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导语: Guide language:搜狐2013高考季,我们将高校招办访谈进行了全新改版升级,倾力推出《汇聚"U8"名校论高考》高端对话系列。首发高校最新高招新政和动态速递,更希望通过与8所名校招办主任的深度对话,掌控高考改革的“关键词”,包括“U8”对人才培养、大学教育、国际化等方面的建设理念和实际行动都将代表中国大学的未来发展趋势,树立名校标杆、发挥典范力量。同时,期待听到更多高校对热点的发声和态度,共同探讨教育制度存在的现象和问题。[详细]
Sohu season 2013 college entrance examination,We are going to colleges and universities manages the interview new version upgrades,Pour out[convergence"U8"School of college entrance examination]Series of high-level talks.Starting university the latest moves to the New Deal and the dynamic of express delivery,More hope that through dialogue with the depth of the 8 school manages director,Control of the reform of college entrance examination"Key words",including"U8"For personnel training/University education/Internationalization aspects such as construction of idea and action will be the trend of future development on behalf of the Chinese university,Set up the school post/Play a powerful example.At the same time,Looking forward to hear more of hot spots of voice and attitude of colleges and universities,Common phenomenon and problems of the education system is discussed in this paper.[details]
访谈时间:2013年4月25日11: 00-12: 00 Interview time:On April 25, 2013, 11:00-12:00
访谈地点:搜狐教育会客厅 Interview place:Sohu education saloon
访谈嘉宾: Interview the guest:
北京林业大学招办主任 穆琳老师 Teacher manages MuLin, director of the Beijing forestry university
访谈实录 Interview: a memoir
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:各位搜狐网友大家好,欢迎收看本期搜狐教育会客厅2013年搜狐高考特别节目——《就业危机下的生存之道》主题论坛。2013年全国招生计划有哪些变化呢,请老师介绍一下。
Sohu net friend everybody is good,Welcome to the current sohu education saloon sohu in 2013, the university entrance exam special --[Employment under the crisis of survival]Theme BBS.What are the changes in 2013, the national enrollment plan,Please the teacher to introduce.
穆琳【北京林业大学招办主任】: MuLin[Manages, director of Beijing forestry university]:我介绍一下今年北京林业大学全国招生计划的投放情况,今年全国预计投放3400人左右,都在本科一批录取,比去年增加了100人。增量一部分用于招收扶贫定向生;第二,主要投放在农村学校数量多、重点高校录取率低的省份。比如像山西、河南、广东、广西、四川、甘肃等省份,今年招生计划都有较大幅度增加。我们希望能够通过这种调整,来增加农村学生的录取比例。
I introduce this year Beijing forestry university, the national enrollment plan put in the situation,This year the country is expected to put about 3400 people,YiPiLuQu in undergraduate course,More than last year, 100 people.Incremental part of directional for poverty alleviation;In the second,Mainly in rural schools/Key universities low acceptance rate of the province.Such as shanxi/henan/guangdong/guangxi/sichuan/Gansu and other provinces,This year's enrollment plan have been increased considerably.We hope to be able to get through this adjustment,To increase the rural students' enrolment.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:贵校在北京的招生计划有哪些调整呢?
What are the enrollment of your school in Beijing plan adjustment?
穆琳【北京林业大学招办主任】: MuLin[Manages, director of Beijing forestry university]:我们学校情况跟北邮差别不大,略有减少。今年学校在北京统招计划246人,其中理科200人,文科40人,艺术类6人。同时还预留部分计划,其中理科10人,文科2人,在北京用于第一志愿录满,招生高校二志愿考生。
Our school is different from Beijing university,Slightly reduced.School TongZhao plan in Beijing 246 people this year,The science of 200 people,Liberal arts 40 people,Art 6 people.Also set aside part of the plan,Of which 10 person of science,Liberal arts two people,In Beijing for the first volunteer to record,Two voluntary examinee enrollment colleges and universities.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:考生非常关注专业设置问题,贵校是否今年会有新增专业呢?
The examinee is very concerned about professional Settings,Whether your university this year will be a new professional?
穆琳【北京林业大学招办主任】: MuLin[Manages, director of Beijing forestry university]:今年新增两个合作办学项目,合作院校是加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学联合实施的生物技术专业以及木材科学与工程专业。每个专业面向全国招生30人。学制五年,培养方式三加二模式,前三年在北京林业大学学习,后两年在国外进行继续深造。两个专业在高考录取英语单科成绩要求100分以上,只录取有专业志愿的学生,不报不录,没有报考这些专业的考生不必担心自己会被调剂到这种中外合作办学项目中来。
Add two cooperation in running schools project this year,Partner schools at the university of British Columbia, Canada is joint implementation of the biological technology professional, as well as wood science and engineering.Every major national admissions 30 people.Only five year,Three plus two model training ways,The first three years of studying in Beijing forestry university,After two years to continue their education in foreign countries.Admission to two majors in the college entrance examination English only branch performance requirements more than 100 points,Admits only students with professional volunteer,Not to record,Not to enter oneself for an examination the major candidates don't have to worry about will be adjusted to the chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools project.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:贵校今年自主招生计划上是否有一些调整?
Whether there are some adjustment on your university independent recruitment of students this year plan?
穆琳【北京林业大学招办主任】: MuLin[Manages, director of Beijing forestry university]:林大今年自主选拔录取招生计划略有增加,今年共有170人,招生专业范围进行进一步缩小,由往年56个,缩减至今年23个。
Linda autonomous selection this year admit a slightly increased enrollment plan,A total of 170 people this year,Admissions specialist for further narrowed down,By the usual 56,Down to 23 this year.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:许多同学非常关心几所高校本科教学上会有哪些特点呢?请老师简单介绍一下。
Many students will have several universities of undergraduate course teaching is very concerned about what characteristics?Teacher, please make a brief introduction.
穆琳【北京林业大学招办主任】: MuLin[Manages, director of Beijing forestry university]:说到林大本科教学方面的特色,我想梁希实验班是林大的培养政策之一。梁希是我国第一任林业部部长,以他的名字命名的梁希实验班,目的是为了培养一批高素质、优秀的拔尖人才。梁希班实行导师制,有专门的人才培养方案,学生在保研、奖学金、科研训练方面享有特殊政策。梁希实验班专业方向涵盖了我校八个优势传统专业,90%左右学生将会进入研究生阶段进行继续深造。目前开设理科、工科、文科三个班,每班计划招收35名学生,将从2000名入学新生中选拔产生。
When it comes to Linda undergraduate teaching characteristics,I want to Liang Xi experimental classes is one of Linda's training policy.Liang Xi is first secretary ministry of forestry in our country,Liang Xi experimental class named after him,The purpose is to cultivate a batch of high quality/Outstanding talent.The tutorial Liang Xi class,Have a special talent training scheme,Students in research/The scholarship/Enjoy special policy scientific research training.Liang Xi experimental class specialty direction covers eight traditional advantages in our school,About 90% students will enter the graduate school to continue their education.Now open science/engineering/Liberal arts class three,35 students per class plan,Would come from 2000 freshmen in a selection.
穆琳【北京林业大学招办主任】: MuLin[Manages, director of Beijing forestry university]:林大毕业生情况跟往年相比略有影响,但是影响不大。前期刚看了一下今年毕业生签约率跟去年差别不大,特别林大有一些行业特色比较鲜明的专业,比如像园林,风景园林,林学类,土木工程等等,这一类专业在目前这种经济形势下,因为有着比较稳定的行业依托,反而就业形势相对来说比较良好。
Linda graduates situation compared with previous years slightly affected,But the impact is not big.Early to just look at the contract rate with this year's graduates last year,Special Lin Dayou industry characteristics are distinct,Like the garden,Landscape architecture,Forestry class,Civil engineering, etc.,This kind of professional in this economic situation,Because has a relatively stable industry relies on,Instead, the employment situation is relatively good.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:通过我们调查数据统计近五成毕业生更亲睐事业单位或者政府机关,国企和外企分别以19%和15%的比例排在其后。毕业就选择创业的学生仅有6%,关于职业类型的选择,老师有什么样的好建议呢?
Through our investigation and data statistics, nearly fifty percent graduates more favor institution or government organ,State-owned enterprises and foreign enterprise in a ratio of 19% and 15% respectively in behind.Only 6% of graduating students choose entrepreneurship,About type of career options,The teacher have what good Suggestions?
穆琳【北京林业大学招办主任】: MuLin[Manages, director of Beijing forestry university]:对于学生职业类型选择上,我们感觉现在很多毕业生有从众心理,可能会考虑社会声誉、父母期望、同学的选择等等,但是往往忽略自己真正的需求,因此职业类型选择上,鼓励学生首先在上学期间尽可能多的参加社会实践活动,多接触社会,充分的认识自己,同时开阔眼界,只有见得多,想得多,才能做得更多,最后才能做出理性选择。
For students' vocational type choice,Now we feel that many graduates have a herd mentality,May want to consider the social reputation/Parents hope/Students choose, and so on,But often ignore their real demand,So vocational type choice,Students are encouraged to first in the school as much as possible to participate in social practice activities. During the,Contact the society,Fully know themselves,At the same time broaden their,Only see more,Want to much,To do more,Finally to make a rational choice.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:在学生上学期间该怎样树立一个正确的择业意识呢?学校是否会安排相关的培训课程?
During the school students how to set up a correct consciousness of profession?School will arrange related training course?
穆琳【北京林业大学招办主任】: MuLin[Manages, director of Beijing forestry university]:平时对学生的教育上,我们一直鼓励学生要树立“人生决定职业,职业决定学业”的意识。反过来想,首先思考今后要过什么样的人生,然后再考虑什么样的职业选择可以让我实现自己的人生理想。然后再决定我在大学期间要通过怎样的学习,来获得相关的技能,以及提高相应的能力,来获得自己理想的职业。
Education of students at ordinary times,We always encourage students to set up"Decided to professional life,Career decision in school"The consciousness of.In turn to,First of all think about the future it will be what kind of life,Then consider what kind of career choice would it be possible for me to achieve their life ideal.Then decide I during the university, through the study of how,To acquire relevant skills,And improve the corresponding ability,To achieve my ideal career.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:贵校对于转专业是否有一些要求呢?
Your school to turn professional to see if there is some requirements?
穆琳【北京林业大学招办主任】: MuLin[Manages, director of Beijing forestry university]:高考成绩能够高出本省重点线一百分以上的考生,入学之后可以在全校范围内选择专业,不受任何限制;第二点对于第一学年结束之后,学业成绩排名前三分之一学生可以选择专业,还有一些实验班,还有一些合作办学项目,学生有多种途径可以改变自己的专业。
The university entrance exam to finish line the province more than a percentage higher than that of the examinee,After school can choose professional within the scope of the whole school,Not subject to any restrictions;Second, for the first year after the end,Academic achievement in the top one-third of the students can choose professional,There are also some experimental classes,There are some cooperation in running schools project,Students have a variety of ways to change your major.
穆琳【北京林业大学招办主任】: MuLin[Manages, director of Beijing forestry university]:我们首先有中外合作办学的项目,另外还有交换生的项目,另外还有留学生招生项目。除此之外林大努力确定自己的优势学科在国际上的地位,比如像风景园林学科,在去年教育部学科评估中全国排名第一,这个学科在国际上也是享有盛誉。在刚刚结束的国际风景园林师联合会举办的国际学生风景园林设计竞赛当中我们刚刚得到消息,全球几百件设计作品,三件获奖,其中林业大学同学获得金奖,这是林大学生第十次获得国际赛事的大奖。由于这个学科在国际上的影响,我们每年有很多国外大学的老师、学生到学校来进行交流。
We have first chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools project,In addition, a student exchange program,Another student recruitment projects.In addition to Linda to determine their own advantage subject status in the world,Such as landscape architecture discipline,In the last year, the ministry of education discipline evaluation is number one in the country,This subject is enjoying high reputation in the world.At the just concluded international landscape architects at the international students of landscape architecture design competition we just learned,Global hundreds of design work,The three winners,Won a golden medal of forestry university students,This is Linda the tenth international competitions awards for students.Due to the influence of this subject in the world,We have a lot of foreign teacher at the university of every year/Students to communicate to the school.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:今年是我们异地高考实施的第一年,对于异地高考的破冰,大家对于教育公平也有了些许期待,针对教育公平,贵采取了哪些措施?
This is our different implementation of the first year of college entrance examination,For the college entrance examination in exotic to break the ice,For education fair is a bit look forward to everyone,In view of the education fair,What measures were taken?
穆琳【北京林业大学招办主任】: MuLin[Manages, director of Beijing forestry university]:我们首先一方面是调整分省计划,像招生计划更多的向生源大省,录取率低的省份,贫困地区比较集中的省份倾斜。另外自主选拔录取的时候,对于教育水平相对比较落后的地区,林大首先放宽资格,第二最后划定合格线我们是单独划定,希望有更多的贫困地区的学生进入到林大学习。
We first of all, on the one hand is to adjust different province plans,Like more to matriculate province enrollment plan,Low acceptance rate of the province,Provinces are concentration of poor areas.Other independent admissions selection,For the education level is relatively backward area,Linda relax qualification first,The second last line designated qualified we are individually defined,Hope there are more students in the poor areas to Linda.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:清华大学第一任校长梅贻琦老先生说过一句非常经典的话,“大学之大,非大楼之大,乃大师之大”。老师认为大学之大在于什么?
Tsinghua university, the first mei yi-qi old gentleman said a very classic sentence,"University of,The building of the great,Is the larger of the master".The teacher thinks that the university of is what?
穆琳【北京林业大学招办主任】: MuLin[Manages, director of Beijing forestry university]:而且一所包容的大学能够尊重每个人的价值,能够鼓励不同思想的碰撞,而且允许不同声音的辩论。我想在这种开放的环境下,我们大学最宝贵的资源——大师才更容易产生。
And a tolerance of the university is able to respect everyone's value,To encourage collision of different ideas,And allow the debate of different sounds.I want to in this open environment,Our university is the most valuable resource - master is easier to produce.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:距离高考还有40多天时间,访谈最后请老师送出对于今年高三学子的祝福。
Distance of the college entrance examination has more than 40 days,Interviews for senior 3 students this year finally, please the teacher to send a blessing.
穆琳【北京林业大学招办主任】: MuLin[Manages, director of Beijing forestry university]:希望优秀的学生来报考北京林业大学。
Hope good students to enter oneself for an examination Beijing forestry university.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:好,谢谢老师的祝福,我们本期的主题论坛就到这里结束了,感谢大家的收看。
good,Thank you for the blessings of the teacher,That's it for the theme of the current BBS is over,Thank you for watching.
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