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  商报讯 2013年我省开始实施新高考[微博]方案,新高考最大的特点就是增加了外语听力考试。外语听力考试怎么考呢?省招生办昨日公布的《2013年甘肃省普通高等学校招生英语听力测试有关事宜的通知》给出了答案,参加2013年普通高考报名且语种为英语的考生均要参加英语听力测试,考试时间为4月7日(星期日)下午3:00~3:30。

商报讯 2013年我省开始实施新高考[微博]方案,The most obvious feature of the new college entrance examination is to increase the foreign language listening test.How do foreign language listening test test?Provincial admissions released yesterday[In 2013 in gansu province ordinary high school admissions notify parties on matters relating to the English listening test]Give the answer,Common the university entrance exam in 2013 to sign up for the examinee of English and language all want to attend English listening test,The test time is on April 7(On Sunday)Afternoon 3:00 ~ 3:30.


2013年我省普通高校招生考试英语听力仍在高考之外进行,To test the examinee in the range of:Common the university entrance exam in 2013 to sign up for the examinee of English and language all want to attend English listening test,Anyone who does not attend the examinee of English listening test,If the recruitment of students colleges and universities to no listening test scores for the file,Formation of the consequences by examinee conceit.


据悉,Was first introduced[In 2013 in gansu province ordinary high school admissions notify parties on matters relating to the English listening test]Has made it clear that,English listening scores 2013, temporarily not included in the English course score,When admitted by the provincial admissions provides colleges and universities.(reporter:Guo tao)
