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俞敏洪:新东方利润减少 因人力资源成本增加--亲稳网络舆情监控室
搜狐教育: Sohu education:相比较今年两会其它的民生话题,我们感觉对大家教育的关注不是特别高,您亲身参与的感受是什么?
Compared to other of the two sessions this year the people's livelihood issues,We feel to the attention of education is not particularly high,What is your hands-on experience?
俞敏洪: Mr Yu:我在教育组,大家讨论的是教育问题,所以感受不到。中国要关注的问题太多了,教育只是其中之一,这是肯定的。但是如果说一个民族要长久发展的话,或者一个民族要有长久竞争力的话,教育肯定是最重要的环节。可惜现在国家给出4%就算完成了教育任务,这个是错的。教育大方向没定,我们的孩子培养成什么样的人没定,这个东西很重要,中国的教育观是模糊的。
I'm in the education group,We discuss the issues of education,Do not feel so.China is too much concern for me,Education is just one of them,That's for sure.But if a nation wants to develop for a long time,Or a nation to have competitiveness for a long time,Education is certainly the most important link.But now the country's 4% even if the education task is given,This is wrong.Education direction yet,Our children grow into what kind of person yet,It's very important,China's education is fuzzy.
搜狐教育: Sohu education:能描述一下您心中最完美的中国教育的佳境么?
Can describe in your heart the most perfect Chinese education and defence?
俞敏洪: Mr Yu:这个很难说,第一肯定是公平教育和均衡教育,这是中国教育最基本需要做到的。第二,中国教育在高等教育领域中间必须要真正达到世界水平,中国的高等教育总体来说和世界水平差距还是相当之大的,差多少不敢说。第三,培养出来的学生真的是有完整独立思考能力、很好的创造力、想象力以及学科学识能力,这个东西都是特别重要。
It is hard to say,The first is certainly fair education and balanced education,This is the most basic education in China need to do it.In the second,China's education in the middle of the field of higher education must reach the world level,China's higher education in general and the level gap is quite large,How dare not say.In the third,Trained students really is a complete independent thinking/Good creativity/Imagination and subject learning ability,This is particularly important.
搜狐教育: Sohu education:对新东方去年的表现怎么评价?
Evaluation of new Oriental's performance last year?
俞敏洪: Mr Yu:新东方的表现还是很正常的,去年出现利润减少其实有一个重要的原因是新东方人力资源成本大量增加,一方面是新东方人员增加,另一方面,员工每年必须各方面要涨工资。
The performance of the new Oriental is very normal,Last year profits actually there is one important reason is that new Oriental human resources cost increase a lot,On the one hand is the new Oriental staff increase,On the other hand,Staff must all aspects to get a raise every year.
搜狐教育: Sohu education:中国教育市场这个蛋糕是比较大的,未来有什么希望?
The cake is bigger of the Chinese education market,What is the future?
俞敏洪: Mr Yu:慢慢做,这个像经营一个家庭一样,任何冒进的想法都是错误的。
Slowly to do,This like running a family,Any aggressive thoughts are wrong.
搜狐教育: Sohu education:有向中西部转移的计划吗?
Have to the Midwest transfer plan?
俞敏洪: Mr Yu:新东方的教育向中西部转移的趋势不会明显,中西部所有的省城和大城市已经都有了新东方学校。新东方上市公司这一块是商业操作机构,下沉到县一级完全不赚钱了,根本不可能有利润。下沉到县一级的时候,要用当地的师资资源等于跟当地没有差距,不用当地师资而从北京、上海调老师过去的成本太高了,尽管有学生来上学,但是资不抵债是必然的。
New Oriental education to the Midwest transfer trend is not obvious,The Midwest all the provincial capital and big cities already have the new Oriental school.New Oriental listed companies this is a piece of business operators,Sink to the county level do not make money,Impossible to have profits.Down to the county level,Want to use the local teachers resources is equal to the local no gap,Without local teachers from Beijing/Shanghai teacher past cost is too high,In spite of the students come to school,But insolvent is inevitable.
搜狐教育: Sohu education:您之前说代表委员带提案太多?
You said before that representatives take too much?
俞敏洪: Mr Yu:五年三万份提案,平均每个人十份左右,这就意味着大量的提案没有经过认真调研。我今年提出一个概念,我们能不能就中国的教育问题分成几个小组,对异地高考感兴趣的分成一个组,对留守儿童感兴趣的分成一个组,这些小组对这个问题充分调研,跟政府领导充分沟通,提出切合实际、政府可操作的解决方案。
Thirty thousand proposals for five years,The average person about ten copies,This means that a large number of proposals without serious research.I put forward a concept this year,Can't we just education problem in China is divided into several groups,Interested in a long-distance college entrance examination is divided into a group,Interested in left-behind children were divided into a group,These groups fully research on the problem,Communicate with government leaders,Put forward the practical/The government operational solution.
The decrease in the number of proposals,The CPPCC national committee put forward the proposal to seriously deal with every department.Deal with tens of thousands of proposals, will spend a lot of manpower material resources,And after talking to research and propose solutions,Actually in to help the government instead of in the hair.It is also hope we do some calls to the ministry of education,Because when upward from the department itself calls to the ministry of education is faced with under the above leadership calls for,We Chinese people's political consultative conference committee jointly appeal,At least for the government leadership is audit supervision function,So the government should be the real response.Secretary of education to the vice premier of the state council called for,Vice premier of the state council can no matter,But dozens of CPPCC members must unite to say the problem give me a reply,Vice premier of the state council must be back,So we could be help the ministry of education, not to cause disturbance to the ministry of education.
搜狐教育: Sohu education:这些年您在两会期间的提案都收到回复了么?
You during the two sessions of proposals over the years received the reply?
俞敏洪: Mr Yu:都回复了,但回复了也就回复了,说“充分考虑到了你的想法、你的建议,未来我们尽全力解决这个问题,但中国是一个发展中的国家,问题的解决需要一个长期的过程”。
Have replied to,But the reply soon reply,said"Give full consideration to your idea/Your suggestion,We try our best to solve this problem in the future,But China is a developing country,Need a long process to resolve the problem".
采访阅读:俞敏洪精彩观点 Interview with reading:Mr Yu wonderful views
高等教育: Higher education:高校资源平均分配不会拉低名校学生水平
Colleges and universities resources allocation will not lower school students average level
高考改革: The college entrance examination reform:赞成英语一年多考 前提是全国需统考
In favor of English more than a year the premise is the national unified examination
异地高考: Beyond the university entrance exam:异地高考方案是临时抱佛脚 把公民分等级
Beyond the university entrance exam scheme is hierarchical cramming the citizen
教育资源: Education resources:官员子女占据优质教育资源 建议送出国
Officials' children occupy the high quality education resources recommended to send abroad
教育梦想: Education dream:接洽多所民办大学 计划购买后自办高校
Approach more private universities hybrids in colleges and universities after the plan to purchase
关注农村: Focus on rural:留守儿童问题不解决 将对城市造成伤害
Left-behind children problem is not solve will cause harm to the city
公司动向: Company closely:新东方利润减少 因人力资源成本增加
New Oriental profits to reduce human resource cost
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