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放假亲妈变后妈 “防老妈秘籍”应对“被嫌弃”--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
Put a winter vacation for several days,The classmate of everyone,Your mom was greeted with the smiling face of the mother?recently,Put the winter vacation the children cried,After a few days,Mom has changed,Now is under all kinds of being abandon.yesterday,Com homemade program[All those things]Made a[Winter vacation mom kept secret]video,Many people have guns,This video is viral on the Internet.
防老妈秘籍网络热传,再也不用担心“被嫌弃” The mother kept secret network heat transfer,Don't have to worry about"Be abandon"
The beginning of the video,Ordered the creation of the background:"Just came home mom or a smiley face/and蔼可亲的,But at home for a long time,Going to be all abandon my mother:Got up late to be scolded/Watching TV will be scold/Send a SMS to be scold/Don't go out at home to be scold/Go out to play will be scold...Had to let the students have a holiday at home,This is our mother?"
In the video,Male net friend guest into a mummy,Wearing an apron,Wearing a wig,Face is a type of whitewashing,Holding a cooking spoon,As long as see daughter feel at home"An eyesore",All sorts of criticism,All kinds of abandon!."The star is the star,Mom is not the mother!"这些真实写照让众人迅速for号入座,What to do?The following,Video shows the mom kept secret:
1/Want to home.Go out frequency shoulds not be too high,Time shoulds not be too long,If you really come back late,Remember to buy some fruit/Vegetables to take home.然后温柔地for老妈说:I remember my mother likes to eat oranges!
2/To endure.Sometimes mom mood to say you two sentences,Be sure not to return to,Don't argue with my mom,Because women are emotional animals.And you also sometimes. Take the initiative to give mom a crap,Let her know your thick love.
3/Want to save.To avoid a lot of spending at home,If you spend too much,May is not just a mom had a cow,Dad can down for you a few words.
4/To fine.If my mother see you before going out in watching TV/Play computer,Go home after you also in play,Then she will feel this time you have been out with her to play,So be flexible computer control switch time.
These techniques brought together the wisdom of many people,but,Maker says,His secret book may not be applicable to all mother,Such as the mother:Can't see in the video camera when mom,She claimed to be a stealth;Watching television will explode into sigh with emotion,Think should not have children,If a year to raise a pig,Will become a yuan;Love to see the shoot,Can't hear son knocked at the door,Let the son mother standing in the snow for more than ten minutes.
In spite of this,Makers to remind the students at the last video,No matter how mom scolded you,She will always be the most loving you/Most people who care about you.So the students in holiday also should have a good understanding of our mom,Enjoy the happy days with mom.
制作者:工作了,会怀念老妈的唠叨 Maker: the work,Will miss mother's nagging
This secret book attracted many users,Net friend said,That's too sharp!One of the,Is like that.Net friend ling ling said,Just got back two days familiar with god,This two days began to all kinds of complaints,A variety of scold,Moms all over the world are like this?The spoon baby said,My mother and I,Up to three days,The fourth day all don't pleasing to the eye.while"The end of the little"Has said the collapse,At noon home for 15 days,Found the queen to get up today began refusing to do breakfast!The reason is that don't get up call me 20 minutes yesterday,Twenty minutes!!!That's right,Is twenty minutes!
This winter vacation mom kept secret,Has also been a lot of people as a jewel,Hope this breezy life began.This period of video cause so many people's attention,Yangzi evening news reporter interviewed yesterday[All those things]The anchor Hou Xin Hui,他for记者说,这个节目素材来自于人人网最新最热的相册andvideo,"Is mainly combined with the current hot topic of all Internet users,Now many people have a holiday to go home,Often vomit slot this kind of phenomenon,So did such a show."Hou Xin Hui said,People in the team,Various defensive mother Shared the recipe,After the broadcast,Reaction is very big.
Hou Xin Hui is after 80,他for记者说,In the home"Be abandon"It was already four years ago.Have a job after,Home only two or three times a year,At home time is not long.so,When do the story,On one side, reminiscing about a student,On the other hand,Is miss with my parents for a long time to get along with time."No matter how they abandon,After all, they still love you."
“我以及团队中的人在制作好这期视频之后,也曾拿给自己的妈妈看,她们也表示中枪了,其实对于她们来说哦,可能还没有意识到自己就是会变成这个样子吧!”侯昕炜说,以前放假在家时,自己也是各种被嫌弃,爸妈各种挑三拣四,但是现在相聚的时间短了,觉得当初那样的生活也很美好。(实习生张欣 扬子晚报记者 李冲)
"I and team in making good after this period of video,Had showed your mother,They also said in a gun,其实for于她们来说哦,May not have realised it's become like this!"Hou Xin Hui said,Before the holiday at home,All kinds of being abandon myself,My parents all kinds of manner,But together of the time is short now,Think at the beginning of life is also very good.(Intern zhang Li Chong yangzi evening news reporter)
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