my heart"Dream set sail"The activity of the,Will enter the poor mountainous areas of hunan province in May,Collection of left-behind children's dream,And Mr Fukuda union joint and loving people from all walks of life to help the children to complete the dream.At present,ACA has been associated with fukuda, volunteer,And has the backing of futian district committee of the communist and the shenzhen middle school,Provides an excellent platform for activities.At the same time,Is a cooperative organization with the ACA bole believe education is the duke of Edinburgh award cooperation agencies in south China.It is understood,The duke of Edinburgh award was founded in 1956,Initiated by the queen's husband, the duke of Edinburgh,14 to 24 years old young people are encouraged to attend social activities,Active body,Eager to help others,Face life with optimism.
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