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东莞3离家出走男孩被打断手臂训练成 Dongguan 3 broken boy ran away from home into his arm? ?? ?[相关]11岁男孩怕做作业离家.. |  男孩离家出走谎称被拐.. [the] 11-year-old boy afraid of doing my homework home.. |  The boy ran away from home that the abducted..


延长县张家滩镇中心小学一男生被老师批评后,Run away from the school over the wall,The local public security/Education departments and schools sent a large number of manpower,In the county within the scope of search.Reporters learned yesterday night,After children leave school on that day evening returned to the school,Burning boiler and the school of deaf people live for two days.


We have learned,The school is located in the extension of the county town about 20 kilometers to the southeast,Back hill surface water,More remote.There are 27 teachers and 274 students in the school,All students are on boarding,Students usually one or two weeks to return to a home.An insider told reporters,Leaving school boys out(Not his real name)14 years old this year,Read grade 6,Learning achievement is not very good,Often criticized by the teacher.The morning of April 25,,School guidance director(And sixth grade language teacher)For small tao peng teacher criticism,Slapping his face regarding the stand."She may be committed,In more than 1 p.m.,Ran away while the teachers and students do not pay attention to over the wall."The person said.


昨日下午,Reporters saw the zhangs' beach town central primary school headmaster Xie Shengrong,It seem to be very anxious."When your child has just run away,We don't pay too much attention,Thinking he might go home,Then will back to school,But in the evening the child didn't back to school,We hasten to contact its parents,Know that children didn't go home,Parents asked the side relatives and friends,No children,We learned that after hurriedly reported overnight."Xie Shengrong said.


至于有学生反映Small taoOften criticized by the teacher一事,Xie Shengrong President says:"he(Small tao)Learning is not good,All grade 6,Can't master my multiplication,The teacher criticized education he is also out of kindness,Don't bat now,Will hurt her for the rest of your life.On the morning of the over the wall he left school,Peng teacher really had criticized the education to him."Reporters noticed that,Xie Shengrong principal red eyes,The spirit is very poor."I have two nights without sleep for two days,And teachers all over the slopes and all restaurants in the town nearby,But there has been no tidings,For such a long time,娃走时只带了几块饼干一点money,He can it continue?"President xie said.We have learned,Small tao lives in the zhangs' beach town GeTai royal home village,Parents are farmers,There are three children,Small tao are the boss.


事发后,The local public security organ/Education bureau and school opened a short meeting,认为孩子身上就十几元money,Don't go so far.Police and university officials issued by putting a lot of,Within the scope of the county to post.Yesterday evening,Xie Shengrong principal phone told reporters,They have found a small tao."We almost all over the town,Didn't think he is hiding in the school."We have learned,Small tao on the 25th afternoon over the wall after leaving the campus,Dared not go home,In the evening, cold and hungry,He slipped over the wall into the campus,And give school boiler burning deaf Lao zhang live together,Lao zhang usually live in an old cave in the corner of the campus,Rarely associate with people,Small tao that is hiding in this two days,Eat to live with old piece.


9:00 - 17:30