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父母卖糖葫芦供出大学生 女求好心人预支工钱救父--亲稳网络舆情监控室
"Freshly prepared sugar-coated berry,1 yuan a bunch of money……"In construction of liaoning fuxin town,LaoHan sugar-coated berry particularly famous,Not because it's sweet,But because LaoHan home for both of the college students,The town's people want to go to his house out of culture.
unfortunately,Han Xiuwen couple both sick last year.desperately,Oldest daughter Han Xiaomei give up graduate school,Shoulder the burden of family."It is not easy to parents in particular,SanJiuTian sell sugar-coated berry,Small pieces of ice father's beard was frozen,Mother's face was full of frostbite……"Tears wet skirts,Han Xiaomei unable to say more.
On March 13,,Reporters in the people's liberation army 463 hospital radiotherapy ward met the Korean home, father and daughter.
曾经的骄傲:卖糖葫芦,供出俩大学生 Once the pride of:Sell sugar-coated berry,For both of the college students
"Dad come back every time beard are small pieces of ice,Mother's face black and blue with cold"
Han Xiaomei 23 years old,Was born in an ordinary rural family.To give smile mei sister to create good living environment,Parents are hard-working,Busy street string tuen sell sugar-coated berry farm work have to go."In the winter,Parents have to day,Three in the morning at four o 'clock,Finish sugar-coated berry,Cooking for my brother and I……They sell sugar-coated berry often come back very late……"
Laughing at mei's memory,At the age of two parents began to sell sugar-coated berry."SanJiuTian smoke snow of the north wind,Dad come back every time beard are small pieces of ice,Mother's face black and blue with cold,To now also making frostbite in winter."Despite the hard work,But smile may parents still don't feel tired,They sell sugar-coated berry want to use money to the sister and the brother for out.
"When I was a child,My parents earn back is a small change,Every day I help my parents for money,With elastic around the 10 bucks,And then by the go into the whole money."Laughter may say,Looking at a pile of a pile of change,When they decide,Must be admitted to the university,Let parents a good life in the future!
Shall not be held barrels,Laughter may have sister and brother admitted to the university,Elder sister to go to dalian jiaotong university,Brother Han Zhe take an examination of liaoning university of technology.
如今的不幸:天有不测,父母相继病倒 Unfortunately today:A rainy day,Parents have been ill
"Dad was found to colorectal cancer,A month after the mother and mental problems"
Mention LaoHan sugar-coated berry,In fuxin building town people all don't know.His sugar-coated berry to sell special fire over the past two years,Everybody wants to eat a bunch of LaoHan sugar-coated berry,Go out of their home culture.however,The happiness as dad was found to halt after rectal cancer.
"That day is on March 17, 2012,I just pass the graduate test,Haven't got the admission letter."Laughter may recall,At that time,She is making a university graduation design,Also to get the country pursues scholarship and school scholarship,Considering to buy laptop,When reading a graduate student,As a result……later,Laughter may spent six thousand multivariate scholarship for dad to see a doctor."
Roof leak when the rainy day.Just after dad detect cancer for a month,Mother and mental problems.Parents have been ill,Smile may feel it suddenly collapsed.Look at my parents,Think of brother outside school,Laughter may apply to the school for the drop out of school without hesitation,And apply to the graduate adviser for the report delay……She wants to carry the burden of the family.
眼下的心愿:能否先预支工钱帮救我爸 Wish right now:Whether to advance money to help save my father
"Ask you to help me,After graduate school, etc. I will go there to work!"
"Laughter may report didn't go to it,Do you know??"Smile may dad smell speech long sigh of relief,Instant tears flow down."I'm sorry my daughter,Is my slow her down!"Laughter may father said,When I first got sick,He thought,Can your family,For fear that he do stupid things……"dad,You and my mom was the hardest are coming,Why no confidence!"Smile may encourage way.
“爸爸已做了9次伽玛刀治疗,还差一次就完成一个疗程,病情缓解了不少,可是,给爸爸治疗的费用却捉襟见肘,我实在不知道该向谁去借钱了……”说这话时,笑梅的右手使劲扯着衣襟,泪水在眼里打转……“求您帮帮我,看哪家企业可以预支工钱,帮我延续爸爸的生命,等我研究生毕业后就去那里打工还债!”(沈阳晚报记者 李靖 实习生 徐小淳影记者 王江)
"Dad has made nine gamma knife treatment,A short of complete a course of treatment,Remission in quite a bit,but,The cost of the treatment had little for him,I really don't know who I can go to borrow money……"Said this,Smile tugging on the skirt of mei's hand,Tears in the eye……"Ask you to help me,See which enterprise can advance money,Help me to continue my father's life,After graduate school, etc. I will go there to work!"(Shenyang evening news reporter Xu Xiaochun excavate intern reporter wang jiang)
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