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粉丝500个才给学分 高校“微博与社交”课引热议--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

选修前要开通微博;上课时要微博签到;课上要通过微博回答问题,参与互动;到了学期末,个人微博粉丝要达到500个,才给学分……3月5日在滁州学院开讲的“微博与社交”课,近日备受关注。有人称赞这是一种与时俱进的尝试,也有人质疑:“500个粉丝,压力太大了吧? ”昨天,记者采访了这门课的主讲老师王诗根,他解释了开辟课程的理由,并表示“讲得好不好,学生说了算! ”
选修前要开通微博;Weibo when you sign in the class;Through weibo to answer questions in class,Participating in interactive;Towards the end of the semester,Personal weibo fans to reach 500,To give credit……3月5日In the滁州学院speak的"Microblogs and social networking"class,Has attracted much attention recently.They say it is a good attempt to keep pace with The Times,Also some question:"500 fans,Pressure is too big? "yesterday,Reporters interviewed the speaker of this course teachers Wang Shigen,He explained the reason of open course,And said"Tell me, ok,Students who have the final say! "
大学开设“微博课”网上有掌声有争议 university"Weibo class"Applause there are controversial
3月12日晚,作家雪小禅In the滁州学院举办讲座[My YeHuChan study and writing is a kind of spiritual practice],Students crowded aisles of the lectures,甚至还In the讲台四周席地而坐.The lecture,Is the school of public elective courses"Microblogs and social networking"The second class.
而一周前的3月5日,This door"Weibo class"speak,Scene is very lively.According to the requirements,选class的160名学生需In the教室里拍摄照片,Posted on his own microblog,And @ the speaker of the class teacher"Wang Shigen"and"Chuzhou college association of weibo".
Sign in weibo,Is only the first step.In the上class时,The students to participate in class interaction,Answer the questions,In the form of by tweeting.
看到大家对于这堂class的微博直播后,A lot of the hospital and other colleges and universities student comments said envy,Net friend"O if if is cool"Leave a message:"That sounds fun,What time have such interesting courses in our school?"
不过,In the了解到选class生本学期末时要保证个人微博粉丝超500个,Otherwise it may get credits after,Others immediately unscrupulously questioned 500 fans requirements on the high side,Fear there will be students in order to complete the indicators and spend money on fans.
资深“微博控”开课讲个中门道 A senior"Weibo is accused of"开class讲个In the门道
yesterday,Contacted to the minister of the propaganda department of chuzhou college Wang Shigen.For the recent high-profile this door"Weibo class",He frankly said:"Tell me, ok,Students who have the final say!"
截至yesterday18:00,Weibo Wang Shigen issued a total of 4003 bar,Looking for 982 people,Fans number is 3949.He was a senior weibo charged with revealing,"早In the2009年微博内测时,I just opened a personal weibo."
据Wang Shigen介绍,He focus on most of the students,And on the basis of their own fans also is basically the group."At present,Weibo has become the young people like to study tool/Tool life and entertainment tool.My weibo is found by looking at the students,They prefer to forward some fashion/Zodiac topic,Some tabloid content and online is very hot but not necessarily really,They tend to turn a,There are few original content,Rarely content to identify true and false."
渐渐地,Wang Shigen lesson had opened a microblog.As a post - 70,He wanted to help the students to play good weibo this new social tools,At the same time through their guidance,"Hope to have the effect of spread positive energy".
记者yesterday随机采访了几位滁州学院的大学生.Sophomore in Wilson just took"Microblogs and social networking"class,Evaluation of this course is"微博In the现代社会的影响非常大,Learning point,It is good,support".He said,Many have no classmates went to the feral are chosen.While a freshman Mr. Fan said regretfully,Haven't qualification to take by yourself,But is very interested in this course.
[对话] [conversation]
想拿下这两个学分仅靠粉丝量还不够 Want to win the two credits only by the amount of fans is not enough
有Net friendIn the线Leave a message,认为选class学生要In the一个学期内将个人微博粉丝达到500个的要求"Is not reasonable".For this,Wang ShigenIn the与记者交流时做了解释和澄清.
记者:"Microblogs and social networking"Take it to go for class?
Wang Shigen:According to the requirements of the school,If the course number less than 50 people,This course will open out.But in fact it soon picked up 160 places,The students said"Like travel take train tickets".
记者:What follows in this course?
王诗根:我想重点介绍如何写原创微博,如何使自己的微博内容更有价值,能够引起别人的共鸣,形成固定的个人风格。这样自然有人转发和评论,微博人气也会增加。此外,我还会教学生们如何辨别微博上的虚假信息,做到不传讹,努力传播正能量。 3月5日那天,我布置的作业就是每位同学在相关话题下发布与雷锋精神相关的原创微博。
Wang Shigen:I want to focus on how to write original weibo,How to make their own weibo content is more valuable,Can cause people's resonance,Form a fixed personal style.Such natural someone forward and comments,Microblogging popularity will increase.In addition,I will also teach the students how to distinguish the microblog false information,Do not pass my knowledge,Efforts to spread the positive energy. On March 5 that day,我布置的作业就是每位同学In the相关话题下发布与雷锋精神相关的原创微博.
记者:有学生In the介绍选class理由时说,Hope to know more about the campus recruitment information,Also pay attention to employment information.
Wang Shigen:How to play the weibo,Not only can get the useful information,Are likely to find a good job.These two years,There are quite a few companies/Institutions to recruit weibo administrator in the school,Some 3000 yuan a month,It is a good choice.But it is qualified for the job,Need to master certain principles and skills:If the government affairs micro bo,Will learn how to communicate with people,How to properly respond to public concern about;If is the enterprise,To learn how to do marketing and after-sale service.I am also not a professional,希望In theclass上和大家一起学习吧.
记者:Have students worry,If the phone/The computer is broken,Or network is not to force,To weibo can't sign in,What should I do?
Wang Shigen:Sign in weibo,Just a kind of new interactive,Is a form that can adjust the classroom atmosphere,There is no need to too truer.
记者:If a term,Weibo fans amounted to less than 500,Really can't get credit?
Wang Shigen:I also noticed that,I mention this during the class standard,The whole class"ah"A cry,Have students say the difficulty is too high.From my own weibo,As long as the earnest do his own microblog,Positive interact with netizens,A semester 500 fans is not difficult.I will also pay attention to proper control during execution.Actually if you want to get this two points,Only 500 fans is not enough,Also need to consider students at ordinary times to the class/Classroom interaction is/Homework completion and the final exam scores.
记者:我看到选class的同学前天晚上纷纷In the微博直播雪老师的讲座.
王诗根:其实雪老师这次来滁州学院讲课,就是我通过微博邀请的,这也体现了微博“平等性、开放性、便捷性”的特点。(记者 高艳)
Wang Shigen:Actually the snow teacher to chuzhou college lecture this time,Is I through microblog invited,This also reflected the microblog"equality/open/convenience"The characteristics of the.(The reporter Gao Yan)
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