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  本报讯(记者武永明) 省教育厅日前出台的《关于进一步加强高校科研管理工作的意见》明确,对于违反科研行为规范的,将视情节轻重,给予约谈警示、通报批评、暂停项目执行和项目拨款、责令整改、终止项目执行和项目拨款直至限制项目申报资格等处理;构成违纪的,视情节轻重给予警告、记过、降低岗位等级或撤职、开除等处分;涉嫌犯罪的,移送司法机关依法追究其刑事责任。

本报讯(The reporter Wu Yongming) Provincial education department recently[On further strengthening the management of university's scientific research work]clear,For violations of scientific norms,Will depend on the circumstances,To give interviews warning/Informed criticism/Suspension of project execution and project funding/Shall be ordered to make rectification/Termination of the project execution and project funding to limit processing such as the qualification of project application;Constitute a violation of discipline,Depending on the seriousness to give warning/A demerit/The level of job reduced or removed/Fire such as disciplinary action;Suspected crime,Transferred to judicial organs shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

  意见要求,我省将深化高校科研改革,着力健全完善“六项机制”, 建立鼓励创新、体现科研实绩的科研人员绩效奖励制度。同时,各高校还要建立科研人员科研诚信档案,及时准确记录科研人员从业行为,将廉洁从业情况纳入考核的重要内容。

意见要求,Will deepen the reform of the scientific research of colleges and universities in our province,Strive to improve"Six mechanisms", Set up to encourage innovation/Performance reward system embodies scientific research achievements in scientific research personnel.At the same time,Universities must build scientific research personnel archives of research integrity,Researchers from behavior of timely and accurate records,An important part of the clean working conditions should be brought into the assessment.
