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广州教育城建设引担忧 位置偏僻成学生就业阻碍--亲稳网络舆情监测室

大学城为题材的楼盘楼价直追珠江新城。 Depicting the university city estate prices catching up the pearl river new town.


规划中的广州教育城建设总面积将达30平方公里,Equivalent to the entire yuexiu area size,Is equal to about half of the liwan district area.yesterday,The news caused a widespread attention from all walks of life,City of education should be fully absorbed in the guangzhou university city planning and construction of a variety of shortage became the focus of attention.Experts suggest that,Education can't lie,Points multiphase development scale and construction period should be arranged according to the actual situation.


在fund-raising方面,Experts special remind,Education city, be sure to avoid excessive commercial development,Sell too much land to developers,从而影响今after的发展.Experts also advise government led by exploring system reform,Real education city realize resources sharing.


建设规模 Construction scale


建议:根据今后实际安排规模和周期 advice:根据今after实际安排规模和周期


问题:30平方公里规模是否过大? The problem:30 square kilometers scale is too large?


对于即将开始建设的教育城,Guangzhou each big vocational school already for many times, agrees.The senior vocational school in guangzhou/The utility senior vocational school in guangzhou/Guangzhou city vocational college/广州electronic信息学校/Guangzhou railway vocational college/Guangzhou medical schools and other institutions responsible for per capita said,Big building vocational education base in guangzhou,Vocational education is rare development opportunity,Looking forward to colleges and universities will soon enter the vocational education base in guangzhou.


根据最新公布的规划方案,If completed education in guangzhou city,Is the"A big MAC"engineering:The scope of phase ii planning a total area of about 20 square kilometers,Than the guangzhou university town is located dell area of 18 square kilometers.Education will also be synchronous extension study 2 slices about 10 square kilometers of surrounding the city development zone,The area size of 30 square kilometers, equivalent to the entire yuexiu district,Is equal to about half of the liwan district area.


如此大规模的教育城,How many students can hold?According to reporter understanding,Guangzhou vocational and technical education students about 300000 people at present,According to the previous scheme,Education city issue(To 2015)A preliminary budget to accommodate students in 12.78,Phase ii(To 2020),Accommodate students a total of 207700 people.According to the plan,Will arrange provincial can obligate education city in guangzhou university.


The reporter understands,教育城建成之after,That need to be moved into the vocational school may need to revitalize the original campus, such as a variety of ways,Adequate construction funds,Can be in the.This also means students will have a big part of the new campus from the original stock of students,Rather than incremental in the future.


对于教育城建成之after,How many students are there is checked in,In a press interview,Related experts and scholars and educators have said it is not good estimates.Some experts worry that,As the new generation of population gradually decreased,If the education city in the number of students,May lead to a waste."More than education city phase of development,In addition to capital pressure, etc,为今after实际情况留有余地,Reasonable modification may also be an important factor."Expert analysis.


对此,Guangzhou academy of social sciences institute of Peng Peng Suggestions,Education city, it is important to pay special attention to the reasonable arrangement of the scale and the construction cycle.The university due to reasons such as investment loan debt,And some schools don't have to,after来又在南面建设科技园区,Develop a new campus,Form for actually"The second phase of the university city",Is entitled"International innovation city".From the relevant information,Have QiBuOu education in guangzhou city/after续发展等考虑,These all need to plan well in advance.


资金筹集 fund-raising


问题:建设资金从哪来? The problem:Construction funds come from?


建议:不能过度开发房地产 advice:Not excessive real estate development


广州教育城规划总面积达30平方公里,Needed for the construction of the capital is very large.According to previous plan,Considering education in guangzhou city from the multi-form raise construction funds through multiple channels,Such as financial investment/Socialization of public facilities/Revitalize the old campus/Education city commercial development/School self-raised/Social donation/Apply to the superior/Social capital to participate in and BT/BOT way to raise funds.


对此,Some netizens worry,If a government agency trying to raise construction funds,Excessive development business,Sell too much land to developers,可能会影响教育城今after的发展."Don't let the education city to become a real estate project."A netizen commented.


网友的担心并非杞人忧天,Although education city project is still on the paper,However, this concept has been as developers"signboard"The hype,Some real estate expert also began to preach the good prospects of local property,The surrounding property prices have also been stirring.

  对此,增城市民杨先生表示,广州教育城落户后,如果房价大幅攀升,原来住在附近的居民一般没有多少房产,其实并不能得到太多好处,他反而担心到时候生活成本会大幅上涨影响到自己的生活质量。“房价攀升最大的赢家只能是房地产开发商。” 杨先生担心,广州教育城会再次推高增城地价,掀起当地房地产开发热潮。

对此,Zengcheng citizens Mr Yang said,广州教育城落户after,If house prices rise sharply,Used to live in nearby residents generally don't have much property,Actually does not get much benefit,Instead, he worry in time cost of living will rise considerably affect their quality of life."House prices climbed the biggest winners are real estate developers." Mr Yang, worry,Education in guangzhou city will push Gao Zengcheng price again,The local real estate development boom.


The reporter understands,Similar to education city in guangzhou university city project,Previously was in question because the prices was too high.As early as in 2010 provinces and cities two sessions,Guangdong many college professors repeatedly shelled university town land real estate development by college town environment,To the university town, and the price is room"A declaration of war".At that time, the university's housing prices soared to 15000 yuan/square meters.To meet the professor"fire",now,University city house prices to continue rising,Its housing prices soared to 20000 yuan/square meters,One of the highest prices even more than 30000 yuan,Price as the core area of the pearl river new town and so on in guangzhou.


由于房价过高,University teachers also can't afford to buy a town house,University to become a paradise for investors.Many teachers complain about,Because can't live near here,The evening want to academic activities held in the university is very inconvenience,Lead to the university academic activities, and communication between teachers and students is far lower than the normal level.


对此,Peng Peng said,No teacher college town housing can't say that is not a big university town,At night,Students are teachers"A walk the land abandoned",Students are difficult to communicate with teachers out of class.He suggested that,Guangzhou city education must take teachers housing into consideration,Can be combined to reside a room and commodity house pattern,To attract the teachers more active participation in vocational education.


广州市市长陈建华此前也对此作出了特别要求:Education in guangzhou city for the construction of the guangzhou university city construction experience and the lesson,In creating good education teaching environment at the same time give full consideration to teachers' and students' life/business/Cultural services for the construction of supporting facilities.


资源共享 Resource sharing


建议:政府牵头探索体制改革 advice:The government led by exploring system reform


问题:资源共享如何实现? The problem:Resource sharing how to do?


据广州教育部门相关人士介绍,Guangzhou 6 city vocational colleges/16 city vocational schools and 6 city vocational school(Technician institute)School campus is very fragmented,Covers an area of small,China covers an area of all reach the national standard,Seriously restrict the development of the school.Construction education city in addition to the schools provide a more adequate area outside the campus,Resource sharing/Complementary advantages is also a big goal.


教育城Resource sharing,This purpose can achieve?The reporter understands,Many years before,At the beginning of the guangzhou university city construction also vowed to construction"University without walls",At the time of ideas is the university town library loan/Course and repair/Style Settings share,however,Actually these ideas are far failed to deliver.Such as the library,University city has 10 colleges and universities has its own library,But the fight alone on the library construction,Use in their separate institutions,Complementary advantages.


广州大学建筑与城市规划学院副教授汤国华表示,Because the schools leadership is different,Resource allocation is unbalanced,There is no way to achieve resources sharing between university city college.


对此,The transportation in guangzhou vocational school principals think sd,Schools, schools of management mode is unable to realize resources sharing.But you can consider introducing"The third party",The common resources such as public libraries/The public stadium/Public training center management entrusted a third party,So as to pave the way for sharing.


一位教育专家则advice,The government in addition to investment in infrastructure,Should also play a role of overall coordination,The advantage of resource comprehensive utilization of the schools."Such as the school and the school has the specialty,The government can plan as a whole to set up a training base for everybody,You don't have to every school building a practice base,So money can use the most needed areas."


彭澎也认为,Although the university town library loan/Course and repair/Style facilities sharing of ideas,But in fact is still subject to administrative gap of the schools,This is related to the reform of school system.Hope together at the same time in the school education in guangzhou city,Explore the reform,Realize the resources sharing.


职业实践 Professional practice


建议:建配套措施支持学生实践 advice:Build form a complete set of measures to support the students practice


问题:周边实践机会是否充足? The problem:The surrounding whether adequate practice opportunities?


与大学城不同的是,In addition to the regular classroom teaching education town,Also need a large number of professional practice education,Need and industry together.The relevant person in charge of zengcheng is introduced,Education city zhu village street east at a vice center of guangzhou city core area,The future will have a population of 2 million,Will make distinctive green lake"Hangzhou west lake",Planning area will build one thousand mu of garden/Green garden and litchi lychee expo garden.The thought education, head of the city is not teaching island,The student's internship/More employment opportunity also.


对此,An education experts believe,"Education is still relatively remote surrounding the city,Surrounding a large industrial park is not much.And zengcheng mainly has a car/Cowboy clothing and other industries,This industry chain obviously can't satisfy all the needs of the vocational colleges,Still need to continue to optimize and improve."


According to reporter understanding,Because vocational schools education cannot satisfy the enterprise need talent, etc,Currently enterprises reflect the education city is cold.

  中山大学教授袁奇峰教授认为,除非政府推动,否则企业去贴近教育城的可能性很小,应该反过来,由学校去贴近企业。他以佛山为例解释,以往职校也在中心城区,但现在都贴近了开发区,学校靠近工业园区,实训基地与企业连在一起,佛山的职教大发展,与工业园区的发展相辅相成。“不过他同时认为,只要教育城选址在交通便利的区域, 即便距离实训基地稍远一点,也不会对学生造成太大影响。

中山大学教授袁奇峰教授认为,Unless the government push,The possibility that firms go close to the city of education is very small,Should, in turn,,By the school to close to the enterprise.He in foshan as an example to explain,In the past vocational schools in the city center,But are now close to the zone,The school near the industrial park,Together with the enterprise practice training bases,Foshan vocational education development,And industrial park development supplement each other."But he thinks at the same time,As long as the education city area located in the convenient transportation, Even if the distance is a little distance training base,Also won't cause too big effect on the students.

  广东一所职校负责人表示,职业教育和企业实践结合,光靠学校的努力并不够。“既然政府决定建立这样一个教育城,就应该在政策上有所倾斜,希望政府能够出台配套的措施,让企业更好地配合我们,接纳我们的学生前往实习,这样的收益才会是双向。”(记者 刘怀宇)

广东一所职校负责人表示,Vocational education and enterprise practice,Only depend on the efforts of the school is not enough."Since the government decided to build such an education,Should be in policy tilt,Want the government to come form a complete set of measures,Allows companies to better cooperate with us,To accept our students to practice,Such income is bidirectional."(The reporter LiuHuaiYu)
