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委员吁遏制名校独大 教育不均衡影响社会稳定--亲稳网络舆情监测室
(两会新华视点)谁是择校屡禁不止的“拦路虎”? (Both xinhua viewpoints)Who is the prohibition lodges"Stand in the way"?
代表委员呼吁遏制“名校独大”现象 On behalf of the committee called for containment"Universities dominant"phenomenon
"Our country most counties intercollegiate difference bigger than the developed countries,Quite a number of villages and towns and the rural students have less than 40% success rate."The CPPCC national committee/Vice chairman of the central committee of the Zhu Yongxin in front of the two sessions,Caused a lot of the resonance of the representatives.
Intercollegiate widening differences cause"Universities dominant":Often hundreds of thousands of schools,More and more good teachers and good students;Around the school"Severe blood loss",More and more weak.
Some representatives said,The government work report to promote compulsory education balanced development is put forward,This kind of"Not long grass under the big tree"Strange as it far harder!
名校自我膨胀,择校年年难禁 School ego inflation,Choosing a difficult to ban every year
"The early reform and opening up,Not much of a difference between the schools across the country,Now between schools‘Between the rich and the poor’Differentiation is more and more serious."The National People's Congress/Chifeng institute, vice President of Guo Lihong said,Some famous universities can run thousands of even tens of thousands of people,Almost all student number in excess of the prescribed number of class.
Schools with high graduation rates,A large amount of high quality students.A famous university in hebei attended Peking University every year/The number of tsinghua 30 - accounted for the entire province,shanxi/Shaanxi attended Peking University/Tsinghua students mainly concentrated in four or five high school.
The hand of many interest booster universities expand,The prohibition be choice"Stand in the way".In the city,Primary school/Junior high school choice hot high fever is not retreated,ChongDianJiao"Large amount of"and"Very large school"Can be seen everywhere;In the countryside,Primary school students/Teacher losing,Parents into the city with the wind.
In the National People's Congress Li Guangyu appears,The reason"Year after year ban voucher,Select a school from year to year",Key is the local government and education department didn't make up my mind to cancel ChongDianJiao/Major work class."Select a school address,Simple said is simple,No ChongDianJiao,Which to select?"
"Also do not conform to the law of education schools."The National People's Congress/Shandong province education department deputy director zhang zhiyong said,The development of personalized modern education for children,School size is too large,Levels of personalized education services could be greatly reduced,It is often cultivated"standard",Is not a"Characteristics of product".
弱校“水土流失”,寒门怎出学子? The weak school"Soil and water loss",How impoverished students?
schools"Wide digging a good teacher",Weak school"miserable".In recent years,In order to narrow differences between intercollegiate,Principal rotations around the implementation of teachers,Focus on promoting weak teacher from school to school.But in reality,Weak school most of the good teacher one thousand ways want to transfer to the school,Actual number of teacher flow from weak schools to universities is far greater than the number of reverse flow.
Zhu Yongxin members think,For a long time,In the"Efficiency first/Key construction"Under the influence of policy guidance and error norm,Our country compulsory education development between the east and west/Between urban and rural areas/School between a serious imbalance.According to the latest survey results,There are quite a number of county towns and the countryside student success rate under 40%,Even lower than 20%.
Compared with the teachers,Weak school students erosion is more serious."Some of the weak school students almost fled away,Have to be removed from junior high."Such as a weak junior middle school's headmaster, west described the current plight of running,If the educational reform to it,Talk about what a fair?
"Good teachers and good students do not leave,Long the bottom go to,Weak school teaching quality will only getting worse."Deputy to the National People's Congress Jiang Lan are very worried.Intercollegiate widening differences,Lead to vicious competition enters a higher school/School enrollment and powerful/Vocational education marginalization/Go abroad to study carried out such as chaos,Children entrance opportunity reduced.
伐掉大树方长草,千姿百态质量高 Cut a tree grass,Various high quality
Education fairness is the foundation of social justice.Some representatives said,Compulsory education is not balanced,Has become a focal point of people's opinions strongly,Become influence social stability and to restrain the development of health education.
"Universities dominant,Harm is very big!Other school can't live,This is not a blessing of the educated man."Mr. Zhang thinks,If a city has both the humanities for high school,Also have scientific innovation for high school,Have a foreign language for high school,And for art/Sports for senior high school,That is a beautiful forest.
Any reform is a challenge to vested interests,Education reform is no exception."If good school children are reading are the rich and powerful,Who wants to destroy this pattern!"Zhu Yongxin Suggestions to reform the current education appraisal mechanism,"If education achievement is not evaluated by the best local school,But the quality gap between schools and weak schools,Related leaders will go catch a balanced education."
"Solve the problem of choosing,To solve the problem of the balanced development of compulsory education in county,Eliminate the phenomenon of school choice within the county,This requires the government work report of new education funds focus on leaning to the weak in weak schools."The National People's Congress Zhang Xueqin said.
"School expansion,Enlargement of the scope should not be charge,And should be a high quality education resources."The National People's Congress/Jiangsu huaiyin middle school principal zhang suggested that form a school community,The weak school to high school to do,Assessment of bound,Arouse the enthusiasm of both improving the quality of education.("Xinhua viewpoints"The reporter LingJunHui/Zhang Lina/Wang Haiying)
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