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南都讯 特派记者黄怡 任先博 万蜜实习生周世玲 赵良美 发自北京 “法官一定要面向社会来选,把最适合、最有能力、社会最认同的人选出来当法官。我以前提过,要让法官成为公众人物,就是要让法官有公信力,公开选任就是第一步”,昨日,全国人大代表、广东省高院院长郑鄂审议两高报告,并接受南都专访。他表示,要根据司法权运行的特点和法官职业的特殊性,完善法官选拔和管理体制。
SMW讯 特派记者黄怡 任先博 万蜜实习生周世玲 赵良美 发自北京 "The judge must be geared to the needs of society to choose,The most suitable for/The most capable/The identity of the man, when the judge in society.I mentioned before,Want the judge to be a public figure,Is to let the judge have credibility,Public selection is the first step",yesterday,The National People's Congress/Guangdong ShengGaoYuan director zheng hubei projects review report,And had an interview with SMW.He said,To judge according to the characteristics of the judicial power to run and occupational particularity,Perfecting the judge selection and management system.
建议组建法官选任委员会 Suggest to form a selection committee of judges
南方都市报(Hereinafter referred to as the"SMW"):How to review report of the Supreme Court?
郑鄂:The Supreme Court's report from the trial/The reform/Team construction and so on six aspects,A full report for five years of work.At the same time对法院系统存在的体制机制/The judicial credibility problems don't avoid,Positive response to the masses reflects the problems of the strong,Indicates that the Supreme Court voluntarily accept social supervision.
SMW:The supreme law according to the report,Both the growth nearly doubled,But maintain a high level.How is the guangdong?
郑鄂:广东是案件大省,每年办结的案件已超100万件,约占全国的1/11。一线法官年人均结案约120件,人均办案高出全国平均水平近一倍。但2012年,全省法院的法定审限内结案率达到99.8%,呈上升趋势,信访投诉率0 .82%,进京案访比695:1,全国最小。广东因此被称为“案件大省、信访小省”。
郑鄂:Guangdong province is case,Each year has more than 1 million cases pending,About 1/11 of the country.A line judge in case an average of about 120,Per capita case nearly one times higher than the national average.But in 2012,The provincial court within the statutory completion time level up to 99.8%,Is on the rise,Reporting of complaints 0. 82%,Xi visited more than 695:1,The national minimum.广东so被称为"Case of province/Letters and small province".
SMW:Reporting requirements to promote the judicial reform,Do you have any Suggestions?
郑鄂:To judge according to the characteristics of the judicial power to run and occupational particularity,Perfect the management system of the judge.I suggest that the Supreme Court will push[Judges law]Provisions related to improve,To central request.Short-term goal is to implement the judges series to management as soon as possible,Implementation of the department in 2011/Jointly issued by the Supreme Court[Provisional rules of judges sequence],The judge level no longer pegged to the administrative level.Long-term goal is to realize the judge professionalization.The judge professionalization,Under the leadership of the communist party and the unity of the National People's Congress,By the National People's Congress representative/Legal workers and the social people from all walks of life to form the judge selection committee,A judge approved categories.,We will improve the mechanism of judges selected,Judge disciplinary system is established.Consider the judge professional particularity,Explore ways to establish higher than ordinary civil servant compensation system.
SMW:The judge committee elected by the implementation is difficult?
郑鄂:To that, of course, to implement a process.At present,Judge empanel mechanism or a form of government.As a special group of the judge,Must have a special selection mechanism,Through such mechanism can effectively set up the judicial credibility.
At present法官待遇与行政职级直接挂钩,Administrative rank and the configuration of the proportion is low,guangzhou/Two deputy provincial city, shenzhen has quite part of courts at the grass-roots level,Section head level cadres accounted for over 50% of the total and partial cadres,Many economic underdeveloped regions in the grass-roots court until retirement is still a section head level.This causes the judge the overall treatment is lower than other civil servants.so,I suggest that led by the National People's Congress (NPC),Working together from the top design obeys the law of the trial judge management system.recently,Shenzhen futian district court in our province"The presiding judge responsibility system",In practice, is a small step has been taken,(shenzhen)35 the judge selection,Is geared to the needs of society.
大学一毕业就当法官不合理 Just graduated from college when the judge不合理
SMW:There is saying Mr Fukuda's practice is to solve"In many people"The problem of.
郑鄂:Purpose is to solve the case more than less,But the case people less problem is caused by multiple factors.Mr Fukuda's chief judge responsibility system reform is more an exploration of the judge professionalization.Through specialization and the next step of court trial personnel classification management,Gradually weaken the security administration color of the judge,Objectively helps to arouse the enthusiasm of the judge case,Help to solve the problem of case many people less.The judge must be geared to the needs of society to choose,The most suitable for/The most capable/The identity of society selection to be the judge.I mentioned before,Want the judge to be a public figure,Is to let the judge have credibility,Public selection is the first step.As some delegates,Just graduated from college when the judge,This system is not reasonable.
SMW:The presiding judge responsibility system can effectively avoid administrative interference?
郑鄂:It should be said,It can be gradually eliminated/The tendency to weaken the security administration.But also in practice,More perfect,In the future legislation/specification,Gradually establish the judge trial system with Chinese characteristics.Mr Fukuda's attempt to continue to pay attention/perfect.
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